Chris Grieb

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Posts posted by Chris Grieb

  1. Robert, notice that each side was also delighted to discover an atrocity, and quickly used it for propaganda purposes: Makes the phrase "Kettle calling the pot black" the understatement of the century (20th).

    David; The one problem is that the Soviet atrocities are little discussed in comparison with the Holocaust. The Poles were totally aware of atrocities since they were carried out on them.

  2. ND,


    O'Reilly's being his usual overbearing self. Burns waits for him to stop bloviating and then speaks in measured tones.

    Beyond the "internment" of the Japanese-Americans on the West Coast, there was war propaganda against the Japanese that I think you could fairly call racist. (Dr. Seuss was one of many who drew it, for a Left-wing publication no less.)

    But for Tom Hanks to attribute the bloodiness of Tarawa or Iwo Jima to American racism toward the Japanese is breathtakingly detached from reality.

    Robert Campbell

    There was racism on the part of American but there was also racism by the Japanese. The Japanese were in many cases prepared to fight till the death.

    On Burn's point about nation building is somewhat true but there was a much more solid base than both Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Tom Hanks has done some very good work. I recently re watching his series " From the Earth to the Moon" and found the production qualities outstanding. I could say the same about "Brand of Brothers". I hope he will regret his dumb comparison.

  3. The web site Dead or Alive has a list of the major actors on Mission Impossible> Only three of the actor have died. Graves, Greg Morris and the voice on the tape at the beginning of the show.

    Peter Graves was a good, solid presence for many years on television. He'll be missed.

  4. I like Robert & Michael but the phase I think all of you should apply to Perigo and company was by David Kelley is "Better things to do."

    I am not going to look at this tread any more.

    Perigo is a person who need full time help but doesn't want it. Avoid him and his "ideas".

  5. Anne Heller's book is now reviewed in The New Individualist, Fall/Winter 2010, pp. 72-79, with a one-page interview on p. 80.

    The review and interview are by Will Thomas.

    Actually, most of the issue is by Will Thomas.

    After this review, I don't think Lindsay Perigo would want Will Thomas to invite him to speak at another TAS event, if somehow Mr. Thomas were still inclined to do so.

    Robert Campbell

    PS. On p. 78, Mr. Thomas refers to the Passion of Ayn Rand's Critics by title. He doesn't name the author, and uses one adjective ("polemical") to describe the book. Jim Valliant deserves to be referred to explicitly, and his book deserves to be slammed explicitly. But it's a start.

    Robert; There is a quote "Let's not ask for the moon when we have the stars." It's a start.

    You are very correct about Will Thomas doing most of the content in the new TNI.

  6. Chris G,

    I haven't heard of any change in Chris's condition.

    He sent a thank you message around to the folks who contributed after Marsha Enright made the appeal on Facebook. I haven't heard from him since then.

    During the now concluded hullabaloo over the Mayhew collection of essays at amazon I know that a couple of the participants emailed him, but I don't think he replied to any of the emails.

    Robert C

    Robert C, I'm sorry that there is not better news but there is also no bad news.

  7. I wonder if there's ever explicit instruction given: to get to the next level you're going to have to make a spectacle. Or if Cohen, Hsieh, etc. just know it without being told. I'm not sure where I heard this, but wasn't Valliant involved in sponsoring Nathaniel Branden's Benefits and Hazards lecture in the early 80's? After something like that, if you think you're going to make it to Operating Thetan, you know it's going to take more than auditing and aceing the e-meter. Thus was PARC conceived?


    Nobody's written a handbook, that's for sure.

    But certain melodramatic gestures are widely reproduced in action, as are certain talking points.

    Figuring out how the novices and postulants learn these things would be a fascinating sociological project.

    I don't know whether Jim Valliant had as much to do with the Benefits and Hazards talk as he now pretends. The guy has a flair for exaggeration. But, yes, any such involvement later became a sin that needs expiation.

    Robert Campbell

    Robert; I too have the feeling that simply saying you now think the Brandens are the "spawn of the devil" but it must be accompanied the equivalent of burning the Branden books in the public square.

    Is there anyone out there who helped on the Benefits and Hazards talk who can tell what the role Valliant played if any.