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Posts posted by turkeyfoot

  1. 4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    A ray of light in the mainstream news.

    Tucker has balls.

    Thank God.

    This is one hell of a nice rant. And 100% true.


    Tucker is an outlier, an anomaly on tv anyway. If you think he is a good writer check out OANN's  Tipping Point, Liz Wheeler.  If his rant sounds foreign to a viewer then imagine what "principles" rather feelings would need to be overcome to align ones self with it. Knowing it to be true he is a voice in the wilderness. We know this because he makes the news almost as often as he creates his news pieces. Its similar to Face Book folks copying and pasting news worthy stuff while saying nothing themselves (the journo's). AR wrote about American values falling from grace in the '50's. By this time 40 yrs after her death, she had already conceived of the present state, or wrote about it, certainly knew it might happen, though seeing the full fruition of her fears culminate with today's culture its now ours to realize the distance we've fallen.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    The following video is fantastic.

    Is George Floyd alive or dead? Who cares? The purpose of that video to make people laugh at the mainstream narrative and puppetmasters, to get people to not take any of it seriously.

    The authoritarians really hate this stuff when it is effective.

    That's why this video is fantastic.

    She hit all the flash points in this George Floyd story, one right after another, without a pause.

    In my experience, that is not an accident.

    And I love it.



    Ive run across the same information she reels off but in other forums. She's not unlike my plumber who said, "I don't know what to believe anymore." Insert, its all crazy gibberish and bs. And his helper, "Its all political."

    The Mighty Oz spoke and people aren't listening like they did to authorities. In rounds of my local area there are slightly more masks than non masks. Phase 2 is in effect just today. Few seem to be questioning the need except as an internal dialogue. No confrontations either. Someone pointed out, Ive not yet verified, that the HIPAA penalty for businesses is $70k while in Virginia not wearing a mask is a misdemeanor carrying a $2500 fine. The Governor then adds a contradiction that further demasks his authority saying he wont enforce it with police but with health workers. Most stores post a letter indicating a hands off approach, not asking why no mask instead assuming under HIPAA the non wearer has a medical reason for non adherence.

    The messaging surrounding Floyd registers as weird, incomplete, fishy and questionable. You're right, it adds up to turn off the boob tube, there's nothing here of merit.

    There are too many holes in reporting from MMS and the actions of leaders pushing pandemic and racism for the average nincompoop. Everyone's sniffer is on full alert and questioning it all from different angles non stop. Thats what I see. 

    Everyone has encountered this as a youngster. Upon hearing one message that exposes the speaker as hypocritical and confused the adolescent learns that Mom and Pop aren't omniscient, not even close more like not with it resulting in being "turned off." It usually starts when you meet a friend who wonders what the hell is going on in your home.



  3. 21 hours ago, Peter said:

    Hmmmm? Who is the best James Bond ever? 

    Not a woman. A man.

    What was the nonsense pretending 007 could be a girl? Ha ha, its a resentment my father in law felt, I think, when he heard women would be enrolled at West Point.

    The best one I read about was reading The Spy Who Loved Me. I learned what foreplay was. Just for fun I found the pdf for free and found several scenes I remembered from when I was 14. Then I was so intrigued by scene and word descriptions I couldn't put it down. My previous subject had been ERB books. 

    I know many movies aren't being shown until later or can be streamed instead but Thxgvg? So probably its in spite of the corona virus is my guess since they scheduled it smack dab in flu season.

    The past year I upgraded a Bose system and accompanying components. There is the same thrill, sound and cinema experience now from home with 5.2.2 (Dolby/Atmos), HDR and a screen from the front row watching The Daniel Craig Collection, one of the first 4k DVD's I purchased. Earlier Bonds had an artificial quality. It wasn't until Craig was named that I started watching again. The parkour scenes were amazing.

  4. Tony,

    "No second lockdown, no matter what," he told me.

    Id have liked Buck to ask him exactly what Trump meant. 

    Northam, in Va, is now requiring face masks although I'm convinced sure it doesn't apply to me. If so I'd maybe be guilty of a misdemeanor. Northam lied. He said in his speech he wasn't enforcing it criminally and then classified it as a Class 1 mis-chevious act.

    I certainly hope if Trump is reelected there is something in the Constitution or Bill of Rights that allows the President to countermand a Governors mandates.

    As irritating as Trump is, he has my vote and if he carries through with those words it will mean something special.



    False: Biden said he would "be" Biden, not "beat" him
    PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others on its Truth-O-Meter.
    All fact-checkers who partner with Facebook must be signatories of the International Fact-Checking Network and follow their Code of Principles.
    Such nuance. Lets parse it and go to the transcript. Ill be damned. Maybe it was too good to be true. Turns out the contextual answer was dependent on the question asked.
    Biden was asked by host Joe Kernen to address Democratic voters more aligned with Senators Bernie Sanders’ and Elizabeth Warren’s progressive agendas when he made the statement.
    Well, hell nope, hes as different as pink (o Commie) is to red (CCP).
    Noting Billions the ShowTime hit is written in part by Andrew Ross Sorkin. He is a host on Squawk Box the show where Biden be (insert whatever you heard). Sorkin is a milquetoast whose foil is host Joe Kernans, just like the Billions pair, Capitalist Axelrod and DA Rhoads. Its often a character test in who can be the villian at any one moment.
    I would have liked to be the fly hearing backstage remarks and seeing raised eye brows as in "what the hell did he say?" 
  6. 22 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    You might like the following article by one Daisy Luther. I'm linking to her blog, but her article was on ZeroHedge where I first saw it.

    Brainwashing and the New Vocabulary: 12 Words and Phrases I Never Want to Hear Again

    She starts with "the new normal."

    To be sure, Daisy is not advocating for censorship of these phrases or a new PC language. She's merely letting people know that, when they use these terms without thinking (because they are bombarded with them 24/7 through the media), they are playing the game of the authoritarians who want to rule them.

    In neuroscience terms, when these phrases get repeated as often as the media is currently doing, they become the roots of entire neural networks. (I won't go into the way this happens with brain cells, synapses, myelination, etc., but this stuff exists.) In other words, when you speak or write, you will not use these phrases through the lens of your own world view, with your own world view as the frame to provide context for them. You will use these phrases as your own frame to think about everything else as you assimilate these phrases into your world view through sheer repetition.

    Pretty soon, if you allow this to happen, you will be a "new normal" person. One who is easy to corral.

    Baaaahhhh... moo... cluck cluck cluck...



    I think I understand your point. Listening to the tv you'd hear quips and phrases and it becomes a kind of short handed way of speaking. I learned what was on tv by hearing it from friends. I wasn't allowed to watch it and besides we were often in Europe. First thing the old man did as he walked in the door was to feel the tv. If it was warm there was "hell to pay" or maybe it was punishment. Coupled with the Col's general attitude you could still say I was "brainwashed" or disciplined to fear retribution. Fear of not knowing how to assign meaning leads to attaching to an easier catch phrase language. The way I view communication is to find a simple direct way for "you" and another to "get" on the same wave length. Either through stories that help explain a predicament or a reference to a shared event. Often its mocking, as in, the phrase, the meaning of the word is is. But it doesnt have to be that. I cant tell you how often I see people chumming with one another in a short hand where you really cant tell whats being said. But boy are they getting it. 

    Its funny as I watch tv, what I hear today, for instance, I heard before 2, 3, sometimes 4 weeks ago. The same bullet points, same catch phrased, news. Especially with SARS 2. It happens more with the local broadcasts where I think most people get their news. Just to sample it is beyond what I can sit still for. "The new normal." What Luthur said about that is we're never going back. Really? How does she pretend to know. Or is she brain washing? Ha! I probably see the similar things which might lead to assumptions being the same. But you know what is said re assumptions? They make an a$$ out of you and me.

    As I mentioned I grew up in military settings. I came into contact with confident, strong people. Coaches, teachers, parents. My boyhood was awash in military lore and something I wanted to be a part of. Its said Basic Training is a kind of brain washing. Turn civilians into killers. My sperm donor was a killer and very cruel man. I lived on a steady diet of being told I was stupid and spastic. It confused me. How could I believe it when I was a pitcher on the little league team. His beratings took a toll. Its much like anything that you come to question and drill down, peel back layers and come to understand better the reasoning or lack of that provides a different perspective allowing someone to move on.

    And its that sense I have with what is going on with the virus specifically. I wonder and am probably casting my thoughts onto others, but when its discovered, the sheer volume of bs, wrong headed, acceptance someone put themselves through and for what, I think there will be a reckoning. Now, do I see it, no I don't not now.

    About 6 weeks ago there was a lot of isolation. I ventured out and swapped nasty unhygienic stuff with fellow sports nuts. I went for carry out. And what happened next was unreal mostly because in the first days i really wanted to get sick. ha ha I know how that must sound but I just wanted to put an end to the unknown. I may have had it in early Dec. I was diagnosed with Strep but I had a lot of breathing issues too.

    Anyway, I stood in line behind a gal paying her bill and picking up her food. Maybe 3-4' behind her. Suddenly a belligerent voice shouts out, "Get away from my wife." I understood right away he was unwilling to defend her. So I turned, "Ask your wife to move, if she wants." There were probably 10 people in a very obvious CORONA stance. Anyway, the guy, "Do you notice whats happening here?" My reply, "Go away with your paranoia." It was very interesting watching faces as this went down. On one hand there were those who chose to not engage, hanging their heads, looking askance. Others were nonchalant. I saw the power of one person speaking out against another and the rebukes from one who forgot what he was doing when I asked if he was in line ahead of me.   

    Heres a part of an article by M. Hurd: "The way these schools brainwash kids is by PRETENDING that socialism is the only system there is, and pairing socialism with things they idealize — virtue, kindness, sensitivity. They also exploit the fear and other insecurities of young people. “Most other people are mean. It’s better to be nice. The world would be a better place if everyone were nice. If we had the Green New Deal, and higher taxes, and progressive policies, then all would be nice. Socialism is what a lot of these young people come to through default, more than the result of any explicit ideological teaching or persuasion. That’s how you indoctrinate a person. Exploit his fear, as well as his honest ignorance, and pretend that your point-of-view is the only serious one worth considering."

    I then read this: "Because they are afraid. And they are afraid because they don’t have the tools for using their minds."  It reminded me of The Comprachicos by Rand. People become what it is others want them to be. When force is used it can be uglier and forever. Ive heard for many years, the mantra exuding from Objectivist types speaking about schools and Why Johnny Can't Think. But I can latch on to this thread of meaning for myself because I lived as a youngster being afraid. Afraid of getting belted and of activities being taken from me. But not afraid of what I think, more afraid of taking action.  I was mostly on restriction during the school years but allowed to play sports. Sports were what saved me. More, it was the relationships I had and the brotherhood taken from doing something together that meant a lot. Its just called living, nothing more. Sorry for the way back memories, it was easier to draw from personal experiences

    And that's where normal comes in, comes back. It will be like a bad memory, a cursory experiment in hysteria and control gone bad not "distancing." Because the human condition is not fated. There is plenty to take away. Its like the magic trick of cups and balls. Fool me once shame on me......the saying goes. Or not.

  7. 5 hours ago, Peter said:

    Turkeyfoot wrote: What the HCQ did was open the cell membrane so that the zinc which has already been shown effective to deal with viruses in the bloodstream could actually get inside the cell membrane and attack the virus there. end quote


    What do you think?  

    SARS-CoV-2 from the standpoint of my health is much ado about nothing personally. Though I am dealing with a shortage of germy crud that I thrive on that cant be had any way other than to have personal contact. I have contractors in my house for the next 4 weeks and they are sane, competent and friendly. I didn't think I'd miss people to the extent that I have who behave as if viruses, even pandemics are normal.

    I figure most people will eventually tire of this masquerade and get on with living. I very much dislike the term, "the new normal". It has a very disturbing trend associated with it.

    • Like 1
  8. What I heard about treatment by Zelenko, the NY Dr who claims he treated 400 patients at high risk for severe illness, only two of which died.

     “There is a very narrow window of opportunity where you can hit this virus hard and early where it makes all the difference,” 

    HCQ doesnt actually do anything in terms of curing or slowing down the SARS-CoV-2 infection. What the HCQ did was open the cell membrane so that the zinc which has already been shown effective to deal with viruses in the bloodstream could actually get inside the cell membrane and attack the virus there. An antibiotic is added because if it was at the point where people we're already fighting off a SARS-CoV-2 infection then chances are secondary bacteriological infections might have already had a foothold.

  9. Gates fancies himself a crusader. His work is squarely aimed at winning the narrative.


    "Gøtzsche is well-known for his blunt criticisms over the harms of breast cancer screening programs, the overuse of psychiatric drugs, and has referred to the drug industry as ‘organised crime’.  But his most recent article, with co-authors Lars Jørgensen and Tom Jefferson, was a stinging critique of the quality and methodology of Cochrane’s HPV vaccines review." 


    "On October 29, 2018, pharmaceutical interests, led by Bill Gates, finally succeeded in ousting Professor Gøtzsche. A stacked board controlled by Gates fired Gøtzsche from the Cochrane Collaboration after he published a well-founded criticism of the HPV vaccine."

    The article at bmj.com:

    "Cochrane has become too sensitive to criticism of the pharmaceutical industry”, says one board member. Insiders say a ‘possible concern’ might be that Cochrane fears that Gøtzsche’s criticism of the HPV vaccines review would negatively impact its sponsorship from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."







  10. 8 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    After the election in November, I predict handshakes will make a big return.

    In fact, I predict the mainstream news will no longer talk about COVID-19, maybe not even know what it is any longer.



    In the next year this masquerade will be history. Too many have hunkered down for far too long. Mask fatigue is a real thing. 34 Governors will serve out their terms in 2022. There is plenty of bluff behind the bluster so only the harshest Gov's will be challenged in court. Fool them once shame on them, twice is unlikely.

  11. 20 hours ago, Mark said:

    Cross-posted from Unz.com

    I’m not a diehard China skeptic but I do hate totalitarianism. Instead of succumbing to martial law or waiting for a dangerous rushed-to-market vaccine (see Paul Craig Roberts on that), concentrate on curing, or ameliorating the effects of, the disease.

    Faucci and co-conspirators should be tried for murder for willfully ignoring strong evidence that  Zinc (e.g. Zinc Sulfate)  +  Hydroxychloroquine  +  Vitamin D  +  Vitamin C  cure the disease.

    About the first two see this.

    About the first see this and this.

    About the third and fourth see this.  They also recommend anti-inflammatories.



    Good stuff, Mark. Ever the detective and with good instincts. I heard scuttlebutt of the Military World Games in Wuhan in Nov '19. If biological warfare was accomplished despite the Nixonian Statement on Chemical and Biological Defense Policies and Programs in '69 would the obvious occur to anyone re Trump being late on Level 4 travel guidance. Boy, nothing has to be logical to prove malfeasance but youve got to wonder if you pursue this line did Trump bring this on knowing the potentiality of "infecting" the US? There were 2 direct flights from Wuhan to SF everyday so said David Hansen. So the weeks after China discovered the virus on the 14th or so it took until the 31st for Trump to lock down, and it wasnt a total lock down since Americans returned and some Chinese leaked. But if I believe the premise of the bio weapon argument isnt ^^ part of the equation and that prevents taking the hook, line and sinker? Very good plausible deniability. I suppose one doesn't have to be a writer of fiction anymore to be imaginative because the writer does a good job of talking himself into a rational argument. Referencing this by the same author on Unz Review: American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback?

  12. It was deleted by Salsman.

    His apology: In two recent posts I harshly criticized a handful of people who I know to have misused ARI to besmirch solid Objectivists and Objectivist organizations whom they oppose and in consequence have risked devaluing Ayn Rand’s reputation. That bothers me very much. It’s just not right. A just rebuke is warranted. But I here apologize because FB isn’t the forum for that, since the matter requires lots of information, background, context, and judgment that most readers don’t have. Those who know it, know it, those who can’t, can’t. It’s hard to be fully objective in so narrow a context. I wasn’t. Contributors to ARI, of course, would (or should) inquire about such things, but I leave that to them, as I should have in the first place.


    This was the drift of it.

    You said ARI supported the lockdown and the bailout. Can you support that claim with facts (chapter & verse) please?



  13. Michael,

    Well, I guess I should expect nothing less from you. Meaning a broad, specific answer to my post. Thx. My time is limited, really. Im not a scientist either, and I also did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night. Thats a joke. Do you remember it? As if I slept so well that now Im a know it all.

    Where to start....

    ts really her penchant to speak freely that goes off the rails.

    "For whom and in what context? Do you mean she should be denied her first amendment rights? Or do you mean we should only listen to her or her establishment critics to tell us what to think?"

    Hows this instead? "Its really her mannerism for speaking glibly and for not keeping to specificity and that makes her seem as if shes not squarely on the rails." Have you ever heard the expression, running ones mouth? In the sense that people inarticulately spout off while others are looking for proofs. The interview didn't do justice to her claims of being railroaded but I know when I hear something worth looking at. So I had to look further and deeper because for me there was a story there and I felt sincerity.

    I like that you say and want to know what I meant. After I saw her interview, researched her interviewer and then heard MSM and FB hostilities come out against her without an ounce of information other than what I found on Wikipedia I wanted to take a deep dive into the rabbit hole of the web and see what I could discover on my own knowing all the while points of view and agendas differ and I would take them into account as noise and try to discern where Mikovits was coming from and what she is trying to say in a way that I can understand myself. Yes, Semmelweiss reflex, I read references other than Kennedys, and found a "good" rabbit hole and one whose perspective provides a way of seeing through to the things was looking at.

    There is what Mikovit's claims to have happened in the lab and I can see her patent on the discovery of XMRV's. And I can understand her points of contention with the VP62 clone that had the claims she made spiral out of context to the point that Science did what it did. But she hasnt wavered. She lost her PHD dissertation and all lab papers. I'm half way through her book and am asking myself is there any there/there. There are many tributaries. I find that often people allude to other things when telling their main story and I look to those to determine for myself whether the main story line is something I want to pursue. 

    I was reading Prestons books and along with other sourcing found the Ebola story very fun. I recalled Mikovits saying something about Ebola, then found her saying it and found it puzzling. As most things are at times I suppose there could be an explanation for what she really meant. Again, when she rips off a verbal talking point she apparently doesn't view it as important as I do to her story. So, every step along the way I'm careful not to get pulled in where she seems to be building credibility so I look for holes. I had read an enormous amount of related and unrelated stuff and still cant square her Ebola comment as I said.

    In re to her claim, her step brother, Kevin, she said was the US Park Police officer to find Vince Fosters body. It was a clever thing to say as she worked it into her story and perhaps true but I had to look. What I found was a Kevin Fornshill, a USPP officer was there and has a presumed Ken (her stepfather she says) Fornshill with a Mikovits family member. Again not proof but Im leaning into to it now.

    I mentioned the Science fact check just to be helpful as a go to because those elements are germane. Use at your own risk. 😉

    There are real gems in the book. I'm unsure as to the amount I can put here and wont do it again if I can understand what the standards are.

    "On July 26, 1961, the New York Times reported that Merck and Parke-Davis were withdrawing their Salk vaccines. The article said nothing about cancer. The Times ran the story next to an account about overdue library fines on page 33. While two drug companies, Merck and Parke-Davis, recalled their polio vaccine in 1961, NIH officials refused to pursue a total recall of the rest of the supply, fearing reputational injury to the vaccine program if Americans learned that PHS had infected them with a cancer-producing virus. As a result, millions of unsuspecting Americans received carcinogenic vaccines between 1961 and 1963. The Public Health Service then concealed that “secret” for forty years. In total, ninety-eight million Americans received shots potentially containing the cancer-producing virus, which is now part of the human genome. In 1996, government researchers identified SV-40 in 23 percent of the blood specimens and 45 percent of the sperm specimens collected from healthy adults. Six percent of the children born between 1980 and 1995 are infected. Public health officials gave millions of people the vaccine for years after they knew it was infected. They contaminated humanity with a monkey virus and refused to admit what they’d done. Today, SV-40 is used in research laboratories throughout the world because it is so reliably carcinogenic. Researchers use it to produce a wide variety of bone and soft-tissue cancers including mesothelioma and brain tumors in animals. These cancers have exploded in the baby boom generation, which received the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines between 1955 and 1963. Skin cancers are up by 70 percent, lymphoma and prostate by 66 percent, and brain cancer by 34 percent. Prior to 1950, mesothelioma was rare in humans. Today, doctors diagnose nearly 3,000 Americans with mesotheliomas every year; 60 percent of the tumors that were tested contained SV-40. Today, scientists find SV-40 in a wide range of deadly tumors, including between 33 percent and 90 percent of brain tumors, eight of eight ependymomas, and nearly half of the bone tumors tested. In successive measures, NIH forbade Bernice Eddy from speaking publicly or attending scholarly conferences, held up her papers, removed her from vaccine research altogether, and eventually destroyed her animals and took away access to her labs. Her treatment continues to mark an enduring scandal with the scientific community, yet NIH’s Bernice Eddy playbook has become a standardized template for Federal vaccine regulators in their treatment of dissident vaccine scientists who seek to tell the truth about vaccines."

    Heckenlively, Kent. Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science (Children’s Health Defense) (pp. 16-17). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition.

    No problem, right? Maybe yours is the public Kindle preview. Mine is from the purchased book.

    It got me to thinking, there's a reason to get my dna tested knowing that I was involved in these timeframes with multiple vaccines over the years. Not in the way 23andme or Ancestry.com does it but in a way that delves deeper with health specific genetic pre-disposition charted and cataloged. 

    There are all kinds of things to find in the vein of Mikovits story, some relevant to me, others relevant to the hysteria that vaccines are our only hope. There were more than one mysterious death so it has elements that so often cannot be solved adding to the overview she talks about with scientists and Big Pharma in lock step. So many holes, so few rabbits. 

    Always knew you were a Va boy! ha ha Not me, although I've live in Va since I were 14. I was an Army brat of a snake eater and have the scars to prove it. Boy I hope that covers it. 😉






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  14. 17 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    A couple of recent videos.

    1. Polly.

    (Here is the Bitchute link in case the embedded YouTube video below ever gets taken down: The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket.)

    The documentation in this video is impeccable. I have even seen this video appear in O-Land places on the Internet (like in the #UnlockHumanity group). Because of the impeccable documentation, the comments are not derogatory and mocking--which is typical of what I have seen before--but, instead, can be characterized as, "Woah..."

    There simple is no way to ignore what she presented seeing that it is all over the Internet on the relevant sites of institutions, even in charter documents.


    2. Corbett.

    (Here is the Bitchute link in case the embedded YouTube video below ever gets taken down: Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World.)



    Also, I plan to read the following book simply because Polly talked favorably about the author in the first video above and the wrong people are blasting her book (and her) all over the place (however, Amazon is selling the shit out of it 🙂 )Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively, with a Forward by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr..


    The people being exposed are morally repulsive to me. And this gets complicated because they are also geniuses in their respective fields. Despite this, I do not want any one of them to be my Lord and Slave Master. They all want to be that and I will fight them.

    btw - The trick being used by these people is an age-old con generally attributed to "evil capitalists." (Although, the ones who get away with it are always crony government-business partnerships, i.e., crony corporatists.)

    The con goes like this.

    1. You create a problem without anyone in the general public knowing about it, then spring it on people.
    2. You use artifices to fund altruistic-like organizations (NGO's, research organizations, etc.) to study the problem, find solutions and make recommendations for the good of all.
    3. Using a different public structure, you sell the general public the solution to the problem--the one you created--and make a killing.

    Bill Gates adds a twist. He has a nonprofit foundation to do the artifice stuff and a for-profit trust specifically set up to manage the funds of the nonprofit foundation. In other words, through a series of maneuvers, his donations come right back to him, generally enhanced by profits due to the funds from the different governments he picks up along the way. As to creating the problem in the case of the coronavirus, he had the Chinese government do that part.



    I watched the interview, am reading the book. There is a fact checking article in Science that goes over many of Mikovits claims. One that wasn't is her claim how in 1999 “My job was to teach Ebola how to affect human cells without killing them. Ebola couldn’t affect human cells until we took it into the laboratory.” This is the worst of it. I dont know how she expects a reader to parse through her claims and really its her responsibility to make a case thats passes the smell test. Its really her penchant to speak freely that goes off the rails. Mikovits says she worked at USAMRIID where investigators 10 yrs earlier worked on the only human resistant Ebola. I cant noodle the reasoning for why there would have been an official lab test to find how to make Ebola more hot for humans when it was already found to have occurred naturally. And it was earlier than that Nixon proclaimed biological weapons were not to be used (first) by the US. So I have to ask why would anyone working for the government pursue a weaponized form of Ebola.  Hot Zone by Preston shows how Ebola Reston was discovered in 1989 (see article) in macaques at Hazelton Research bought from Ferlite Farms in Manila and is the only human resistant strain. Other strains of Ebola are known killers of our species and first found in '76. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1989/12/01/deadly-ebola-virus-found-in-va-laboratory-monkey/d6d94b90-b44e-4fa6-a9d0-d67cc0970aca/ 

    I lived probably 10 miles from Reston in Springfield in '89. Never heard a whisper of it. Its one of these biological nightmares Preston writes so well about. He wrote about the Iraqis having made tons of small pox but as Bush went in with UN invesitigators no WMD's were ever found. Where oh where did the small pox go? He wrote about this in the Cobra Event. Covid has nothing on these lethal weapons.

    Yes, its (Plague of Corrumption) compelling. She made this reference in how Kuan Teh-Jeang, the editor in chief of Retrovirology, 2nd in command to Fauci came to the realization that he was being duped over an in house SMRV scientific argument. Teh died after "jumping"? from a 4th floor garage at NIAID. "These arguments take place on the very edge of scientific knowledge, so when a well-educated person makes a claim and seems to have some reasonable evidence, it’s easy to believe them." She's known multiple scientists who died mysteriously under circumstances that she likens to Vince Foster who she says her step brother was first to find in the GW park. Id like to go after that claim. She says the note left by Teh was confiscated by the NIH police. Ill bet that has your attention!


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  15. According to Whittle.....The primaries will be cancelled. The strategy is after Bidens acceptance, after the convention and before the election the DNC can ask Joe to step down, to fall on his sword and if he doesnt want to they'll start taking Reade seriously. But the DNC can select anyone of its choosing along with a vote from democratic governors, removing Biden and installing someone without voters support but who may stand a chance of winning against Trump. If either Biden or Sanders had clinched the nomination prior to the convention the case for deposing  that person is much weaker. What the dems want is they want to say they (Biden/Sanders) didnt actually win the nomination. They want to retain an aura of illegitimacy around Biden because they want to jettison Biden.

  16. 16 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

    It's possible I had a CCP virus causing symptoms in February. It was the strangest thing. It started with two weeks of sniffles followed by an atypical head cold that tried to involve my throat. For two or three days when I woke up in the morning I blew a small wad of blood out of my left nostril with some tendency to bleed out of the other. After a week or 10 days the cold went away but the sniffles continued for a week or two.

    There is no test that says the above was caused by the virus. 

    There are 50 to 250 common viruses that can cause colds. Since I had no fever I'm calling it a cold.

    I judge I'm like 20 years physiologically younger than my 76 years. That's because of how well I can drive a car and my ancestors tend to be long lived. Cardiology wouldn't even be a medical specialty if all were like me. "Heart disease" would be a comedy routine.

    Having driven a million miles in 55 years I'm a better driver than I've ever been. And I like to drive fairly fast. That doesn't mean I'd take it to the race track. It means I learn something new everyday. The last important thing I've finally mastered is the safe start and go number one at a red light. First after the light turns green you don't go anywhere for two seconds. You are looking left then right then left again and really SEEING what you are looking at. It doesn't matter how light the trsffic is. There are NO exceptions. Exceptions will get you T-boned by a red light runner. And this can't just be an idea in your head. You must hard train this into your body and your brain. 

    The most dangerous standard driving maneuver, generally speaking, is the left turn from a red light.

    Traffic lights are extremely dangerous but necessary for traffic facilitation. You don't want to be hit by a 40mph red light runner slamming into the driver's door.


    I've been driving a cab every day for nearly four years about 100 hours a week just off a 15 day break caused by the economic collapse plus I've done 400,000 miles in a semi-tractor 44 states and 2 Canadian provinces with only one slight bump on the head to a passenger which makes me a very lucky driver

    Since age 14 I've been riding on 2 wheels. Every motorcycle course Ive taken indicates the left turn across traffic as the most dangerous because oncoming traffic either can't see you or isn't looking for the relatively odd rider. Old adage is look for yourself! The 5 miles closest to your home are also some of the most dangerous seeing how most drive it more often and take the ride for granted. As for waiting behind the driver at a red light it aggravates me to no end knowing were he me he'd always look for things that can take me out.  The two incidences that led to my bike falling over were unexpected parking lot asphalt upheavals and country forks with roadside gravel. Beyond that getting on 2 wheels was never a deterrent even after coming home after delivering a Wa Po route with my little sister on the handlebars. The 5 hp Bridgestone engine seized and we went a## over teakettle and was the first of two times that summer I broke my collarbone.

    I judge this SARS-CoV-2 virus as nothing really "novel". I thought getting it would be a good thing to laugh off of in the face of danger knowing my general good health has held me in good stead and it would calm the nerves to know there is really nothing to fear in the aftermath. Up to this point I've lived through at least 3 "pandemics", the first in '57(Asian) was a real humdinger, the 2nd in '68(Hong Kong) and then '09(Swine). I know the latest version is supposed to be awful but can't bring myself to fear something natural other than the obvious. I'm pretty sure you need a good dose of germs to stay alive. I have the relative safety of my rural area.

    You must derive a benefit other than $ for driving 100 hrs pw. Beyond sleeping you might eek out 2 hrs to call your own. Most of my day is built around physical activity. Another reason why I don't tolerate the life suck on forums. Been there, did that. If you were to ask, I suppose kegels could be done while driving. 😉

  17. On 4/2/2020 at 12:26 AM, Brant Gaede said:

    Because the virus induces pneumonia the pneumonia is not susceptible to antibiotics so the spread rate and death rates are still climbing. Flu is in your head. This is in your lungs. This is why ventilators are needed. If you need such you'll have about an 80 percent chance of dying after about 10 days.

    I got this from Dr Duc (sp?) Voung videos.

    Did you mean Dr. Duc C. Vuong?


  18. On 3/30/2020 at 9:38 PM, Brant Gaede said:

    And as good as I've read so far too.


    Yes, an all in one article.

    "Contrary to media reports, “the current scientific consensus is that that most transmission via respiratory secretions happens in the form of large respiratory droplets…rather than small aerosols,” and those heavy droplets typically fall soon after they’re released. This is important, as it directly impacts the usefulness and advisability of extreme social distancing measures. You have to be quite close to an infected person for a significant length of time, or unlucky to acquire the infection through droplets in the air."

    The action starts at 4:40. Micro droplets. Its a small world after all. A river runs through the room starting with a waterfall.


  19. OAN Networks Liz Wheeler interviewed a Dr whose views were anything less than testing the entire population won't work to stop spread. The nasal swab 7 minute test is still in development but with a wave of the hand the Dr says Trump can be a hero. He discussed a $600 B budget for it in two waves approx 2 weeks apart when everyone can again self test. He has a web site that I forgot.

    Holes appeared as soon as he stopped talking. 20+ M illegal immigrants would evade the sweep rendering the whole "everyone" aspect suspect. And he advocates for use of force IF (?) for some reason someone chooses not to self isolate. But he picks up from there calling for subsidies to "encourage" self iso, whatever he meant by that. Anything less than camps would be unenforceable for such a large pool.

    Perhaps the best that can be said of this questionable approach is it offers Trump a graceful exit from the path he set us on.

    Here in Virginia, despite the Governor, I feel free to come and go as I please. Im playing pickleball outdoors Saturday. Im most discouraged over the cancellation of a stem cell procedure for torn meniscus' and plasma therapy for basal arthritis through Regenexx. The body is falling apart but my heart is full.

    Having lived through at least 2 pandemics ('57-116,000 US deaths, '68 100k US deaths)and knowing no one close died as a result I'm left thinking either this latest is a century one off or someone has it wrong. Either way somethings going to kill me but I'd hoped it wasn't deliberate.