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Everything posted by basimpson22

  1. Where does the philosophy of objectivism place relationships? Are relationships important in the philosophy of objectivism? And I am speaking of relationships in a broad sense but feel free to specify various types of relationships.
  2. I think you've given a great source for a material scientist who believes the towers were turned into pyroclastic dust through the force of gravity. Hard to believe I used to jump out of that hayloft as a kid. Its a wonder my legs didn't explode on impact.
  3. the word i spelled wrong. Yes, thank you for your oh so valuable commentary.
  4. Yeah, explain the disintegration of the twin towers. Steel and concrete easily melt when collided with more steel and concrete. There's another expirement you might like to try. That should explain why there was molten steel at ground zero months after the initial "collapse" I hope you'll pull your head out of your ass before watching this
  5. I'll give you a blue tip wrench and time you on melting a boeing 757. Hell, I'll give you a flame thrower and time you. We'll call it, "make the boeing disappear". Now come on Brant! Why don't you but a little effort into your defense? That must explain the towers too since they were made of aluminum. No, they were made of tin right?! That's how they collapsed in on themselves. They were built with progressively more massive tin so the heaviest point of the building was at the top. Yep, that explains why both buildings collapsed on themselves. Thank you Brant. Really, truly, I've been blessed to learn that an objectivist best and most irrefutable arguments are those made purely of sarcasm.
  6. actually, this forum is a guilty pleasure of mine as well. Nobody close to me knows I'm active on an Objectivist website. And I often delay homework to surf all the topics.
  7. well how would one reverse or abolish this facet of fascism? Wait. When the dollar is worthless, strike! --Brant with what?! LOL
  8. well how would one reverse or abolish this facet of fascism?
  9. Well, given this statement, would you agree that we would be better off without the Federal Reserve System?
  10. Reidy, Fortunately I am neither a historian nor a financial advisor nor do i claim to be either. I do appreciate your response and the links as well. We do know I believe that Jefferson did manage to abolish the central bank during his presidency by simply refusing to sign its renewal charter. He had lived through the experience with the paper Continental currency so he was aware of the dangers of irredeemable paper. I understand from an article which appeared in Freedom Daily in Jan 2010 that some debtors had signed contracts to repay their loans of gold coin in gold. But some pleaded with their legislators, after the victory at Yorktown, to change the gold clause so that they could repay in paper instead. This may have been an impetus to the establishment of a federal government over the states. We know it led to the statement in Article 1 Section 10 which held that States should hold only gold and silver coin as tender for payment of debts. I wonder where one would begin to look to find details of this phenomenon, e.g. actual cases of legislation in the thirteen States between the time of the Battle of Yorktown and the ratification of the Constitution which sought to modify the content of such contracts to eliminate the gold clauses. Do you have any suggestions? TIA gulch Andrew Jackson sure wasn't much on banks either. Was that all that he and Jefferson had in common?
  11. I'm gonna start this tomorrow. I'll let you know if I notice any changes.
  12. That's one of the reasons why I'm opposed to homeschooling. Fo it can result in exactly that: religious dogmatists indoctrinating their children. You have not mentioned your brother. What is his attitude regarding this crucial issue? Following Ms. Xray's "logic," I can then argue that one of the reasons that I am "opposed to" compulsory, forced public school state education is that " can result in..." marxist dogmatists "...indoctrinating their children." You make a good point in that public school is forced on children. People are thrown in jail for not sending their children to school. My high school was like a minimum security prison. They would lock the parking lot down at 9 and throughout the day if anyone came to school they were funneled through a security point. Its scary to me how much control they exercised. However, I have a hard time seeing how Marxism is taught or exercised in public school. This is in no way a rebuttal I just want to explore the idea.
  13. A skilled observer can accomplish the task with the others not even realizing that they are being observed. I completely agree with you.
  14. I've only watched the first 5 minutes but this is great. How can these videos be accessed. I know I'm getting ahead of myself but is it possible that education will become automated? I mean just look at how automation has benefited the world of industry, the biggest benefit of course being cost reduction. That would be something to really look forward to. Well, I'm gonna stop before I get too imaginitive. I'll come back later and finish the video. This really excites me.
  15. That's one of the reasons why I'm opposed to homeschooling. Fo it can result in exactly that: religious dogmatists indoctrinating their children. You have not mentioned your brother. What is his attitude regarding this crucial issue? Well, As far as I can tell, his attitude is apathy and/or submission. His business would be his reason for apathy. His guilt of infedelity would be his reason for submission. I definitely see a parallel with Henry and Lillian. But thank the Lord Henry and Lillian had no children together. Lol, that's right, I don't beleive Rand is fond of children. I'm only halfway through the book and I don't recall there being any mention of children. Yes, she, my sistern-n-law. is very dogmatic. This brother is the oldest in my family and he's turned out very much like our father. His pleasure is in business-related ventures and discussions and he is mostly absent, conversationally and intellectually from his children. I see him as an observer of his children rather than a particpant in their lives. And he observes them seemingly with much scrutiny.
  16. Listening to Michael Jackson's 'You Are Not Alone'

  17. Wow, this statement gave me goosebumps. I've always believed that children are at the apex of intelligence. They aren't afraid to ask questions and their level of cognition is so much higher than we often give them credit for. I went to a pre-school over 60 years ago my mother started for my benefit, primarily for "socialization." Nothing I remember had to do with really using and stretching one's mind. What I became aware of was cliques being formed amongst my classmates. All through school I was never aware of thinking, intelligent conversations with my peers until the last year of high school in social studies with two or three other students following my lead. The leitmotif of school was submission to authority, which no matter how subtle was still just that. I think most very young children need to be jump started into independence and individualism but that gets spiked by too many people telling them what to do and when to do it, especially in the regimented classrooms of jejune prisons, the model carrying over to college making kids ready for adulthood, going to war and general subservience to the State. --Brant Yes Yes! I have 18 nieces and nephews and it makes me sick to see how they are treated this way even by their parents. My sister is a teacher for the state and brings her authoritative practices home with her. She is very controlling, especially with her oldest child. Then I have a sister-n-law, a backwoods jesus freak, who placed her children in a one room religious school after 5 yrs of homeschooling. She is just a nutcase in my opinion. When I have the chance I encourage them to think for themselves and not swallow everything their coaches, teachers, and parents put into them. My sister's children are easier to approach. Having grown up in a non-traditional household as well as going to a public school, they possess a better understanding of the world we live in. But my sister-n-laws children have been brought up in la la land. Their concept of the world is very limited. I guess their mother wants them to skip this world and go straight to the "next". O, this is juicy, she was good friends with Mary Winkler, the preacher killer.
  18. Well I sure found this interesting. I've grown up leaning to the left. The video you provided us with does show the logical side of Beck. When he talked about the hedonists hippies who abused drugs and had orgies under the "banner of love" that was eye-opening. The images of the people surrounding the television, the skyline, and the moonlanding were very Randian to me. A euphoric feeling came over me. Men coming together to accomplish what just a decade earlier was believed implausible. It brings to my mind images of Henry Rearden developing his Steele. A personal aside: in the months after the 2008 election I was sickened by the repeated obama ass-kissing sessions on CNN, especially by Anderson Cooper. (even though i voted for the guy)
  19. Wow, this statement gave me goosebumps. I've always believed that children are at the apex of intelligence. They aren't afraid to ask questions and their level of cognition is so much higher than we often give them credit for.
  20. basimpson22


    Well, I don't believe I've formally introduced myself yet. My name is Bobby Simpson. I am 23 and I grew up in rural middle Tennessee, the son of a cattleman, a twin, and 7 of 9 children. I currently attend Tennessee Technological University. Formerly I was studying mechanical engineering but decided to change my major to accounting during my junior year. I often wonder if this was the right decision. Anyways, I joined about two weeks ago and must say I am addicted. There is always an intriguing topic to find her at OL. To Selene, the one who first welcomed me to OL, I must apologize for my tone in the Jesse Ventura forum. I hope you won't weigh that or my opinion on the topic against me in the future. Already I have found at OL a source for enlightenment and motivation. I look forward to discovering new ideas and meeting many more highly intelligent peole here at OL.
  21. I have always wondered who was responsible for one of the ugliest sounding and hardest to clearly enunciate book titles ever coined. LMAO! I know what you mean! I usually have to spell the title out for people along with charades.
  22. In social situations the one observing is often the one left out