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Everything posted by RidleyReport

  1. Diggable at: http://digg.com/politics/Youtube_videograp...own_arrest_live
  2. Thanks Adam. We are talking about standing for *her* now when she enters the room.
  3. New Hampshire's Free Staters started the armed litter pickups. But now other states are "picking up" on this gun-friendly charitable trend, thanks to the Ron Paul meetup groups. Diggable version at: http://digg.com/politics/Open_carry_litter...thnx_2_Ron_Paul
  4. New Hampshire student claims victory over government school, but not before it allegedly lays hands on her. Also she is a Free Stater; Free Staters are people who move to NH for more freedom. You can digg it at: http://digg.com/politics/Pledge_refuser_sa..._make_her_stand
  5. Any attempt at secession will be crushed by the armed might of the U.S. Government. The issue of secession and nullification was settled definitively by the bloodiest war in U.S. history, the Civil War. Ba'al Chatzaf That's a might-makes-right argument. Which means it is not an argument but more of a threat. Here's the latest on New Hampshire's secessionistic bill: NH secessionists expect sizable rally A secession-leaning bill goes before the New Hampshire House March 4. Its proponents announce a major demonstration for the same day. This last time something like this happened here it was a longshot fight to prohibit Real ID...and it succeeded. You can digg it at http://digg.com/politics/NH_secessionists_...t_sizable_rally
  6. From RidleyReport.com New Hampshire reps try to draw new lines in the sand against expected Obama gun laws.
  7. From RidleyReport.com Libertarian radio host Ian Freeman...says the great thing about civil disobedience is that you win when the government ignores you, and win faster when it attacks you. Now we get our chance to prove the last half of this sentence true, for the government is attacking Freeman on the most bizarre of grounds.
  8. Wolfeboro resident Chris Gronsky says he's a citizen of New Hampshire, not the U.S. And he says he got a U.S. passport using that claim.
  9. thanks michael! 250 more where that came from!
  10. Curious mainstream reporters drop by to get a look at Free Staters' fourth open-carry litter pickup event in New Hampshire. But how are locals and media reacting to the site of so many holstered weapons?
  11. Assuming you're fit and healthy, I think it'd be more time-consuming than physically demanding. Shayne i think he's prepped for it pretty carefully and can take his own pace, will have an rv in the area keeping tabs on him.
  12. Free Stater Will Buchannan is escaping to New Hampshire...on foot! This week he began his walk across the country to generate attention for Ron Paul and the Free State Project. Will and his family leave behind forever their residency in socialist Hawaii...and urge you to do something similar if you haven't already!
  13. Activists are wondering why nothing's been heard from jailed tax protester Elaine Brown since authorities hauled her back to New Hampshire as a trial witness. For over a week she's been listed as "in transit." And that's just the tip of the iceberg in this general update of Brown-related news. BTW I wanted to thank you OL folks for continuing to have a friendly and tolerant place for me to post these NH liberty updates. That is not always an Objectivist characteristic, but you guys wear the cross of St. Ayn well
  14. Should be an interesting question for Objectivists... This RidleyReport.com vid asks: Is it "neoconservative" to spend ourselves into a military collapse? How will we bomb things if we can't buy the bombs? If you cherish our military adventures, is Paul the only candidate who would preserve our ability to wage them?
  15. For over twenty years, "Patriot Pastor" Garrett Lear has strode the halls of New Hampshire's legislature...serving as a voice for his faith and his Revolutionary War ancestors. Today he talks with us about Real ID, the liberty deficit among Christians and his colorful outfit. Pastor Lear's church is in Wakefield, New Hampshire. What do *you* think? Is Real ID the Mark of the Beast? A precursor to it? A bad thing? A good thing?
  16. A controversial political outsider shunned by his own party on the eve of national disaster. A prophet with loyal and dedicated supporters. These phrases ring true for more than one great man. But have enough people heard Paul's warnings to know who they should blame when the bottom falls out? Will they know that our meltdown was caused by the simple fact that Washington under both major parties created and spent too much money?
  17. Thanks for the responses guys. I do tend to get the impression that these guys are hacking at a lot of branches but am just glad they are staying both active and peaceable. There may not be a conspiracy or fraud attempt, but these guys have at least drawn attention to cracks in the defenses against such fraud.
  18. From RidleyReport.com Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting.org makes second trip to New Hampshire, files new investigative report on her findings related to the presidential primary process.
  19. This is interesting stuff about the felons although in and of itself drug trafficking does not make a person evil or a threat....
  20. Pro wrestling star Kane from WWE makes a minor cameo in this video analysis of Ron Paul's fascinating new youtube brieifing.
  21. Yet another use we've discovered for open carried firearms in New Hampshire...
  22. Tensions boil over at the New Hampshire primary recount when state officials temporarily run out of ballots...leaving volunteer observers with nothing to do.