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Everything posted by turkeyfoot

  1. https://www.chordai.net I like electronic gadgets. I wanted to see if the chording for guitar is accurate. It is. Its a phone app. Play any recorded song from Itunes, Spotify, You Tube etc and it gives key recognition, tempo, real time chord charting etc. There are chords constructed using many fingerings, but while I knew a lot of fingerings I sometimes don't know the chord names. And after a 40+ yr pause and losing a fretting joint it was helpful. It made sense to me but we'll see if it can save money on tablature and print outs. There's this site https://www.hooktheory.com/hookpad. It also shows chord progressions for many popular songs. It was helpful after learning major/minor keys and how find complementary chords for song writing in western music.
  2. Its an interesting story that I think reflects on the single biggest aspect of his love lives (3 at once) and the turmoil they caused. Yes, of loving more than one woman, of carrying on simultaneous relationships with them and why and how he felt doing it, in fiction (?). He explores this, and perhaps the seemingly greatest emotional contradiction held by Ayn Rand too. Though now I see from his writing and can imagine as one becomes a different person over time how it is possible to hang on to a sentimental attachment and move towards another romantic partner while loving both. Its a powerful inside look at the complexities of Branden and what he considered worthy of retelling. About the stinging rebuke and the sorting that needed doing. What else could he write than something he perhaps knew more painfully and better than anyone could articulate? "But in any event the worst of it for me was not the breach of my responsibilities as a psychotherapist; it was the betrayal of my marriage." "I knew that I was taking the biggest gamble of my life.” “Look,” she said, “apart from the guilt, which I don’t feel, we’re in the same situation. I’m in love with XXX—want to spend my life with him. But here I am—and you know what I feel for you. Both feelings are real. And how it’s all supposed to fit together, I don’t know. You’re not the only one who’s confused. Maybe things are possible that most people don’t think are possible.” “Like being in love with two people at the same time.” Branden, Nathaniel . Layers. Kindle Edition.
  3. Thanks for sharing. I'm enjoying reading it on many layers. eh
  4. Specifically attending to the warrant authorizations? Fruit of the poisonous tree too? Rudy so much better a lawyer than an agent but an agent sticks to his guns, you know?
  5. Outliers. Fear mongering. Exceptions to "rules".
  6. Coved won't survive sunlight. Outdoor eateries! Sorry, its sooo depressing that some are maintaining this attitude. "Vaccinated", masked and still....
  7. Lets hope the "happy ending" (death of Ridpath) on 3-23-21 has resolved the issue in Cats' mind. At least there's a finality to it.
  8. Just as there is a minimum age requirement for becoming President, prudence could have determined a maximum age. Its very strange to consider colonists thinking at the time of the Constitutions writing that dementia's role wasn't seen beyong the 25th amendment. A man who seemingly can't stop from saying President Harris certainly is already subjected to the vagaries of the toll age takes. This article suggests American independence might have taken a different form if not for the "Mad King". https://goinggentleintothatgoodnight.com/2015/09/08/profiles-in-dementia-king-george-iii-1738-1820/ The potential impact and prophesizing of political fallout with the inconsequential vote of one has been a time suck.
  9. Debbie Reynolds? “Gene definitely hadn’t wanted me as his costar,” she wrote. “But Louis B. Mayer [cofounder of MGM] himself had chosen me to play Kathy Selden, and there was nothing Gene could do about it, even though he was MGM’s biggest star at the time.” Reynolds, who died in 2016, described her body’s automatic reaction to an on-screen kiss with Gene Kelly, that left her disgusted and Kelly furious. “The camera closed in. Gene took me tightly in his arms…and shoved his tongue down my throat. ‘Eeew! What was that?,’ I screeched, breaking free of his grasp and spitting. “I ran around frantic, yelling for some Coca-Cola to cleanse my mouth. It was the early 1950s, and I was an innocent kid who had never been French-kissed. It felt like an assault. I was stunned that this 39-year-old man would do this to me. Ha ha
  10. "So, anyway, part of their (inaudible) was various types of attacks on the Supreme Court, to take down as many judges as they could,....F. Dennis Saylor, a federal judge in Massachusetts; Martha Coakley; Lisa Monaco and her family" (all democrats) 3 pages later at the behest of the interviewer, "Do you believe the death of Antonin Scalia was a part of this same plot," He remembers upon being asked "He was their biggest threat being the most conservative justice" that AS was assassinated. Horse Hockey. RR (the only Obama DOJ survivor, knows who he is, JohnHereToHelp knows "everything".. the live bodies/dead bodies, names, intricacies. Parting words, "But good luck with them.· I mean, they're going to be admitting to what?· Murder? INTERVIEWER:· · · · Uh-huh. Lets check a premise. Why is he alive? Just here to help? Uh-huh.
  11. China knows how to play the guilt game, camps(reservations?) etc. Its hard to argue how the US, in this instance at least, can take the moral high ground. Biden doesn't attempt it. Meaning no us vs them. And boom goes the dynamite.
  12. You might be thinking of Austin City Limits. But no I think MTV. It comes and goes but not forgotten. I saw it the other night with Ben Folds. But not all is lost. https://www.livefromdarylshouse.com/archive.html ACL is back live. But Joe Bonamassa is streaming a concert there April 1st and On Demand for 1 month. Its really quite a deal, for $35. I saw him at Royal Albert Hall in '19, followed his career for 15 yrs. Talk about blues, live music has been decimated. Now that's sad.
  13. I saw Beck playing with Clapton at a Crossroads concert. Virtually. I have seen him at the Blues Club in Orlando. Legendary. Anyway I saw him play an old favorite, Cause We've Ended as Lovers. He uses volume and vibrato on a Strat like no one I've seen. Actually makes Clapton (god) look human dressed in Granddad clothes. It was written by Stevie Wonder and sung by his wife on the way out. She had a wonderful voice. Syreeta Wonder, a beautiful piece that would have felt like home in a James Bond film. Apple iTunes is maddening. 21,744 songs and its crapping on them. Apple is leaving it behind as it moves to Catalina. No mac for me. Best Daryls' House episode was with Smokey Robinson. They did Tears of a Clown and Sara Smile.
  14. 1-800-hell-ova-x? CCP operators are standing by.
  15. Are saying owing to the "vaccination" you are at lower risk of......SARS-CoV-2? I'd wrestle with that dubious number for a while. Think of it like this. The effective rates were said to be high 90 percentile, yes? Except for J&J's. Did that include those in the higher risk cases such as co-morbidities, age etc? I wouldn't read, into the effectiveness level, more than is there. Do you think the efficacy was proven on elderly and co-morbid folks? I wouldn't think they would qualify and even if they did I'd wonder how many in those categories would "risk" an untested "vaccine". This is the best drilling down information I saw: The vaccine appeared to be more or less equally protective across age groups and racial and ethnic groups. Additionally the Moderna and Phizer "vaccines" required extreme temperatures. Were there fail safes to guaranty temps were steady? J&J's can be in standard refrigeration for 3 months. https://www.statnews.com/2021/02/02/comparing-the-covid-19-vaccines-developed-by-pfizer-moderna-and-johnson-johnson/ Once you're in the hospital for other causes (you didn't say mortality due to things other than SARS-CoV-2) all bets are off. If the Dr doesn't kill ya there are high rates of infections due to the lowered immunity. From NIH: Most methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections are contracted in hospitals and other health care facilities. Antibiotic use, patients' weakened immune systems, close contact among people, and open wounds all make hospitals prime breeding grounds for these bugs
  16. I know for you it'd be a bit much but really.... Who's fooling who? All of the stores I've gone into, without exception, do nothing to enforce state mandates. Its not as if they say no trespassing, violators will be shot upon finding no masks on their person. Its a fools errand to to have an employee designated to confront customers. The vast majority wear masks and the few who don't, eh. Shops need/want buyers. They don't want a scene either and they feel as the majority feels, if you take precautions yourselves that is good for most everyone. Yes, the legal system has seen fit to legalize governors mandates with penalties but there exists other penalties for not following HIPPA, where you cant know if a person is unable to wear a mask, so shop owners roll the die but risk a penalty greater than what the state might impose. Many stores had originally posted that the issue was up to the customer as in "enter at your own risk". Its one of the strangest things I've seen about human nature and its contemptible. When i think of the vast majority I see chickens roosting on an open pyre. ha ha
  17. Drs recommend it not because they see the affects of the "vaccine". But relief. Fear is the compelling factor, once sparked it can't be put out, not like fire. I will lie about it. What I see are eyes registering fear because I cant see disapproving faces. I'm going to lie because folks can be nazi like in their zeal for feeling protected. They don't ask for proof, they want submission. As long as I display submissive behavior its acceptable. A couple of weeks ago I was early to pickleball. Lacrosse hadn't yet let out and as we assembled en masse suddenly I was called out for being mask-less. I ignored them until the most confident among them waved a mask in my face. Substituting my shirt was not enough. Its easily my favorite past time. I can't turn on them and I won't submit. Not to bs, and certainly not bullies. So for now I put a mask to my lips and discard it after 15 steps into the gym where surprisingly all masks come off. 25-30 heavily breathing mouths accept the concept of freedom for 2 hrs is more important than mandates. Those same folks then move to their cars in masks. Symbolism at its worst. When asked its an array of concerns for others not themselves. Mostly abiding to "rules" when in public. I go everywhere the same way I always have. Early on 1 man commented "get away from my wife". I told him to shove it. I put up with arbitrary rules, until I was 14, from a parent, a snake eater. A man who once likened children to mice in mazes. Unbelievable what these people get away while in medaled uniform. Its not dissimilar to how people react with Drs. As news of 15 mandate free states travels (more than 25% now) folks register new feelings about their own lock down states. It will be based on envy, which is as bad as any other emotionally based argument.
  18. "I bravely peeled the bandaid? Ouchless for the not so brave. I watched Army Drs give my Europe bound Mom a booster as a needle broke off in her arm. She was brave. Fyi, DTP is now recommended for those in the presence of infants. Mask mandates to be withdrawn as life opens up? Don't hold your breath.
  19. +1. That makes me a Brant booster. Better than a like. One leads to another then another. Keep it up.
  20. So much for speaking truth to power. CAFs' firm was crushed by the very people she'd worked for in government and the court system after getting on the wrong side of the bid riggers and insiders trading after saving taxpayers $2.2 B, circa '97. She underestimated the infernal mechanisms she counted on for justice. However dubious, I like a come from behind story, though at 70 she appears unlikely to live to see it through to fruition. https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0202/S00013/enemy-of-the-state-the-catherine-fitts-story-1.htm
  21. It may be the server capacity that limits ops to subscribers. There is another choice, Voice. It has a wait list. ( I know you're not interested) Its a model using digital currency and up voting consensus to get you a platform. The TOS, eligibility are steep. But superficiality is unlike FB model. No account needed.
  22. Pardons are out for Assange and Snowden. Being fixated on the Deep State I'd have thought he could have rejoiced in Snowden's efforts to uncover the massive lies and Assanges' to publish. It was within his power to see justice served.