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Posts posted by pippi

  1. I am up for this.

    1) Where online is this happening?

    2) I am not, by any stretch, an objectivist, can I still join?

    Joel just click the link in my signature that should work to get you to the group page, Daunce if you want to participate that's up to you of course.

  2. Update: our small group has decided on reading Atlas Shrugged starting 4/1/2011. It will probably be a few chapters every couple of days, format/time table has not yet been ironed out.

    Anyone else willing to join is welcome-I think it will be interesting and yes, fun. We already have a few OLers on board, anyone is welcome to participate.

    If interested, the link is in my signature.(thanks Michael for letting me put that up.)


  3. There is a moment -- one few people will ever experience -- that has long fascinated me. It is the moment when a newly elected president is alone in the Oval Office for the first time, and all that has happened hits him. I am thinking not of the power but of the history of the presidency. The effect on a new president with a sense of history


    I understand your point but the reverence of the moment is WAY over, and I doubt he has ANY sense of history or sentiment toward the USA.

  4. If the ding-dong spent half the energy put into the screed on something venturous, they could stop living in a van, down by the river. Or asking daddy for money. Or enjoying public dole. Whatever they are doing now. Am I wrong? Does their lifestyle reflect their values?

    And even if I am wrong, I freaking hate that style of writing. It is weaker than hamster piss. I can barely get through the best renditions of the "This I Believe" radio series, and that's almost as good as this kind of thing gets.



    I am a radical money-glommer.

    Ptui indeed.

    My mouse may need disinfecting but I went back to the site and here is the answer to 'what are they doing now'? Is anyone surprised?

    I call Cascadia (Portland, OR) my home. I have lived in a variety of places in North America, mostly in the Pacific Northwest. With the support of my loved ones, friends, and Pagan faith, I have somehow managed to remain mostly – though not entirely – job-free since 1998.

    I proudly identify as a queer, a bookworm, a feminist, a Pagan polytheist, and an aspiring radical homemaker. I have a variety of academic credentials at the baccalaureate and post-bac level, having studied psychology, philosophy and accounting; however, I’m primarily an autodidact. My many interests include writing, tea drinking, tribal belly dance, gothic/industrial/rhythmic noise/neofolk music and culture, photography of abandoned places, Swedish language and culture, grammar and etymology, herbalism, hiking in temperate rainforests, home decorating, and maintaining my well-loved home library. 95% of my wardrobe is black.

    This blog does not allow comments.

    And last but not least

    Currently, I am just barely hanging on by a thread; an unwanted divorce devastated me financially, and I have been looking for a paid job, preferably as an office file clerk, for more than a year. No success yet. If any of you reading this should happen to know of any such job in Portland – oh, the irony of posting such a request here! – please do contact me.

    I know this is a waste of energy and I won't post any more on it-I already feel icky that I posted this and put thought into it, but it is like looking at a car crash to me I can't resist... I am just amazed at what I used to think was good and how full of shit some people are.


  5. Yep there are some grains of truth in what she writes-every bit of brainwashing contains a grain of truth, that is why it is so effective.

    As I said-I subscribed to this theory in my (misspent) youth.

    I can also see how a person with this mindset would like Objectivism - individuality over "the man", I get it, I got it.


  6. If anyone here is interested I am trying to start a reading group of either The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged, probably Atlas Shrugged.

    I think it would be interesting to read chapters as a group and discuss them, maybe a few chapters or sections a week or every few days, not sure. If anyone wants to read more they can follow the link in my signature.

    I hope to have the book discussion running by 4/1

    Thank you

  7. I don't think "John Galt laughed" is as bad phrase as the one I quoted. UGH!


    I don't know of any book that starts like that.

    Are you referring to The Fountainhead? It starts like this:

    Howard Roark laughed.

    Don't feel bad, though. I've made my own share of elementary blunders--as we all have. The trick is not ever to make that one again.


    omg LOL! Thanks Michael

  8. When I was young and angry I thought this person in particular among others was so right and cool, she had a website and a forum and followers (what radical yuppie didn't?)

    I grew up and it's sad to see she has not-I guess being a total dipshit pays.

    Her leave a comment is disabled. Surprise Surprise.

    Warning-this is a bunch of crap


    I am a radical unjobber because I believe people should have lives based on living, not on making a living.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe that leisure is more than “free time”.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe in an ecological ethic of service, interdependence, and care…not a “work ethic.”

    I am a radical unjobber because I don’t believe people’s value in a relationship, family, or community should be diminished because they do not have jobs or earn wages. Having a job and making a “contribution to society” is not a measure of worth, and people should not be expected to work to justify their existence any more than a tree or a river should. (I do believe that most people have a desire to be useful and creative, rather than just being consumers; we need to find ways for people to fulfill this desire outside the wage economy, as there simply aren’t enough jobs to go around, even for those who want jobs.)

    I am a radical unjobber because, although I’m not “anti-work,” I am critical of jobs and the entire job culture.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe there is an important and oft-overlooked difference between work and jobs. Work is intrinsically worth doing, and may or may not involve earning money. A job is a set of tasks performed for wages or other compensation, and controlled by an employer. (The two are not mutually exclusive; I’ll have plenty more to say about this in future writings.)

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe in the importance of rethinking our cultural and societal assumptions about the proper relationship between work and leisure.

    I am a radical unjobber because I have spent my entire adult life trying to figure out ways to live a life that is not based around earning income, and encouraging people to find ways to live a less job-centered life in general.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe that freedom from the job culture is an inside job that starts (but doesn’t end) within the minds and hearts of human beings – which means, among other things, that it is possible to be free of wage slavery even if you hold a conventional job.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe in not letting whatever you do for income interfere with your life’s work.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe lowering expenses is preferable to increasing income through having a job. Like Amy Dacyczyn (author of “The Tightwad Gazette”), I prefer the luxury of freedom from a job to the luxury of material goods.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe “do what you love, the money will follow” is essentially a lie. Though there is a kernel of wisdom in that saying, it’s often misinterpreted as “if you can find a job you love, eventually you’ll earn money.” Not everyone can do what they love through finding a job, and it isn’t their own fault; that’s simply not the way the economy functions. Conventional jobs in the wage economy have an underlying purpose, and it is not to allow people do what they love. It is to facilitate the movement of money, and concentrate wealth in the hands of the elite.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe the job culture impoverishes us by creating conditions where so many of us are forced to abandon our Work to take jobs, and then impoverishes us even more by diminishing our opportunities for true restorative leisure.

    I am a radical unjobber because I don’t believe that paid work is inherently more valuable than unpaid work.

    I am a radical unjobber because I resist the brainwashing that paints people who don’t have a job in the wage economy as idle, lazy, parasitic, undeserving, good-for-nothing, worthless, or not trying hard enough.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe money (and the need to earn it through wage jobs) is the ultimate root cause of the ecological destruction we face. However, I am not inherently “anti-money” and I accept money without guilt or shame, since I live in a world that has made it near-impossible to function without it.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe in the value of working toward urban and rural interdependent self-sufficiency and homesteading skills (growing and preserving food, fiber arts, home brewing, cooking, baking, home building, passive solar design, etc.) as paths to freedom from the job culture.

    I am a radical unjobber because I encourage people to dig deep and think critically about the toxic cultural messages we’ve absorbed about jobs, work, and money, and to do the hard work of uprooting them so that healthy attitudes can be consciously cultivated in their place.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe in the value of barter, gift economies, alternative currencies, community currencies, basic income schemes, and other alternatives to the use of money earned through conventional jobs.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe in small-scale farming, cottage industries, local production of goods, and in the value of handcrafted items made with love and care.

    I am a radical unjobber because I want to live simply, mindfully, consciously, and deliberately…and I encourage others to do the same.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe that energy descent, climate change and resource depletion will require radical changes to our current way of life, and because I want to free myself and others from the demands of conventional jobs so that we can collectively devote as much time as possible to the necessary and urgent work of preparing for a different way of life.

    I am a radical unjobber because I have made a conscious choice to live a car-free or low-car life as much as possible, in order to minimize expenses and dependence on earned income from jobs, as well as for health and ecological reasons. (I am fortunate to live in a pedestrian-friendly city with great public transit, which makes this much easier to do.)

    I am a radical unjobber because I have chosen not to have children, partly in order to maximize my leisure, reduce my ecological footprint, and lessen the income I need to earn. (There are other reasons too, of course, such as the fact that I have never had a desire to be a parent.)

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe that the best work is the kind that is done with joy, and if we are unable to take any joy in our work, it is a sign that something, somewhere, is fundamentally wrong.

    I am a radical unjobber because I don’t believe success in a conventional job is necessarily proof of value, skill, or intelligence. Often, it’s simply an indication that someone is well-connected, wealthy, status-driven, and/or willing to play the game.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe in the value of thrift and frugality (as distinguished from cheapness) as a way of life that brings joy and increased freedom from the need to earn job income.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe it’s possible (even preferable!) to live very well far below the official “poverty line,” and in fact I am doing it right now, as I write this. What matters is access to resources – food, shelter, clean water, health care, etc. Money can facilitate this access, but it is ultimately nothing more than a means to an end; it should never be mistaken for real wealth.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe in asking radical questions: the kind that get to the roots of the problems, rather than “hacking away at the branches” (thanks to H.D. Thoreau for that phrase.)

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe philosophies and practices such as deep ecology/ecophilosophy, ecopsychology, systems thinking, permaculture, Earth-centered ritual, herbalism, sacred plant medicine, folk magic, religious mysticism, polytheism, animism, feminism, LGBTQ rights, arts & crafts, music & dance, neo-tribal and village living, hunting and gathering, wildcrafting, home-based organic gardens, natural building, the tiny house movement, gift giving, barter, community currencies, and simple living all have an important role to play in building a world outside the job culture.

    I am a radical unjobber because I consider indigenous peoples’ sovereignty and land-based ways of life/work to be essential. In particular, I take inspiration from the Himalayan Ladakhi peoples and the peoples of the Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan in thinking about how to repair our ecosystems and build a happier, less job-centered, less money-centered culture.

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe that if enough of us can learn skills to support our basic needs, and can learn to do this work in an interdependent way…then together we can figure out ways to support each other using as little money as possible, and outside the bounds of conventional employment. I believe extended families, villages and tribes should support each other in times of need, instead of clinging to an ideal of “independence” that does not serve our needs. (The falseood that there is such a thing as a “self-made man” is so widely promoted in the media because it serves the needs of the elite.)

    I am a radical unjobber because I believe that if we want to get out of the job culture, we will need to get the job culture out of us.

    I am a radical unjobber because when I am asked what I do for a living, I respond with “I work for the land.” The natural world is my teacher.

    A question for you to ponder, dear readers: Are you a radical unjobber? Why or why not?

  9. There is no way to criticize the sentence without knowing the wider context. It might be meant to convey that the week passed slowly and uneventfully. The concrete verb tiptoed says that concisely with an evocative image, rather than with vague polysyllabic latinisms.

    "Polysllabic latinisms" - how cute.

    Of course the word tiptoed implied an uneventful week, the phrase was just icky to me, it just was too tritely convenient and awkwardly clever, if the wider context redeemed it I would never have posted this.

    I read the context up to this sentence and felt it wasn't worth going on.

    In other words - see thread title and take it from there. Thank you

  10. [JR decried s]ome self-proclaimed Canadian socialist who's so terrified that someone she knows might find out what her views are that she hides behind a screen name online.

    Well, then, I hope you're not divining my thus being "terrified." "Greybird" is closer to being unique, it has personal resonance (I'll explain if anybody gives a damn), and my real name (a boring one, unlike yours) is on my profile page anyway.

    I do not think he was referring to you mr Bird. Maybe he was but either way this thread has gotten unfun


    How about trying to make these BAD sentences at least readable?

    "The week tiptoed by." should at the very LEAST have been "An uneventful week tiptoed by and then we realized..."

    I don't think "John Galt laughed" is as bad phrase as the one I quoted. UGH!

  11. I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, To put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die Discover that I had not lived.
