Chris Grieb

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Posts posted by Chris Grieb

  1. What Robert reports about PARC's description of Nathaniel Branden as a student of Objectivism is really bad and my memory of Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life suggests that the air-brushing is really getting bad. I think it was clear that Branden had been very close to Ayn Rand and importtant to Objectivism.

    These people need to be embarrassed in a public forum.

  2. It's being suggested that the last night's Times Square bomb was South Park related:

    Pretty thin.

    I loved all the cable coverage of the attempted bombing. Talking heads told us in dozens of different ways that police had no idea who was behind it. Ripe material for Jon Stewart, I would think.


    As a former street vendor I saw a story that street vendors alerted the authorities to the truck. I felt proud of my former profession.
  3. I'm shocked! Shocked!

    Ba'al Chatzaf

    Bob -

    I'm not certain what you find most shocking, but what strikes me is that the report appears in the National Enquirer and the reported tryst is not with an extraterrestrial!

    Bill P

    Bill P; The National Enquirer's reputation has improved after their coverage of the John Edward's love child. The Enquirer was nominated for a Pulitzer.

    I dismiss the story because Gulch put it on OL.

  4. Robert,

    While it's not apples to apples, Rand's 1964 Playboy interview was very good.


    I remember the Playboy centerfold spoof that had a big buildup--to what turned out to be a beautiful tractor

    I always thought it funny that one of the features in the Playboy which had the Ayn Rand interview was the girls of Eastern Europe and the Soviet block. I suspect Ayn would not have approved.

    I suspect that was not a coincidence, but there's no way of knowing. The interviewer, I think, was Alvin Toffler who subsequently wrote "Future Shock."


    Don Hauptmann interviewed Toffler about the Playboy interview. Don also purchased the interview materials at a big auction Playboy had. I think you find the article at the Atlas Society website.

  5. Dennis,

    You've described Objectivist fundmentalism perfectly.

    The fundies' rewriting of history extends all the way to rewriting Rand herself, with permission obtained from the arbitrary moral authority exercised by Leonard Peikoff.

    Robert Campbell

    Barbara and Robert—Thank you! I really wish I could take full credit for this summation, but I might be accused of plagiarism from the author of the article on Christian fundamentalism. The similarities are quite amazing. The principles are essentially the same. Only the concretes differ.

    Isn’t it a riot? Peikoff and his sycophants think they are blazing a radical new trail through philosophical history, when, in fact, their version of Objectivism perpetuates the same madness that ushered in the long, barbaric nightmare of the Middle Ages. You can’t ask people to surrender their brains, no matter how wonderfully rational your explicit philosophy might be. As soon as men begin acting like sheep, there’s no telling what new horrors could engulf the world.

    I heard George H. Smith give an excellent talk on ‘Objectivism and Religion’ back in the early 70s, shortly after I moved to California from Tennessee. I remember thinking that the issue would resolve itself as soon as the Rand-Branden schism was no longer in the forefront. After all, in her PLAYBOY interview, Ayn Rand said that ‘Objectivism is its own defense against those who would treat it as a dogma.’ But that was before she chose Leonard Peikoff as her new intellectual heir.

    When Bush looked into Putin’s eyes, he should have seen the soul of Joseph Stalin. When Rand looked into Peikoff’s eyes, she should have seen the soul of Immanuel Kant.

    Hey, Dennis, good to see that you are alive and kicking.

    I have never been a good prognosticator, but perhaps my worst prediction of all time occurred not long after Ayn Rand's death in 1982. In a talk for some supper club or other in the L.A. area, I predicted that the dogmatic wing of Objectivism would not long survive Rand's passing, at least not as a significant force.

    My prediction was based on the belief that dogmatic Objectivism was largely a charismatic phenomenon, one sustained by Rand's extraordinary personal characteristics. I speculated that Peikoff, lacking Rand's charisma, would be unable to exercise the tight control needed to maintain an orthodox movement.

    What I didn't foresee was the institutionalization of orthodoxy through ARI, nor did I appreciate how Peikoff's closely guarded monopoly on Rand's papers would stifle future scholarship by denying access to writers with different points of view.

    Rand has become far more of a cultish icon under ARI than she ever was under NBI. Having been ordained by Peikoff, who in turn was ordained by Rand herself, ARI passes the only true Rational Spirit to future generations of believers.

    The next occupant of the See of St. Peikoff remains to be seen, but I don't think it will matter that much. So long as the person is not totally incompetent, ARI will continue to exert influence into the foreseeable future.

    Let us hope that this prediction is as bad as my earlier prediction. 8-)


    Ghs: I'm sorry your prediction was wrong. I think they have made an excellent choice with Yuron Brook and the demoting of Michael Berliner.

    Sadly Open Objectivism is not doing well. One example is person who runs the DC ARI office attended TAS Summer Seminar years ago. I have not heard of anyone who has stopped attended ARI events for TAS events.

  6. Like the mosquito in the nudist colony I don't know where to start.

    Brant; There were birth announcements in the Hawaiian newspapers of Barrack Obama's birth. A parent can not denounce a child's American citizenship only the child can. Brant; Do you have any evidence that Barrack Obama's mother was ever in Kenya. Even if Obama's mother became a citizen of Indonesia Barrack would have remained a citizen of the US.

    It is interesting that this issue apparently first started with strong supporters of Hillary Clinton. This is why the Obama campaign released the birth certificate.

    The people who keep talking are suggesting that some plot was concocted that a half black child some fifty years after his birth could run and win the Presidency in 2008. This plot began in 1961. To state the idea is to refute it.

    Brant; You are even sillier than Gulch.

  7. Robert,

    While it's not apples to apples, Rand's 1964 Playboy interview was very good.


    I remember the Playboy centerfold spoof that had a big buildup--to what turned out to be a beautiful tractor

    I always thought it funny that one of the features in the Playboy which had the Ayn Rand interview was the girls of Eastern Europe and the Soviet block. I suspect Ayn would not have approved.

  8. Jerry; Have you looked at ARI prices for their conferences which until Las Vegas were always at pricey places?

    The next place recommend is near the Eisenhower Ave Metro. I suspect it is deserted at night. It's somewhat deserted during the day.

    Are you planning to spend $100 a day on food. I think at the Embassy Suites they have a refrigerator in the room so you get and keep food. In addition the breakfast you get in morning at the Embassy Suites would take care of almost anyone. Embassy Suites also provides a Happy Hour with chips, dip and free drinks.

    One of the problems of having a conference in DC is the expense and the demand. All the universities are booked through the year. I have also been told that at some of the university dorms are un-air-conidtioned.

    Finally if you are really worried about crime Virginia has open carry.

  9. '1272401183' post='97296']


    While I certainly look forward to attending this conference, I note with some dismay the departure from past conferences which were held on college campuses where the accommodations were rather spartan, but were also cheap. This can hardly be said of the Embassy Suites in Alexandria, where rates start around mid $240. per night. This will end up in raising the average cost for attending the conference (including room and meals) by a factor of at least four or five times when compared to past TAS Summer conferences. I estimate around $2,000 plus, just for accommodations and meals, not counting the conference registration fee.

    Perhaps it is assumed that attendees have the financial resources of a Midas Mulligan (using his pre-crash estimates). However, such costs put the conference out of the range of many students and other on fixed incomes who would have liked to attend.

    Some of the "alternative" hotels that have been listed have lesser rates, but many (the cheapest, of course) are not in walking distance (which, in any case, considering the neighborhoods, running might be necessary to extend your life expectancy).

    I applaud the efforts of the conference organizers, for the upcoming and the past year's Las Vegas conferences. The agenda looks excellent. But, perhaps in the future the conference can be held at locations less extravagant?

    Jerry; The reason for picking the Embassy Suites was that at some of the previous Summer Seminars the dorm accommodations were so Spartan. Union and Towson come to mine.

    Another mistake is that the accommodations are being picked by Fred and Katie of Free Minds. The biggest item pushing the increase is that the "Free Minds" is being held in the DC area. This is an expensive area for conferences and in general.

    I must add that since I live in DC I plan to commute from my home.

    I have not looked at crime reports for Alexandria but my general impression is that the area near King Street is good. King Street has lots of new night life. The same is also true of the Eisenhower Ave Metro.

    I hope I see you at Free Minds.

  10. Roger; Thanks so much for the update. It is good to know that Chris S. has not left this mortal coil.

    This is a different topic but why can't Objectivist publication meet a schedule? I understand that doing a publication is hard.

  11. Could someone who has this book answer a question? My recollection is that, in his treatment of honesty, Branden said expressly that honesty precludes what Peikoff calls "privacy lying" (lying in answer to a nosy question). Is this accurate?

    Yes, it is accurate. Here is a quote from Lecture 10: (italics mine)

    "Honesty does not mean that you owe an answer to any idle or impertinent question anyone chooses to ask you. You do not owe information to those

    who have no right, purpose, or business to question you about matters which do not affect them. In such cases, honesty consists of refusing to answer,

    not of lying. In such cases, you may point out, if you care to, that their question is improper, but you don't lower yourself to the status of a a liar for

    the sake of their impropriety. "


    Dear Barbara,

    Not to nag, but, do you think that it might be your turn to publish a transcription?

    Mary Lee Harsha

    I believe that Ms. Branden is working on turning her lectures into a book. I think she want to make the lectures something more than just a transcript of her Principles of Efficient Thinking course.