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Everything posted by RidleyReport

  1. Caught on tape...police arrest me at vice-presidential event for...well I'm not 100% sure.
  2. My semi-raw tape of the entire impromptu news conference. Complete with questions that will annoy you.... I was close, so the audio quality is pretty good.
  3. first show up...I didn't expect it to be such a pure voluntaryist message. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-EsEmHoStI
  4. New vid up... my take on what this may mean, illustrated.
  5. I've met him once and interviewed him on the Ridley Report... there is also video coming out which I'll be attempting to post. To me the significance here is the fact that it's a large libertarian show that Washington and neocons will have unusual difficulty intimidating. Despite having a bureau here...RT does have that massive offshore base in the form of... Russia. When Internet Kill Switch Day comes Feds can cut off the hand but that will just anger the rest of the body.
  6. Announcement just came out this morning: Looks like Adam Kokesh of Iraq Veterans Against the War has just gotten his own daily prime-time show on Russia Today. Kokesh lands prime spot on RT America
  7. Rand Paul out-libertarians Ron Paul? Jim Babka has details on one issue where it may be so. The Downsize DC activist has a surprising story to tell regarding the two mens' positions on a key issue
  8. I dunno, I have an acquaintance from Russia who says the KGB was better than the local child protective services after she moved stateside.
  9. It's spooky how many images from an anti-Soviet newsreel...can be replaced by images from modern America. And how much Washington's struggle against freedom lovers...mimics the old Cold War.
  10. Ron Paul: Wikileaks isn't the problem America's "leader of the genuine opposition" decries calls for Julian Assange's assassination. This is an illustrated version of Congressman Paul's December 6, 2010 audio broadcast.
  11. Who will tell the world what is happening to New Hampshire's growing liberty movement if it is silenced? You will! Or at least, you can...especially if you're overseas. Join the Free State's leaderless "Foreign Legion" if you'd like to help keep the world informed of our fate.
  12. Apparently some guys on one of the other forums who saw this video got together and started looking at boats to see if forming a privateer might be doable... Probably nothing came of it but who knows?
  13. Even if you were to assume that all the Free Staters were philosophical anarchists... The results of their activism would still be tempered by the activism of those who already lived here. Once thus averaged out, the Free Staters' impact would simply be to slow or temporarily reverse the long growth of government. There is no danger of the ball rolling out of control uphill.
  14. The numbers would be higher but we have to wait two years before running in statewide elections. So the pool of people we had to draw on was only the folks that moved during the first 3 years after NH was selected for QuasiGulching. We should be able to run maybe 2x as many candidates in 2012, although for some reason it seems like the numbers elected triple each session.
  15. Liberty migrants achieve a next gain of 6 in New Hampshire's state house. This total counts only people who are officially Free Staters, i.e. they signed the Free State Project's letter of intent and moved to New Hampshire for more liberty. Another 30 to 50 long-time-resident libertarians are thought to have won seats in last night's electio
  16. From RidleyReport.com Oath Keepers prep lawsuit against NH bureaucrats After using Oath Keeper affiliation as one excuse for taking a baby, New Hampshire's child protective division is now the target of a planned lawsuit. Oath Keepers is a group of current/former military/police who pledge they won't follow unconstitutional orders.
  17. "for every three of us on this forum not working for the government, we are supporting through taxes a 4th worker in government. And when he retires, well... we have to keep on paying taxes to support his retirement." Well that's assuming the situation doesn't collapse outright between here and there. Rand was more or less expecting it as far back as the 50s, right? Think how much more precarious the system's status is now.
  18. If governments didn't harass people at ports for having guns piracy would be a lot harder.
  19. NPR was up in arms a while back about Croatia's dozen or so presidential-security bureaucracies. But how much have they questioned the 1271 government-security bureaucracies in America?
  20. Overall I think he's only 98% right lol, I worry Rand is already abandoning too many liberty positions though...that will get out of control I fear once he has power. Sigh.
  21. So, what do you think? Is he right? Or should vessels that dock in Massachusetts have to face the state's draconian gun laws, traveling the whole world unarmed?
  22. Concern over alleged discrimination....leads to threats from Nashua policy enforcement officer, and a modern-day trip to the "back of the bus." Diggable at: http://digg.com/politics/Civil_rights_buff_ordered_to_back_of_courtroom_Caught_on_ta
  23. I visited WY before the vote and am from Colorado, prefer that type climate. But I still voted for NH. It won overwhelmingly in the vote after a lot of debate. The advantages have proven to be the sympathetic reaction from locals, the fact that we can all get to each other without driving 200 miles, it's an easy place to prosper and the climate is really fairly mild, almost as nice as colorado springs. Lots of other advantages.