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Everything posted by galtgulch

  1. Before I read Rand et al I was totally in the dark as to the nature of economics and the principles involved. Now after soaking up some of the wisdom of von Mises and the gold bugs, even I appreciate the fact the Chavez is trying to blame businessmen for the inflation which he himself has caused. Men in the Chavez administration who do understand the issue are fearful of telling Chavez that it is not the fault of the business men but his own policies which have caused the general inflation with its consequent price rise throughout the entire economy. I guess they fear he will just have them taken out and killed. It is evident that certain economic principles should be taught in the schools. I am not a believer in conspiracy theory. I find it hard to believe that there is a conscious intention on the part of educators to keep the populace, starting with the children in the schools, in the dark about the realities of inflation. Despite the fact that inflations have occurred historically and are going on around the world today the subject is glossed over in colleges and universities. The concepts involved could easily be understood at the high school level as well but I am unaware that it is taught even in economics classes where the focus is elsewhere. Given the hardships endured by all people in countries where inflation is official policy, even the US tolerates a degree of it, any effort to enlighten the populace should be supported. Are any of you aware of the excellent work being done by Hornberger with his Future of Freedom Foundation and its publications of op eds in newspapers all over the world? Worth taking a look at it. I subscribe to his publication and do support his efforts with contributions. I think his website is but I am tired and not thinking clearly, it might be galt
  2. It is delightful to read all the above posts with which I most heartedly agree. But nobody commented on the video which gives one an electron microscopic view of the goings on within the nucleus and the cytoplasm of a cell and in particular the mechanism by which a strand of messenger RNA is synthecized from an uncoiled strand of DNA and proceeds to leave the nucleus and travel out to the mitochondria where it orchestrates the synthesis of a protein. It is rather marvelous that there are natural forces which enable this kind of process to go on and to keep us alive. It is all much more awe inspriring that it all occurs naturally than to suppose that an anthropomorphic genie pulls it off by guiding each step as if by magic. Anyone else take the trouble to watch the video. Sure is "complicated" isn't it? Until the scientists are able to explain just what forces operate the mystics will feel free to hypothesize a supernatural entity to "explain" how it happens. galt
  3. Evidently scientists who doubt the theory of evolution as proposed by Darwin are being recruited using the following video. It is a beautiful video and the question is does all this occur by natural forces or does it require the divine intervention of a supernatural entity which is the belief of those who subscribe to the intelligent design perspective. I put this in the Metaphysics section because the basic issue underlying the debate has everything to do with one's understanding of just what kind of universe we live in. Either it is one created by one or more supernatural beings and in which such divinities intervene for reasons of their own or not. IF not then the Existence exists model is the rational alternative. This is the one for grown ups who have managed to give up any inclination to engage in wishful thinking. Scientists with Ph.D.s and M.D. are joining the list of those who doubt the validity of Darwinian Evolution although they do not indicate just what their alternative is. I imagine this issue has been discussed somewhere on the OL site but I am not aware of just where it is here. It is disturbing that scientists are being enlisted by the ID community. The truth of the matter is not going to be decided by a show of hands. galt
  4. To all with a belief in the right to self defense and the right to keep and bear arms, Given the "trouble" in the Middle East and the likelihood that the US will be withdrawing whether or not the Iraqi government and military and police will be ready to defend the establishment there what do you think of the following idea. Hold one more election and offer hand guns and ammunition to anyone, man or woman who shows up to vote so they will be armed to defend themselves against the Islamic militants! I think the numbers of voters far outweighed those who are considered "insurgents." I think these voters are in favor of individual freedom and peace and trade and have the same rights as we do although they may be unaware of Objectivism or western Constitutional thought. They must realize we have a common enemy in the Islamo Fascists but are not armed. I doubt insurgents go to vote. I know this will not happen but it appeals to my romantic side. galt
  5. This thread started with a reference to an article by our own Walter Williams who is a professor of Economics at George Mason University. Has anyone else noticed that the syndicated cartoon column Mallard Fillmore has been devoted to an effort to get Walter Williams to throw his hat in the ring to run for President recently? At first I noticed the one in which the cartoonist gives email address in the hope of starting a grass roots campaign to get the Republican National Committee to ask him to run. How marvelous it would be for there to be a principled free market economist in the running who might educate the voting populace at least and perhaps get the attention of younger people who might find rational arguments a welcome alternative to the usual politician's blather. I know WW is probably not an Objectivist but I have yet to encounter any of his thoughts that do not fit well. After all Rand even recommended von Mises who was not an Objectivist but certainly had much of value to contribute to our understanding. I know its not going to happen. Maybe someone with the time and inclination should write a book in which it does. I wish Victor Hugo were alive today. I wonder what he would be writing if he were alive. galt
  6. <<<"You mean this guy was serious? I thought it was a parody of logical twists and I found it very charming as such. Actually, it is a very good example of what happens when the normative gets mixed up with the cognitive.">>> Michael, thanks for your inquisitive response. I assume the fellow, being a professor of philosophy with a prestigious university, was serious. It appears to have been taken seriously by some of his fellow academics. On another subject, while I have your attention, regarding the planned production of AS in the near future. I know a strikingly good looking gentleman, who is not an actor, but my impression is that he would be a wonderful unknown to play either John Galt or perhaps Ragnar. I have not mentioned it to him but wonder if it makes any sense to contact whoever is casting to see if they might be interested in taking a look at this guy. If so I would let him know or put him in touch with them. I don't even know if he has read the book but i work with him and he has a wonderful presence and sense of life, e.g. "the face that knew neither pain, nor fear, not guilt." BTW whenever I run that phrase by my wife she makes a face to look like a dopey fool! It is a scream! William
  7. I wrote a refutation of this nonsense, but erased it when I realized it is not being read by morons. --Brant Brant and Michael, I appreciate your responses. Gaskings "proof" clearly does not need to be refuted in Objectivist circles. I just thought I would post it because it was new to me, obviously absurd, and it is incredible that it was presented by an "academic" who held a post at a university. I just thought it was peculiar enough to be a curiosity for all to see. I have always known Objectivists who have a sense of humor. although there are those without as well. I don't know if a literal 'moron" could grasp Objectivist concepts. I have always been struck that many of the more educated folks I have encountered have an unwillingness to check their premises and are often not as open to Objectivism as less "intelligent" individuals with less "education." galt
  8. i don't know how "official" this is, however i promised so here is a more formal version of, wait for it... Gasking's Proof 1. The creation of universe is the most marvellous achievement imaginable. 2. The merit of an achievement is the product of (a) its intrinsic quality, and (b) the ability of its creator. 3. The greater the disability (or handicap) of the creator, the more impressive the achievement. 4. The most formidable handicap for a creator would be non-existence. 5. Therefore if we suppose that the universe is the product of an existent creator we can conceive a greater being — namely, one who created everything while not existing. 6. An existing God therefore would not be a being greater than which a greater cannot be conceived because an even more formidable and incredible creator would be a God which did not exist. 7. Therefore, God does not exist.
  9. I just heard about this moments ago and wonder if anyone here has ever heard of this delightful notion. I did a search of the Objectivist Living site for Gasking and found no sign of it here. I believe that Douglas Gasking was a Professor of Philosophy in Australia and is now deceased. I believe he was actually described as a Communist. I am not prepared to quote his proof here now. I do not want to paraphrase it either for fear I will misrepresent his argument. I googled Gasking's proof and found reference to an article for sale which included the proof. I do not want to be mysterious and just wondered if anyone here ever heard of this professor and his proof which was evidently taken seriously and critized in academic circles. I do not have the time to find a quotable version of his proof at this time but will endeavor to find it. I am not sure he intended to be taken seriously but it is at least amusing for those of us who are put off by traditional philosophical ontological arguments. The one which we all learned about in Philosophy 101 was St. Anselm's which stated that God is that being than which non greater can be thought. An accomplishment such as the Creation of the Universe is considered to be a rather marvelous feat. It would be even more awesome if done by a handicapped or disabled entity. What could be more of a handicap or a disability than to be non existent! The delightful conclusion is that since the Universe does exist that its Creator does not exist! No kidding! Will wonders ever cease? galt
  10. Update: WGAT stock closed at $1.26 on Jan 26th as the pps dwindles on no news. We await the fourth quarter 06 report of revenue which company is obliged to release within 75 days of end of quarter. Usually companies have 45 days to release quarterly results but this is also end of year so annual report is due as well consequently they have more time to submit under SEC rules. I spoke with investor relations at WorldGate Comm and was told that the discounted monthly service fee might be extended for another quarter! Not chiseled in granite yet but should be announced at the Conference Call which accompanies quarterly releases before the middle of March. Of course we should know early in February if discount continues at $9.95 rather than going back up to $14.95 for UNLIMITED VIDEO TELEPHONE CALLS over broadband cable or DSL at any time. If revenue is indeed up and there is news of new deals among negotiations with other potential partners then perhaps the trend in the pps will change to upward direction. Wall Street cannot ignore growth in revenue if it persists for several quarters. I would not bet the farm here until such growth reaches profitability and is sustained. The upside potential here is incredible and awareness of this product is met with enthusiam. The general consensus is that if a few years "Everyone will have one!" We don't need everyone to have one for this to be successful. Most appeal is for grandparents to be able to literally see and "visit" with their grandchildren as they grow up. Those who live at a distance or have grandchildren in several states or cannot travel will be able to maintain a relationship with loved ones by calling and keeping in touch for a low flat monthly fee. I suspect that young couples who are tech savvy and have new babies or young toddlers or children will be motivated to buy an Ojo for themselves and their parents so their parents can get to see their grandchildren much more often than they would be able to otherwise. Little kids love the Ojo and when something happens in their lives like a new tooth or toy or something they drew they are eager to call grandma to show her. No comparison with PC based alternatives. The Ojo can be used in any room in the house or out by the pool, or on the deck or porch, by attaching an ethernet cable from the modem to a wall outlet. It works! If you have any questions explore and or galtgulch
  11. I mentioned to my wife that watching "24" is stressful more than entertaining. The moments of betrayal which abound are distressing. Are there really such evil people in this world? I am afraid we all know the answer to that now. There was a time when Ayn pointed out that the American people are naive when it comes to accepting the fact that there are evil people. Perhaps that is one upside to the "24" show. Of course I was watching a couple of years ago when Jack Bauer called in to headquarters to ask Chloe to have Edgar maneuver a satellite to help him track a terrorist. Chloe called Edgar on a futuristic device next to her computer. The LCD screen was held up at eye level and the picture of Edgar which appeared was clear with profound realism because the voice was perfectly in synch with the movement of his lips. I understand that `14.8 million people witnessed that Ojo phone call on "24" and the Ojo was considered to be something created for the show not what it turned out to be: a product placement of a high qualty video telephone soon to be available to customers on the market! Now the Ojo, which won the Best of Innovations Award at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is being marketed all over the world. I eagerly await the reappearance of the Ojo on "24" this season. galt
  12. "Do you think any of that would make a guy less pissed off when someone mentions his idol wore elevator shoes?" Michael No I don't. In fact even the death penalty does not stop certain people from commiting murder. Even in states without the death penalty,convicted murderers often become suicidal because of their guilt. Not a happy subject. On another topic, I just saw the new movie with Naomi Watts and Edward Norton and she is eye catching and has a sufficiently intelligent look to make me think she should be in consideration for the role of Dagny. I wonder if anyone else agrees with me. I don't know her at all regarding her own beliefs or philosophy but that is irrelevant. I am not pleased with Jolie for the many reasons others have posted. I wonder where you were hoping this thread would lead. Irrationality leads to destruction. Our Mr. Bush is a prime example just not as blatant. galt
  13. "I'm glad these guys don't post on Objectivist forums." Michael, I don't know what will happen in this case you bring to our attention but I wonder if you are aware of what might happen in similar cases where serious damage is done. If a perpetrator acts up in court during his arraignment he might be seen by a court psychologist. If the fellow continues to be uncooperative during questioning he might be sent to a psychiatric facility within the prison system in most states for evaluation and treatment. If he expresses an irrational belief which is considered to rise to the level of delusion he might get commited for six months to begin with. If he had killed one or more people and continues to hold to his delusional beliefs and refuses to cooperate with an assigned attorney he might be considered to be incompetent to stand trial and subsequently recommited virtually indefinitely. He might appreciate that spending his days in a psychiatric hospital within the prison system is preferable to serving hard time sentenced to life in a state prison. If he refuses t o take anti psychotic medication a petition for a court order to medicate against his will can be obtained if he is considered to be incompetent to make rational prudent decisions regarding his medical treatment. Goes on every day. galt
  14. Update January 9th Here is a link to the Ojo exhibit pavilion at the CES in Las Vegas which includes pictures of the Ojo, the travel Ojo and a newly designed Ojo. HOLIDAY SPECIAL NEW MonthlyFEE OF JUST $9.95 MONTHLY GOOD THROUGH END OF 2007! Must purchase an Ojo or Shadow Ojo and register it at before end of January 2007 In case you are wondering whether video telephony is the next wave of the future, notice that Apple has come out with a new does everything phone which will only help to establish video telephony as a viable new industry. WorldGate Comm Nasdaq wgat is right in the middle of this with a residential video telephone in silver or black, and the new travel Ojo which is WiFi enabled. The wgat stock went up to close at $1.41 on volume of over 390K usual volume is 290K. The stage is set. If you have any questions explore and or galtgulch
  15. Update Jan 08, 2007 Today is the first day of the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas where the new Travel Ojo is having its debut. Here is a link to see the Travel Ojo although it is not yet in production: As you know Ojo may be seen at and purchased there at $100 off MSRP But offers the Ojo at $297 and the Shadow Ojo at $222.41 You register your Ojo with using your own phone number and usually pay either $14.95 per month for UNLIMITED VIDEO TELEPHONE CALLS at any time anywhere in the world over broadband cable or DSL. You can save one month's fee by paying annually $164. HOLIDAY SPECIAL NEW FEE OF JUST $9.95 MONTHLY GOOD THROUGH END OF 2007! Must purchase an Ojo or Shadow Ojo and register it at before end of January 2007 Hammacher Schlemmer in Manhattan on 57st did not have usual internet display for actual video phone calls but does offer free lifetime guarantee. If you have any questions explore and or galtgulch
  16. If I may put in my two cents. I just saw the new movie with Edward Norton and Naomi Watts entitled something like The Purple Veil or whatever. I never saw Naomi Watts before but found her to be stunningly beautiful. I don't know the first thing about her as a person and certainly have no idea what her own philosophy is or whether she ever read the book e.g. Atlas Shrugged. During the course of the movie Edward Norton's character behaved inexplicably to me. If I were in the same room with her, Naomi Watts, I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off her. She is just eye-catching. So is my wife incidentally. On a purely physical level I would like to see her in the role which is not going to happen. But I can dream. Anyone else know her at all? galt
  17. Judith, Long before I met my wife I realized that one essential attribute I wanted to be sure of in a wife would be not just rationality but also a joyous, life affirming sense of life, and boy am I one happy man to see how well our son turned out as a consequence. We named him Adam because he would be the first little fellow we knew of whose parents were conscious of Objectivism and nurtured his faculty of consciousness blah blah blah. We are helping him move into his new condo in New York City this weekend. Love this existence and this country and this philosophy. Happy holidays. Will stand on one foot at one point in tribute to Ayn Rand. Buy an Ojo. galtgulch
  18. 'Victor, My wife and i love to go to the movies. We found Blood Diamond to be entertaining and were impressed with Dicaprio who played his character convincingly. We also enjoyed Dejavu and always find Denzel a pleasure to watch. Incidentally i know a gentleman who works for the same company where I toil who is quite good looking and it occurred to me that he would be the kind of unknown who would be appealing if he were cast as John Galt. I wonder how the Atlas project is going and hope they do an outstanding job. I have always known that Objectivism is the antidote for the ills of the world. I recall my reaction when I first heard the fundamentals of Objectivism explained to me. i said, rather naively, "How come it is not the front page headline in the New York Times?" galt
  19. I agree with those on your list which I have seen which includes most of them. A couple of films come to mind which did not make your list. To Kill A Mockingbird with Gregory Peck is wonderful if you are individualistically oriented as Peck's character is a striking example of a man of integrity and strength. There is a film called something like October Sky about a boy who is interested in rocketry, despite his father's lack of support, played by Cris Cooper in a rare role in which he plays a mean father throughout, and the movie is uplifting because the young fellow triumphs in the end, and goes on to become instrumental in the space program in the real world. I am sure there are still more wonderful films but those came to mind galtgulch
  20. Update Dec 22, 2007 Yesterday, in response to an article on business wire that WorldGate will demonstrate its new traveling Ojo at the Consumer Electronics Show in Jan 8-11 in Las Vegas, the volume rose to 1,408,998 shares traded and the stock rose from $1.30 to close at $1.39 after hitting a high of $1.58 for the day. Average volume is about 250K The description of the traveling Ojo is only that it is thin and concise and has the same video and audio features and quality as the Ojo and the Shadow Ojo. Assumption is that it still needs to be connected to broadband cable to operate and is not a cellphone. As you know Ojo may be seen at and purchased there at $100 off MSRP But offers the Ojo at $297 and the Shadow Ojo at $222.41 You register your Ojo with using your own phone number and usually pay either $14.95 per month for UNLIMITED VIDEO TELEPHONE CALLS at any time anywhere in the world over broadband cable or DSL. You can save one month's fee by paying annually $164. HOLIDAY SPECIAL NEW FEE OF JUST $9.95 MONTHLY GOOD THROUGH END OF 2007! Must purchase an Ojo or Shadow Ojo and register it at before end of January 2007 Hammacher Schlemmer in Manhattan on 57st has internet display for actual video phone calls and offers free lifetime guarantee. If you have any questions explore and Here is a link to They even guarantee delivery by Dec 22nd if you order up to Dec 21st. galtgulch
  21. Today I gave away one of my brochures... (of the Ojo video telephone) 18-Dec-06 to a young man who started to work at the company where I work. I learned when he was introduced to all of us at a meeting that he is a new father. I happened to be sitting next to him and showed him the brochure last week. He kept whispering, "Wow,!" as he unfolded the brochure. He told me then that he has a little girl who is four weeks of age. I ran into him again today as we left work and showed him the brochure again. He was delighted and we had more of a chance to talk outside. He said he thought this (Ojo) looked like a wonderful gift to a grandparent for the holidays. He asked how much it costs and I told him the price had come down from $800 and it now depends on where you buy it. I mentioned the monthly fee and how that has come down too and is just $9.95 if you buy the Ojo or the Shadow Ojo before the end of January. I suggested he take the brochure home to show his wife and that he can keep it. He thanked me and said, "You must own stock in this company!" and we both laughed. Can you begin to imagine the joy this little girl's grandparents will experience when they are able to call and see her virtually every day as she grows up over the next many years. Imagine how they will have a relationship with their granddaughter they would not have had otherwise if they live at a distance. I love being aware of the Ojo and being in a position to enlighten people whose lives will be enhanced because of it. As you know Ojo may be seen at and purchased there at $100 off MSRP But offers the Ojo at $297 and the Shadow Ojo at $222.41 You register your Ojo with using your own phone number and can pay either $14.95 per month for UNLIMITED VIDEO TELEPHONE CALLS at any time anywhere in the world over broadband cable or DSL. You can save one month's fee by paying annually $164. HOLIDAY SPECIAL NEW FEE OF JUST $9.95 MONTHLY GOOD THROUGH END OF 2007! Must purchase an Ojo or Shadow Ojo and register it at before end of January 2007 If you have any questions explore and Here is a link to They even guarantee delivery by Dec 22nd if you order up to Dec 21st. galtgulch
  22. Robert, Given that ideas move the world, it doesn't matter if most self described Muslims have no incentive or desire or impulse to kill anyone. If there are only a relative few who would be more than willing to sneak a suitcase dirty nuclear weapon into any number of American cities we are in danger. I am not saying this to justify a preemptive strike against the entire Islamic world. As I understand it they do not even have to wait until they develop a nuclear power plant. Our own country is filled with hundreds of factories in which bars of radioactive cobalt are used to irradiate foods. Such facilities are not well protected. I am surprised that none have as yet been broken into. If they attach plastic explosive to the cobalt bar and explode it in the center of any of our major cities that would render the city uninhabitable for centuries. It is a wonder that I still sleep nights. Please show me where I am wrong. I hope I am not putting this idea into their heads. galtgulch
  23. As if there were any is further confirmation: Payment Systems Enters into Agreement with WorldGate to Purchase Ojo™ Personal Video Phones Monday December 4, 11:28 am ET Russian Financial Services Company Places Initial Purchase Order for 4,000 Ojos MOSCOW & TREVOSE, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--WorldGate Communications Inc., (NASDAQ:WGAT - News), a leading provider of personal video phones, today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Payment Systems, a financial services company located in Russia, providing for its purchase of WorldGate's Ojo™ personal video phones for distribution to its video phone service customers in Russia and a number of former Soviet Union countries. As part of this agreement, Payment Systems has purchased 4,000 Ojo video phones with their initial purchase order. The companies expect the rapid growth of broadband in Russia to help grow the Russian video phone market rapidly. The initial order is expected to be shipped by the end of December 2006. This latest deal for the Russian market continues the introduction of Ojo into Russia. The development of the broadband infrastructure in Russia makes it a very attractive market for Ojo. "We are pleased with the interest in Ojo from a variety of customers in the Russian market," said Hal Krisbergh, Chairman and CEO at WorldGate. "We believe that the Russian market is very well positioned to adopt Ojo as one of the new ways to communicate. The progressive nature of the Russian market and economy seem well-suited to be one of our most successful endeavors" Ojo is a unique development in personal video phone technology with unusually high quality video performance due to enhancements to common software standards. Ojo is flexible and has been designed to easily integrate with and operate as part of a variety of service provider platforms. Ojo is also receiving rave reviews of its performance with 87% of Ojo consumers reporting that Ojo meets or exceeds their expectations. Numerous reports of how Ojo has positively impacted families' and friends' ability to interact more meaningfully continue to show that the addition of video adds to the personal communications experience. More information on WorldGate and Ojo personal video phones can be accessed at>>> As you know Ojo may be seen at and purchased there at $100 off MSRP But offers the Ojo at $297 and the Shadow Ojo at $222.41 You register your Ojo with using your own phone number and can pay either $14.95 per month for UNLIMITED VIDEO TELEPHONE CALLS at any time anywhere in the world over broadband cable or DSL. You can save one month's fee by paying annually $164. HOLIDAY SPECIAL NEW FEE OF JUST $9.95 MONTHLY GOOD THROUGH END OF 2007! Must purchase an Ojo or Shadow Ojo and register it at before end of January 2007 If you have any questions explore or galtgulch
  24. Rosie O'Donnell gave a pair of Ojos to her audience after the Ojo was demonstrated on the ABC show called The View seen by who knows how many viewers trudging on their home treadmills as they are treated to gadgets which might make their husbands happy this holiday season. The Ojo is now on display in CompUSA stores in selected markets. TV ads have been seen in the Boston, LA and San Francisco areas by millions of viewers of prime time news. The stock of WGAT, the creator of the Ojo, closed at $1.35 on Friday December 1st. If you ever wondered what it must have been like to have known and invested in former blockbusters like Intel and Microsoft when they were trading in this bargain basement price range, this might prove to give you just such an opportunity. The mission statement of WorldGate Communications from their prospectus reveals an intention to replace every telephone on the planet. They have sold about 10,000 so far so they have a long way to go. They make it clear that there is no guarantee that they will achieve their objective. Reality will show. Needless to say the company will be successful if they manage to sell to a small fraction of the whole phone market. Keep in mind that the monthly fee of $14.95 is considered reasonable for unlimited video calls and constitutes recurring revenue. When I show the full color brochure of the Ojo and the Shadow Ojo to anyone they often say spontaneously, "In a few years everyone (in the world) will have one!" It is even more impressive to actually make a phone call using the Ojo and being able to see a loved one as if they were near enough to reach out and touch because the picture is profoundly realistic especially with the audio synchrony. Of course there is no guarantee that the sales will be made, despite the enthusiasm of the CEOs of communications companies which have signed contracts to purchase Ojos and resell them to their customers. British Telecomm will offer the Ojo to customers in 66 countries. Express Comm will distribute Ojos in Russian cities; Novatec in Japan; Mototech in Taiwan and Asia; Telecomm New Zealand in Australia and NZ; Israel Comm; Turkey; Alta Vista in Panama, Costa Rica and Columbia; GlobalTouch to VOIP companies; Aequus SNAP/VRS to hearing impaired with more deals in various stages of negotiations. Still it might be wise to just watch and wait until sales, revenue and earnings are assured. The next earnings release for the present quarter will occur in February 2007. You can listen to the Conference Call of the 3rd Q on site under Investor Relations. and check out organized links at Think Rearden Metal. Updates to follow. galtgulch
  25. Dear fellow Objectivists, Just an update. The earnings release in November 2006 showed increase of over 400%! at just under 1M. The Ojo was given away by Ellen Degeneres on her show. The Ojo also used prominently on NCIS although it still might have seemed to be a prop rather than an actual product on the market, which was the response to the 14.8M who first saw the Ojo on "24" when Chloe called Edgar on the Ojo to avoid Driscoll's attention. You can see that clip at which is also a source of organized links for your Due Diligence. There is a very "neat" user guide on Telecom New Zealand's site for the Ojo under home phones. Why would TNZ generate such a guide unless they intend to sell quite a few Ojos? The third quarter earnings release and Conference Call are accessible at under investors. Hal, the CEO, is very optimistic because of all the signed deals with communications companies and the enthusiasm of those companies CEOs. SNAP/VRS offers free phone to the hearing impaired and they are in the process of testing the Ojo yielding rave testimonials from those who are using the Ojo in the field tests. WGAT closed at $1.39 November 24th. On Red Herring website the Ojo is featured among the five products presented in anticipation of the Consumer Electronics SHow in Las Vegas. The Ojo still appears to be least expensive at at $222.41 for one Shadow Ojo. In addition to the deals signed with British Telecomm (retail), Novatec in Japan, Mototech in Taiwan, Telecomm New Zealand, Express Telecomm in Russia, Alta Vista in Central America, Israel Comm, and GlobalTouch (VOIPs) Aequus for hearing impaired, additional deals are in various stages of negotiation and will be announced once they are finalized. The Ojo will be seen in product placements on NCIS and other shows this season and there may be advertising in the print or tv media in selected markets. The Ojo may be found in certain COMPUSA stores. Consider a purchase or a gift of the Ojo for loved ones who live at a distance whom you would want to be able to see often. Nothing ventured nothing gained. But never gamble, I mean invest more than you can afford to lose! Less expensive at or and Hammacher Schlemmer offers FREE LIFETIME GUARANTEE galt