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Everything posted by turkeyfoot

  1. Right. 14k. 12k. 148k. Good luck to the winner. Go Trump!
  2. I found time to focus on another point. heh Tangible evidence unheard in court as of yet (excepting some) must still be proven by preponderance or 50% true. And then the trial can be granted. Only then can votes be recast or negated or adjudicated. It's an abstract legal concept taken to a concrete example. Here it is. The plaintive gets their day in court. They don't get to decide what is acceptable or true. And it all must be concluded in due time. You didn't think it could be tried over the internet? I see a few twists and turns happening in court. Ms Powell also makes the allegation of fraud having been committed by Hammer and Scorecard. Well, I hope, the math works and she is also able to obtain in court, Dr Shiva, who did a statistical analysis of voting integrity in Michigan. He gets math. Judges are very good at understanding these concepts, right? That's why they specialize in jurisprudence. Oh wait. Here comes the Judge. Because the judging matters. in 37 days Bushs' team was able to find 537 votes that decided the election after 2 trips to the SC. Should be a cake walk for Trump.
  3. Constitutional lawyer, Ted Cruz, weighed in on the good and bad yesterday on his podcast, Verdict. A bit of a bummer but a reality check all the same. He says Trump will have to win challenges in all states to stay for a 2nd term. Two, he commented on the need for heavy hitters to replace the lawyers who stepped up. He says there's a qualitative difference in the two. In conversations with the President and Kushner, "Ive been urging them to bring in a stronger team, more serious, high powered litigators. Yelling about it isnt going to change it......a legal basis, hard , careful, diligent work." "No one knows which claims are accurate and which aren't. That's what courts do." "For the Trump team to prevail they cant just win in one state. They have to run the table. Pickup 14k votes in Georgia, Biden 12k lead in Arizona, 20k vote lead in Wisconsin, Nevada, Biden has 36k lead, Michigan, Biden has 148k lead and Pa, Biden has 45k lead (paraphrasing w/short in context quotes). The Trump team has to win in a whole bunch of states." Bush won by 537 votes in the hanging chad episode.
  4. Michael, I couldn't possibly keep up. Not with your indefatigable effort. I like outdoors air, being up out of a chair and not being in front of a computer too too much. Of course, I say that, but the truth is I spend much time learning guitar riffs and about music that interest me far more than this daily drip, drip crap. That's not to say I don't indulge. I do. Other than reading and listening to snippets here, I've sworn off all news shows except for Tucker, Levin and Rush OAN and Geller Reports. I haven't watched MSM in years and years. I watched The Five for entertainment not because it was informing me much of anything. I watched Jesse Waters go from laughing at Juan and doing a deep dive on polls sampling errors to being goaded into uncertainty. Gutfield is good. Chris Stirewalt has changed the attitude as political editor and shills against Trump. Anger, anxiety? I see fearful people not in control of their facility. Also grown men reduced to shadows of their former selves, paranoid and lost confidence. I call it SARS-CoV-2 (Trauma) or Covid PTSD. But the simple fact is there is far more to be worried about than a virus. But I also see many people every other day who push back against norms in private places that are open to me. Me, one vote, one life, choosy too.
  5. Giuliani and Powell face a tremendous up hill battle. Demeanor. As in do you have all your ducks in a row. One requirement, I know, is use of Courier 10 double spaced in filings. Maybe 1st year law, I don't know. I want Trump to get his day in court. Giuliani said the first of 10 are going out Monday. Of course fairness should win the day. Just one look at Powell advocating for Flynn and we have an idea of the number of 'sullivans' standing in his way. Its the first inning and if the allegations have legal standing as we are wont to believe maybe Trump can prevail. I don't expect courts to run like the Atomic clock.
  6. Noting Powell took over Gen Flynns case in June '19. What may be the final oral arguments before the resolution of the case "takes" place on September 29, 2020. No other news since portend at least another round. The wheels of justice grind loudly as Powell, perhaps an extremely competent former Federal prosecutor, grates on judges. Was it her demeanor or legal argument that didn't hold sway with the judge? I'm reminded in the Last Dance, Jordan and Isiah still want to re-litigate their rivalry. Someone was beat up by the Bad Boys. Sport analogies do only so well. A perfect shot arcing down above the rim can be knocked aside but results in points for the shooter. In pickleball....no legitimate call can be made on a ball being in or out until it lands. If only the law was as clear. And I were less cynical. My take is, despite a fantasy or two, time will take a toll on the inordinate amount of proof required for a Trump 2nd term.
  7. I find my thinking going to alleged. Proof, is a high standard. It will take an enormous amount of energy and time to just fill the framework. It took 36 days for Gore/Bush hanging chad fiasco to be resolved before any joy. This isn't deja vu, its a first. Are courts ready to sweep aside dockets to deal with this? Lt Gen T Mcinerney is 83 having last served in '94. Among his claims are a 2012 election fraud by the Obama admin in Florida done and repeated again this year to win the election against Trump. Listen to what this man says. "It was then adopted with a software pkg just like on your Iphone. It was to be used and was used in foreign countries. They are looking around and are going to set up this voting thing that happens on Tuesday night. It going to look good for Pres Trump but they're going to change it. And that's the danger that America and everybody must realize. They used it in the primaries and Bernie lost to Biden." Now just a second here. First thing to realize is someone spouted off code words and then the chorus reads from the songbook. The remoteness of the words to the General of this charge suggests to me he heard it in passing and latched on delivering it at the last minute. Powell too. Now it may be the General first heard about it in his situation in Viet Nam but it takes quite a lot to get from there to here. "It might have happened in 2016 when the Obama crowd tried to use it and something happened. I cant talk about that." Powell, "We intend to stop Hammer and Scorecard." Bannon, "Take that to the bank." I know what it must feel like because this is good information. A retired Lt Gen delivered it. It "MUST" be true. And, Biden said, "We have put together one of the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organizations in the history of American politics." This is where its claimed of Biden that he explictly admitted running an operation that commits fraud. Uh, what he said with his inarticulate Bidenism is there something they have that will fight fraud. Forgive me but its the sound of whistling in the wind. I'm dismissive of it as it all seems to emanate from an octogenarian who clearly tries to pass off what he heard in a dark room as a real possibility. It occurs to me as the good General reeled off the historical usage as far back as 2012 no one else to my knowledge has said the same. Powell may very well have something on it but she's going to have to translate it into substantive evidence for a judge. She's not a programmer and it seems highly unlikely anyone knowing first hand of the Hammer/Scorecard software would shy away from testifying. In fact these things involving software ie: Microsoft antitrust took 4 months to decide after first arguments. Then there was the guy, Randy Wolf, a guitarist with a band called Spirit who sued Led Zeppelin for stealing Stairway to Heaven that was just decided after it went to court in 2014.
  8. The Dems' got over their skis'. Sidney Powell was on Dobbs' show following JSolomon. In that interview she mentioned Hammer and Scorecard, the CIA program aimed at foreign entities to turn elections then turned on American elections to accomplish same. Also the 3% figure and probably the first mention on cable news. Dobbs' knew nothing or claimed so. There's Ms Powell outing the deceptive practices of Dem operatives. She'd make a good poker player. I loved it but only as a missing link that remains to be proven. Then Fitton mentioned the Republican pussies who ignore long standing voter rolls of dead people as he has sued states over the years which resulted in the cropping of same. I'm pretty sure a fiction writer could copy the theme, chapter and verse and have a best seller. We've been played. J Solomon also said the Durham report or some part of it will come out next week.....he was schetchy. Oh Durn, we missed it be a week! Oh, how the once mighty have fallen.
  9. Yea, I don't know. Tell me post election, and after Trump wins in an electoral landslide why pollsters et al continue to risk their livelihood when the results are conspicuously mistaken. Wrong even from the pov that it creates a feeling that one doesn't need to get off the couch. If they are prospecting for numbers why tell the lie that loses their reputation and deliberately confuses the voter into disinterest allowing Trump to game his campaign strategy. The way I see it JEH may have used blackmail as a means to prevent others from exposing his sexual proclivities. Apparently he didnt go hard after the mob because he knew they had dirt on him. The FBI has proved its political blackmailing operations against Trump so its a foregone logical conclusion their MO wouldn't change but would just morph into whatever advantage it would have vs Biden.
  10. 3 things. Polling won't be the same after being so wrong 2 cycles in a row. One cycle can be forgiven. Almost every poll is an oversampling of Dems and Independents. Thinking about Bobolinski and his pleading over the Schiff comment that made him appear a traitor. First question I asked was whats in it for him. Well, Silent Bob, had his reasons for speaking up but not before Schiff outed him. These are the calculations that go into political outing and it usually backfires. Rush did a piece on Biden and the FBI and in it he suggests that the FBI gains and uses dirt against a standing President assuming Biden wins and is the reason why the laptop evidence was held back even as Trump was being impeached. What's the rationale for thinking the FBI seeks dirt on Presidents and to what end? I don't understand and don't have time to read the necessary fiction or explore conspiracies theory to gain the insight necessary to judge potential shenanigans.
  11. In an interview last Saturday on The Joe Rogan Experience with Kanye West you have the unfiltered West at his best?/worst. What a mess that man is. "Literally was called by God." I had to prostrate myself for 1 hr before hearing the words from his own mouth.
  12. I found Ratcliffe, on Marias' show, despite his seemingly sincere want to expose corruption as a guy who just takes it on the chin as additional lines of inquiry come out. In response to Schiff saying the Biden thing is Russian disinformation, he stated it came from Bidens' laptop...its not disinformation. He stated the electorate will have to answer the question as to how it all gets resolved. Why? I could see it in his face. He's beaten down by the clogged wheels of government legal justice immediately before an election that has Uge consequences. He seemed unable to conjure anything remotely consequential to Schiffs' congenital lying other than voting. Unreal. And that F'g Clinton found no shortage of people to throw under the bus. Now known as Standard Operating Procedure. Man, a Houdini act extraordinaire, she will likely die before what is known to be true finds its mark. Think of it. A singular portrait of THE most vile person who accomplished the most vile things over her long span in government held unaccountable. Other than losing an election. I bet this is just scratching the surface of the Kleptocracy.
  13. Whats the downstream affect of voters hearing this and reckoning a change of mind? In Virginia, at least, Oct 15 was the last day to register as a Republican, and for that matter Democrat as well. The most that Dems can do at this point is not vote. https://www.vote.org/voter-registration-deadlines/
  14. Im pretty sure this has an answer to it from yesterday from me at 8:04
  15. Interesting headlines. Biden Family financial enterprise ties to foreign entities signal Presidential candidate unfit for President. I heard Tucker comment, "never" have we seen the likes of this and Completely believable." I thought, yes we have. '16 is in the rear view window but the potential for an outcome then of a sitting Presidents conviction was narrowly avoided not by evidence or a finding of truth but by a couple of votes. Again, not by a finding through a preponderance of evidence but virtual party line vote. Stories are sown through Psy Ops. Both the Russia/Trump and the Biden/China/Ukraine/Russia links have elements of truth layered with a common sense appeal that lead to discovery or debunking by the distorted views of voters, political savants and ignoramuses alike who don't possess the means to find truth or justice. We've seen this before. Now Biden is in the cross hairs though ordinary Dems are unlikely to hear the story that underlies his corruption cause MSM won't print it. I've observed Republicans going hard after him the same way Dems did with Trump. "Oh, but the the campaign doesn't deny it." PROOF!! Com'on, Biden won't allow credence for Rep theories. If Biden does win I'll see him as the diminished/impaired Manchurian Candidate who forgot who his handlers are and everything of importance involving his financial links swept aside while bloggers try to make hay out of. But Reps, if they keep or add to the Senate and/or House will have the means to impeach Biden. Would they dare open the door for Kommie Harris? Stay tuned.
  16. I like entertainment and substance. Trump was that and more. He rarely repeated himself and he ate Savannah's lunch. He had the eye of the tiger when he left Walter Reed. I saw the same tonight. The guy was on. It was good to see. He did himself no wrong on (M)orons (S)pouting (N)onsense (B)y the (C)artload.
  17. Admittedly Ive got nothing to do before the election re politics so I wondered. If Biden contracted SARS-CoV-2 as Trump did and died before the election what does the Constitution say about a dead guy on the ballot? ha ha Well there are rules governing this as you might expect and it actually happened before in a Presidential election in 1872. There are several scenarios. https://people.howstuffworks.com/what-happens-presidential-candidate-dies.htm "The deceased candidate's party picks a replacement (who may or may not be the vice presidential candidate from the ticket), and that replacement is on the ballot on Election Day." "If the winning presidential candidate dies between Dec. 15 but before Jan. 6, Congress would have to decide whether to count the votes cast for them. If Congress chooses to validate the votes, the laws of presidential succession are carried out, and the winning candidate's vice president becomes president-elect." The scenario most likely to fit with reality and has been teased incessantly by podcasters is "If something were to happen to the presumptive nominee before the convention, the parties have a plan — they’d proceed as normal and use the convention to pick the nominee. And if something happened after the convention but before the election, there’s a plan for that, too — national party committees would step in." But what about conventions, will they take place? What about those candidates who merely suspended their campaigns? Its messy. Nothing as been quite as crystal clear re politics and the sleazy and self aggrandizing manner in which they peddle their wares. But when you choose a side and argument its interesting still to see what actually takes place. Stay tuned. Waking up the day after the '16 election I smirked and almost smiled. Im hoping for the same this round.
  18. For me, in 2000 that level of domestic terrorism? Would have been unthinkable. I was full tilt a working stiff. That marked the end of passive thinking and ignorance. In many ways it helped expose internal workings of my childhood mentality and those who raised me, so repressed was I. Pelosi's lost it (25th A-again), the Dems have lost the discipline they once had a long time ago. Trump crossed the rubicon forcing the Dems to come clean with their vile hatred of everything American. There isn't even a veneer to cover the dichotomy. I'm glad for it because its easier when dealing with good vs bad. I suppose its easier to break it down by looking at SARS-CoV-2 for what it is. Is it deadly? Yea, potentially. Look at how easily the President got well. The virus is not what the Dems would have us believe. Not even for the most vulnerable among us. What are we left with? If Trump died it was his own immune system that killed him and the Dems would have capitalized on the "proof" of c19's risk. But what it handed them instead is a healthy Pres exposing the lie Dems give c19. That is the truth. Even the ignorant masses set against Orange Man can easily realize the absurdity. The most ardent follower of Dem think wants Trump gone by whatever means. Yet he survived what they regard as the 2nd most dangerous thing. Really?
  19. Certainly no shortage of death wishes, ill will for the President. Wouldn't be taken up casually by anyone seriously interested in results. To believe it you'd have to consider it to be a pros job. Someone who could isolate, concentrate the virus and move around easily within the Presidents entourage, subject themselves to SS scrutiny and then because its too much of a wish and prayer for it to be delivered to its subject with an exposure level likely to kill render in a lot of luck. Hypothetically, I figure it wouldn't be difficult for someone like Hope Hicks to get bumped and carry live virus onto Trumps plane. But the President enjoys 24/7 medical care. I think the problem with most 70+ dying occurs due to the waiting until it's taken hold, to figure out when the right time is to go to the hospital, where the chances of getting it there are real. If it was a Dem wet dream look how badly they shot themselves in the foot. USA Today did a piece that publicly asked for the identity of unknown guests to the Rose Garden. SS probably has the event on reel, time stamped with everyone known and has followed up leads. After all they are responsible for the Presidents life. There were comments from the irascible Left that made it seem Trump had unnecessarily exposed the SS protectorates. Bullets aren't as forgiving as germs. And again when have the Dems had a public event, other than protests/rioting with top people together enough to lead to an equivalent outcome? But if we entertain this level of hatred to not just passing comments from uncivil people but people with a real axe to grind and real benefits to gain why would it be unthinkable that an invisible Chinese hand in it or any such foreign entity made an attempt on the Presidents life? Why stop at SARS-CoV-2 why not something out of Wuhan that will literally kill? The Russians are known to do this type of thing. Ha ha there we go again, R-U-S-S-I--A. The foe not friend.
  20. Well, not by ordinary human standards. He has the strength of 4 men and more to say he does.
  21. I forgot to include this '16 and '20 take. Take a look at his energy levels. See how vociferous he becomes while 4 yrs later hes saying, "Sure". And then gobbledegook, "stand back and stand by." I'm not anti Trump by a long shot. Gotta leave room for me seeing things differently, I guess.
  22. I don't think the lefts "response" on Trump extends to the virus is all I said. I'm limiting my part in this discussion to the 200 attendees with 11 testing positive which to me sounds like a sampling of the population at large who contracted the virus, also considering no masks and no 6' distance at this event. Is it possible? Sure. And its a great story line with banter created on all sides. I do realize and know that suspect rumors going on since '16 and virtually all had a basis in truth. We just had to wait for the evidence. Now, for me, at least, I prejudge on the basis of most all of what we heard being true from the moment Trump came down the escalator. But. Were there "high level Democrats" getting together in large numbers publicly somewhere so it didn't escape the press? I'm interested in the thought process in how the targeting was accomplished. My op is the Rose Garden guests were a microcosm of what takes place in the world. I don't conduct myself according to rules put out by anyone re flu, etc. I'm in large groups of people expelling volumes of breath and sputum for hrs at a time playing pickleball 3x a wk. I dont wear a mask - ever, other than to agree to a Drs office protocol once this summer to get stem cells. So, while I know there's risk, I choose like Trump to live life since everything carries an amount of risk. My wife as much told me there was an attempt made on the Presidents life. Similar to how the Chinese virus spread, I think, and which has been the case for as long as I've been alive; '57,'68. Come to think about it, can we say that is a targeted attempt by the Chinese that's simply proven to be ineffective if their goal was to bring the US to its knees? All of the 11 will be ok, I think. The first line of defense against SARS-CoV-2 is for his doctors to have forged a plan based on his age and co-morbidities to get him well asap. But that is the first time I ever heard Walter Reed being world class! I myself was there in '71 and it was bad news. I guess Trump can make that claim given his good news and the broken state of affairs at VA while claiming also he made it better. While the MSM focuses on more and more cases, eh people get sick....the vast majority also get well. Don't think that forms the basis for newsworthy events. I liked his response about his possible immunity. My first instinct in March was I wanted to contract SARS-CoV-2 to lay to waste to the claims. Because it didn't pass the stink test and I wanted my own proof.
  23. The '16 Trump and '20 Trump debates shows the now and then comparison, an obviously weakened President. Not a surprise is the toll on an office holder and the oldest President of record. His immune system was compromised is the plausible. Why must everything be a conspiracy? Because is is? The hell to pay will be extracted from those who would take a bullet but expose a President to unseen dangers. What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger, Trump really needed a week off, SARS-CoV-2 or no and will be a model for beating the virus to the virtual choir of MAGA lovers.
  24. All the above counties were among those heavily affected by SARS-CoV-2. Not overwhelmingly pro Trump. In Henrico County, VA 57.4% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 36.6% voted Republican, and the remaining 6.0% voted Independent. In Chesterfield County, VA 46.0% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 48.2% voted Republican In Richmond County, VA 36.8% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election, 60.4% voted Republican
  25. Just that. I recorded the debate so am looking at "undoctored" material and I don't see the same things as Michael posted.