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Posts posted by turkeyfoot

  1. 23 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Apparently, this is not only a bigass booby trap for the government, but also for big tech.

    She means Silicon Valley, but we all know what she means.

    Silicone valley is more about plastic surgery, breast implants and so on. Silicon Valley is the land of dorky big tech authoritarians.


    Typo humor aside, I read the EO, but I have not connected all the dots about how this slams into big tech. I am sure there are dots galore, though. Sebastion Gorka and other luminaries liked this tweet.

    If anyone has an idea, ideas are welcome.


    More later. 


    Fizzled. Yea, a turkey. There are shudders going through big tech corridors. From laughing in the face of danger.



  2. 40 minutes ago, Brad Anderson said:

    A Big Move to Ban Realtor 'Hate Speech.' At Work. Anywhere. 24/7.


    "Under the new policy, real estate agents who insult, threaten[,] or harass people based on race, sex, or other legally protected characteristics can be investigated, fined or expelled."

    How long until Realtors are forbidden to list the property of or sell property to Teh White Supremacists™, Teh Misogynists™, and other Oppressors™?

    Ah, I remember the day my son was instructed, for his own good, on his use of FB. He was smart enough not to ask, "you mean you don't want me to insult threaten or harass people?" It wasn't as if I was threatening to take away an allowance. ha ha

    There was a photo right of Animal House, he was so proud of, hugging a toilet with a sh3t eating grin. He said no harm, no foul, right? The world is a toilet. 

  3. 11 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Here is a key to President Trump's rhetoric.

    Just for the record:

    President Trump Addresses the Nation on Capitol Hill Siege



    Boilerplate, then:

    Just beginning...


    When I think about Biden being sworn in (if that happens), the "corrupt bargain" of Andrew Jackson days keeps coming to mind.

    For those not familiar, Andrew Jackson lost his bid for a second term to John Quincey Adams--essentially due to ruling class corruption. Jackson called it a "corrupt bargain" and his supporters trashed and paralyzed the administration of Adams so relentlessly, this relegated Adams to a one term president, after which Jackson came roaring back with wide popular support for his second term.


    I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer. But really, "just beginning"? Soaring or empty rhetoric? The last 4 years ushered in good policy all to be undone by this next crew before its had a chance to jell. What will become of the heart and soul of American Patriots as Trumps days are ending? Trump doesnt even say, "I will return". Thinking that would be a tell. Remembering the miscalculations and subsequent years in Bataan before the return.

  4. 4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Now there's this.

    BREAKING: President Trump Issues Statement Responding to Electoral Certification

    President Trump generally chooses his words carefully.

    He did not say he conceded the election and he did not say there will be an orderly transition to a Biden administration. (There could be one to his second term. :) )

    Is this wishful thinking or is it familiarity with his methods?

    Lin Wood has a few thoughts.


    Hang in there.


    More aptly Wood can't handle the truth. Silly gamesmanship, no substance. Where's the beef?

  5. 43 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    That didn't take long. The Twitter video is already down.


    Since the BitChute video I linked to has other discussion in it, here is another BitChute video that is similar to the one Twitter took down.



    Coming to a drugstore or hospital near you...



    Uh, yes. Today I celebrate my news after receiving the vaccine. Da, eh Yes, today I received a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. Uh, um, ahem, it will be great help and because I am selfless soul search of pюдle to help I Will хlтngо subjected myself to сегодня effects and come to the душа of my country to…Im sorry, Di Di Dizzy, Да, мне сделали прививку от SARS-CoV-2. Это будет большим подспорьем, и поскольку я самоотверженная в поисках людей, которые могут мне помочь, я охотно подверг себя воздействию и пришел на помощь своей стране, чтобы помочь всем хорошим людям в погоне за быстрой коричневой лисой, которая перепрыгнула через реку. Лентяй. Да СОБАКИ умрут, как и вы, если не сделаете вакцину. Better red than dead.

    • Smile 1
  6. 56 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Nor Jenna Ellis (if tweet is true).

    Either way, where are the fucking top-level Democrats getting COVID-19?

    We already know it's not because they follow the pandemic guidelines they impose on others. They only do that in Designer Masks for political theater. Which is why they keep getting busted.

    So why aren't some of them getting COVID-19?



    I suspect the reason to be MSM wants to show Trump associates as dumb ass risk takers. At least 11 Dems in Congress tested positive to the 19 Republicans listed. 


    Not mentioned on the list of Rep senators - Democratic Sens. Tim Kaine of Virginia and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania both said they tested positive months.

    I'm slightly jealous. I'd heard of there being only 200 reinfections world wide. Early on I wished to contract the Wuhan if only to have first hand information of its inefficacy.

    I ran across a Bill Whittle casting and was reminded of the JH study promptly disavowed and removed from their site, Google and fact checked by FB. I'm trying to find time to corroborate it. 


    Then there was a mention of a figure of 80% of those testing positive for Wuhan and entering hospitals requested a DNR. I don't know about anyone else but I want to live so I figure those who view living as suffering wanted a way out and they and the hospitals were winners. Why? 20% more coverage by Medicare if found dead by Wuhan. The hospitals, on life support, figured they wanted to stay alive too. 


  7. 10 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    The Mike Tyson and Roy Jones fight ended in a draw although most everybody watching said Tyson won it.

    So a quip is going around that the judge's tallies were run through Dominion tabulator machines.



    Quote of the fight.  "I wear draws, I don't do draws." Roy Jones

    Losers quote before the fight. Rafael Cordeiro trained Tyson. "I had shoulder surgery from holding pads for Tyson."

    History won't care about who won or lost this fight. 😉

  8. 8 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    I did something I rarely do these days.

    I went around to the normal newsfeeds without signing in, including YouTube, Google, Yahoo and others just to see what was cooking.

    My God!

    If you pay attention to that crap, you will think everything is lost and Trump is an idiot. This is just like the couple of months before the 2016 election, except instead of doing fake polls and so on, now they amplify all court losses as if they were final judgments that destroy the cases, and they are treating the Bidens like royalty. Did you see how many articles there are about Biden's fucking cat? :) As to Trump's chances, according to them, he's in the first stage of the five stages of grief--denial. Blah blah blah. This kind of stuff is all you get. 

    For people who follow what is actually going on where it counts, this is like stepping through a reality warp portal or something. These people are going to go nuts when they realize that President Trump is actually pulling it off and nothing can stop his second term.

    And here in O-Land, I am feeling in general that the people are giving up, which makes me believe they are getting their information from the mainstream. Hell, for as much as I rag William on Democracy Docket, he's at least looking at court cases, not pundits living in Never-Never Land.

    How many in our subcommunity do things like that, especially when they feel like giving up?

    It's something to think about. Learning Objectivism will help you organize your values, but it won't make a winner out of a quitter. The will to win, especially against steep odds, has to come from within the person irrespective of philosophy or news sources.

    I am not a member of any religion, but I sure as hell admire how religious people use their religion to keep them focused on the prize and not give up. I wish that would happen in our subcommunity.

    But here we see too many people letting their fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of rigged systems, propaganda as news, authoritarians spouting freedom while taking it, fear-mongering over disease, and the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. They are letting the hero in their souls perish in lonely frustration for a life they could deserve, but will never be able to reach. Why? Because they give up too easily.

    Well I don't.

    I've lived this before.

    When President Trump gets sworn in for a second term (just like when he won the election), watch how many people who thought I was foolish, brainwashed, delusional, yada yada yada suddenly think I'm a genius. :) 

    I'm no genius, though. I just don't give up when I am convinced of the truth of something. And I'm quite good at identifying reality. So a good description is that I am tenacious while grounded in reality.

    As far as the people trying to stage this coup goes, I am so pissed at them I could spit. They will not win. I will. Ditto for people who think like me.

    I know many Christians who think like this. I don't know many Objectivists who do, even the bossy ones.

    And that can mean one of two things, one bad and one good. It can be a criticism of the philosophy or it can be an opportunity. O-Land needs more winners.

    One thing is for sure. When dealing with quitters, it doesn't take much to beat them. 


    Its a good attitude to have. Its something I'd tell my son. Mannerisms in my written way of communicating are different than my internal methodologies.

    When the score has me down to my opponent I haven't lost. Not while I can mount an offense. Do I deal with my morale? Of course. Its part of regaining an edge.

    What you said "I am so pissed at them I could spit." resonates. It is personal. Though making others targets of my animosity doesn't improve my chances of winning anything. I have so little mental space to waste on an outcome, on an occupation for feeling as if I've gained traction in a battle I can't win. So I choose battles personal to me. Making break throughs in playing guitar. Preparing my way to winning another tournament. And I bring all the fire and determination to these things that you bring to yours.

    I hear you. That's the reason I come to Objectivist Living. I don't come to hear you've thrown in the towel.

    It always good news hearing an opponent has been outed for cheating.


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  9. 12 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    I saw an interview yesterday or the day before yesterday with Patrick Byrne.


    It's a beautiful thing to behold...




    "Due to the irregularity of this current 2020 Presidential Election, this is a crowdsourcing tool for organizing anomalies and legal issues. Our desire is that more of the election process would be made transparent so there would be unquestionable confidence in our voting systems.

    This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.

    Submitted items may be edited or deleted to ensure quality of content.

    To submit another source under a claim, use the same claim title.

    Data takes a few moments to load."

    • Like 1
  10. The upshot. Masks work.

    "Only recruits who shared rooms and were part of the same platoon spread the disease. In particular, even recruits who were close by and shared a bathroom with those infected didn’t get infected. Hence, only those who lived two to a room and who worked closely together got this virus."


    "The upshot? This military recruit study is about as good as it gets, which is why it was published in the New England Journal. Meaning, it’s rare to find a real-world study where this number of variables was strictly controlled. I’m very thankful we’re actually starting to get some real science published!"

    “All recruits wore double-layered cloth masks at all times indoors and outdoors, except when sleeping or eating; practiced social distancing of at least 6 feet; were not allowed to leave campus; did not have access to personal electronics and other items that might contribute to surface transmission; and routinely washed their hands. They slept in double-occupancy rooms with sinks, ate in shared dining facilities, and used shared bathrooms. All recruits cleaned their rooms daily, sanitized bathrooms after each use with bleach wipes, and ate preplated meals in a dining hall that was cleaned with bleach after each platoon had eaten. Most instruction and exercises were conducted outdoors. All movement of recruits was supervised, and unidirectional flow was implemented, with designated building entry and exit points to minimize contact among persons. All recruits, regardless of participation in the study, underwent daily temperature and symptom screening. Six instructors who were assigned to each platoon worked in 8-hour shifts and enforced the quarantine measures. If recruits reported any signs or symptoms consistent with Covid-19, they reported to sick call, underwent rapid qPCR testing for SARS-CoV-2, and were placed in isolation pending the results of testing.”

    I live in a petri dish part of Roanoke Va. Since the middle of April and up to last night I've played mask free with 25 regulars and frequent others coming from up to an hr away. No telling who is in their circles. This happens at least 3 times a week for up to 3 hrs per. There's been 4 tournaments with upwards of 30 friends or guests of players occupying a gym for hrs at a time without masks. Have heard of 2 cases from people who played at the same facility though it is unlikely either caught SARS-CoV-2 where the playing occurred. 

    29 deaths have occurred since the onset in Roanoke attributed to C19.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    For me the Dead Man Walking is the National Review and that whole crowd.

    (With the exception of Victor Davis Hansen and maybe one or another that do not come to mind right now.)

    Endless war for the profit of the ruling class has lost the smokescreen of patriotism. It's now seen by a huge portion of the USA as a vile scam.

    Too many Americans saw the way President Trump waged war against ISIS--beginning, middle, end--short and deadly. They now know it's not that hard.

    Mattis is one of the really nasty ones. He said recently he thinks America first is a bad idea for the safety and security of his pockets the country. Any retired general who sings Clapper's praises should go on the short list for treason.


    Yes, Trump has exposed the idea that tying the hands of the military with antithetical ROE's means endless wars and loss of lives. Change the tactics and win.

    VDH is a thinker. Clapper from as far back as his lying testimony is real bad. At about that time Snowden became a hero for me.

  12. 6 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    The big duh moment

    I've been thinking about Sidney Powell and how close she is to the Department of the Defense, except on the pro-Trump anti-Swamp side.

    How come she knows about things like the raid on the Scytl servers in Frankfurt?

    How come she is so up on military law?

    How does she know so much about Swamp secrets without, obviously, being connected to the swamp?

    I mean, where is she getting her information from?

    Who is opening the doors to her?

    Then it hit me.


    General Michael Flynn...

    Top dog at one time to Obama and Trump--intelligence and military. He knows where all the bodes are buried and knows who owns the shovels.

    The entire government was going after him, framing him, bankrupting him, and getting ready to put him in jail for being an Enemy of the Deep State. Sidney came out of nowhere and stood in the way. She stopped them. She even got the general public to come up with enough money he could stand up to the bad guys with endless pockets. She kept him safe.

    From gratitude and believing in her character, wanna bet he said, "Hey, Sid... I have a gift for you... Wanna make some history? Ever hear of the Kraken?"


    I bet General Flynn remembers a lot, too. Lot's of embarrassing classified stuff... 


    235 retired senior military officers backed the reelection.  That's a lot of duty, honor, country. There are just as many or more warring generals against Trump determinedly undermining it. Its been a shit show for a long time.


    Nothing short of a hackers' affidavit attesting to software changes will do. The person is no doubt known within circles. "He" doesn't have under the radar protections that Snowden planned for his own escape as fraught with peril as it was and still remains. On Joe Rogans podcast he said Trump is likely unaware of his contribution enough to consider a pardon.  

    Considering the explosive nature of charges resulting from exposing Kraken at its full depth, its a good bet no one will be talking, imo.

    No redemption for Dead Man walking. Cup half empty view. 

  13. 59 minutes ago, merjet said:

    Some. There are now several other sources all saying the same. Do you have better sources that dispute all of them and what do they say?

    There are direct quotes from Giuliani among others. That is good sourcing.

    “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,” said Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and another lawyer for Trump, Jenna Ellis, in a statement. “She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

    I recall SP saying she isn't good at math. That others could attend to that. In Bannons' War Room on YouTube she aligned herself with people who knew others with "direct" information about Hammer and Scorecard not just the ex-General who by the way hasn't served in 20 yrs. He simply referenced software and its coder. Both he and SP seemed to be telling a story heard rather than having first hand information. As much as she seemed to know she couldn't say whether good guys or bad guys have the servers. Her rep rides on what happens with them.

    As I think about it SP has unfinished business with Flynns' case. She may have deep pockets and be willing to put her weight against the Kracken.

    I wonder what her (or her client) legal standing is since my smallish legalese  knows only she must have damages (as a voter?) etc. I haven't seen anything to suggest she's representing anyone other than Flynn.

    She specializes in federal appellate practice where she's won reversal on 70% of cases. She's able to navigate the federal courts. Dont know where that has come into play yet.


    • Alito is in position to Judge. 😉 Kagan will cover Az.
    • or the Third Circuit - Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice(Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virgin Island)
    • For the Fourth Circuit - John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice(Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Virginia)
    • For the Fifth Circuit - Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice(Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas)
    • For the Sixth Circuit - Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice(Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee)
    • For the Seventh Circuit - Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice(Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin)
    • For the Eighth Circuit - Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice(Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota)
    • For the Ninth Circuit - Elena Kagan, Associate Justice(Alaska, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, Northern Mariana Islands, Washington)
    • For the Tenth Circuit - Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice(Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming)
    • For the Eleventh Circuit - Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice(Alabama, Florida, Georgia)
  14. 9 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    More on Dominion.

    Poor Sidney Powell has been doing double duty on preparing a case and being the public face for the Kraken.

    Well, publicity-wise, the Kraken just roared.


    I saw Jesse Waters's report on Dominion earlier tonight. It didn't hold a candle to this one by Chanel Rion, the White House Correspondent of OAN.

    She's kicked Jesse's ass and did not even break a sweat.



    Jesse Waters is a lightweight. Chanel is an "investigative" reporter or a reporter of the news in the news.

    "Don't take it from us, here's PBS."

    Ouch. Nit Picky. Ok, one critical strike. I like the direct approach, taking words directly from the sources' mouth. She was good with that.

    I wondered what am I not hearing. Oh. How well is that going to do in court. As direct testimony? Naw. People say we've seen things/weren't allowed to see things. Who are you sir/mam?

    Remarking to my wife last night. "I could do Jesses' job, peruse the internet, find stories that appeal to viewers and talk about it."

    I'm on your side, M.

    The pretty, young lady behind Guiliani on Thursday was on Waters World last night. Paraphrasing, "it often takes years, decades to do what we are trying to do." This as the banner at the bottom of the screen screamed Federal Judge dismisses Trump suit.

    Also: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/526239-three-attorneys-withdraw-from-representing-trump-campaign-in-pennsylvania 

    "The move to switch legal representation comes after Linda Kerns, a lawyer leading the Trump campaign’s efforts to dispute the election results in Pennsylvania, complained to a federal court that she received an abusive voicemail from a Kirkland & Ellis attorney, with Kerns saying the message “by any measure falls afoul of standards of professional conduct.”

    In a response, Kirkland lawyer Daniel Donovan said he thought the call was “discourteous and not appropriate” but disagreed with how Kerns had described it."

    He said the company associate was “acting unilaterally, in his personal capacity, without the knowledge or authorization of undersigned counsel or the firm.”

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Peter said:

    December vaccine rollout possible, BioNTech CEO says. BioNTech co-founder Ugur Sahin said on Thursday the frontrunner Covid-19 vaccine his German firm is developing with Pfizer could be rolled out before the year is over in the United States or Europe. end quote

    A doctor on Fox was saying that older people between 70 and 80 have a twenty percent morality rate, and people between 80 and 90 have a sixty percent death rate if I remember correctly. The rate goes way down the younger you are, so stay young and keep exercising.

    The shot / vaccine will be made available to first responders and people in critical medical and other jobs first, which seems reasonable and smart to me. Then it will be available to people with preexisting medical conditions and older Americans. Thank goodness you don’t need to show up at a hospital.

    I am thinking about which shot to get, and when, and where. Three major drug stores are going to give it including Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. Yesterday, at a local Walgreens they were giving the Covid 19 test and the parking lot was a mess with cars blocking everything. You had to park far away and walk to get a prescription. Someone called the Delaware State Police and at first they said they won’t show up on private property but then one did show up to help out.  

    If you have any contrary information please correct me, and if you have anything to add I will be listening. If I have a choice of 2 or 3 vaccines I will need more info to know which one to take.   

    Peter, I would track side effects of all offered and choose accordingly. I've heard of a dr who took the Pfizer beta or trial version and had migraines then was sick for 2 weeks. After that he said he feels great. My question is if living in a locked down state you're suddenly free of worry over health but cannot do much about a lock down. Im wondering if a vaccination makes a young person feel lousy for 2 weeks hows an older persons' toleration.

    Also why would anyone get a vaccine and suffer through having to wear a mandated mask? I cant stand having anything on my face. Was the same way with a ring on my finger.

    Have you considered how taking it will free you up from your behavior avoidance?

  16. 2 hours ago, ThatGuy said:

    Sounds like a certain turkey believes there's nothing to be thankful for, this Thanksgiving...but I digest.

    You could chew on it more. 😉

    Its beginning to sound a lot like Xmas to you, actually the 23rd  until the warm cozy you're feeling might set in. Like the turkey whose neck was spared I would count on nothing because most birds languish fat and happy until T-Day.

    The real blessing will be no one spared and that'll make the best Xmas ever. Until then, I rest.  

  17. 17 minutes ago, Peter said:

    Damn! So, something is finally going to be confronted and fixed? 

    Fixed? ha ha

    And the vaccine that Moderna and Pfizer aren't allowed to sell you and you're not allowed to buy is strangely not available to you as countless thousands health are compromised by the FDA. Unnecessarily. Is something finally going to be done? 😉  But I digress. 

  18. 12 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Here is a transcript from today's Rush Limbaugh radio show. Rush is still fighting an ultra-aggressive lung cancer. So I especially treasure specific Rush Limbaugh shows when they are top notch.

    This show (November 18) is top notch. It does not move the needle much except in the sense of morale, but he gives a great overview to let everyone know the Kraken in on the way. (He didn't mention Kraken, though. :) )

    I could comment, but on this one, I will let Rush speak for himself. I'm pushing fair use, but this is worth reading.

    Do You Really Think Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Would Pull an Al Capone’s Vault?



    The answer is:

    If "release the Kraken" produces evidence failing legal standing or if fraud is not as wide spread as believed and doesn't lead to overturning tentative results reputations will be ruined.  

    The metaphor is not accurately applied. What's his name, Geraldos' stock in trade was infotainment.

    Trust in the ill legal system is ill advised.

    There are too many goodies in RL's commentary to let lie.

    Guiliani said he had the goods. Served up a laptop. HB ain't havin' any. 

    Defamation lawyer Wood rep'd Sandman taking until July '20 from the initial Jan '19 date. He's rep'ing Rittenhouse. You could say it's paying off. Slowly. Wheels turnin'.

    Powells' notable cases, a drug lord and Flynn.

    HB, Flynn and Rittenhouse await the timely pursuit of justice.

  19. 48 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

    Now there's this.

    White House denies report Homeland Security boss Chad Wolf is refusing Trump's order to fire cybersecurity chief Christopher Krebs over election fraud claims

    Fog of war?

    I mean what are things coming to when you can't believe the fake news media anymore?


    However, since this was the New York Post, which is on the good guy side, I'm reminded of the Sun Tzu quote about appearing to be weak when you are strong, and appearing to be strong when you are weak.

    Incidentally, you can flip that around for the propaganda war, too. Make your enemy think he's strong when he is weak, and make him think he's weak when he is strong.

    And another great piece of advice. This isn't an exact quote, but Sun Tzu said when your enemy is emotional (think outrage), taunt him and make him think he's strong so he will become arrogant. That way he will make many mistakes.



    I read that yesterday and held it in abeyance but entertained what it might mean for Trump. 

    How many read it and don't find the after story who come to believe the walls that hold Trump contain his enemies?

    A similar story was written about Former Sec Def Esper unwilling to do Trumps bidding re: seizure of servers from Germany and was fired/resigned shortly before. I know he counseled against sending troops. He said some untoward things too re St Johns. 

    Its always best to hear it from the horses mouth. That's where the best material is on J-O-E  Bidens husband. ha

    These stories claim time from an opponent having to set records straight. It allows for John Q public to cling to the bias they developed by not catching themselves up to date and leads to a throwing up of the hands as if to say, its too much or simply not care. Consequently headlines is how they manage information, if that. It cuts both ways politically. For example, a Dem who hasn't heard the latest potty mouth stuff from a Schiff or Schumer/Pelosi. They made their minds up as early as they heard their parents talk about party affiliation. The longer something languishes in the brain the more it becomes a hot mess. 

    Look at the vast army of mask wearers unwilling despite evidence to update their behavior. They're as fearful as the day last March in which they first heard of SARS-CoV-2. They assumed it was as bad as it sounded. Then when governors mandated, they simply told themselves it was for good reason. They hear what they want is my point. Never searching for or asking for certainty other than do what I did yesterday.

    I'm performing last rites on society now. I tend towards remoteness/despondency when what I crave is seeing those with outgoing nature and positivity. Something I learned early on and couldn't behave differently until 30 odd yrs later I awoke after grinding away to something far better than I ever knew. I didn't have a hand in creating this scenario so am deservedly eeking out the good I have.

    Could it be better if Trump wades through the muck back to the swamp. Yea, probably. What stands for me is if Trump cannot as President, put things right, with all the resources he possesses and in consideration of what he says happened then perhaps it is because either the claims lack substantive proof or he doesn't want it again. I wouldn't blame him for unwillingness to engage this form of enmity by going into his golden years out of the fray and happy in the sense nothing personal is lost by admitting he doesn't like it. Who among us does?

  20. 1 minute ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    And it can be called in other instances. In fact it has in the past.

    I already made long posts about that earlier in this thread.


    Oh! I thought there is proof for a Trump win. 😉 

    Stay tuned. I am. In it to win it. All  the way with delays. Or else. 

    Channeling Brant?


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  21. 4 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


    In the case court times cannot be met, the the tallies will not matter. A Contingent Election will be called in Congress.




    "A determination that neither candidate has secured a majority of electoral votes would trigger a “contingent election” under the 12th Amendment of the Constitution. That means the House of Representatives chooses the next president, while the Senate selects the vice president."

    If after Jan 3 and the new Congress, Dems took what 218 to 201 Rep seats?
