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Everything posted by algernonsidney

  1. How much do you know about Charleston? Have you ever been there?
  2. The only Bond movie I have watched is Casino Royale. It seems that most Bond fans still regard Connery as the best Bond. I mainly watched that particular Bond flick because of Eva Green. What Bond does have is the clear defined battle of good and evil. Rand often appreciated that element in fiction. I'm also curious regarding Rand's opinion of Connery as an actor.
  3. Did Ayn Rand make any comments on James Bond? I think she did, but am having trouble remembering.
  4. Does this have something to do with quidditch? Does the seeker find the golden snitch?
  5. It sounds like conventional medicine is not producing the kind of results you want. Are you open to trying something "unconventional"? Please let us know where you are? One of my big heroes is in Northern California right now. She'll try to heal anybody. If anybody can get your man back, she can.
  6. I'm not sure what the point of this article is. Interestingly enough, the one man in Congress who predicted all this happening in 2003 was maliciously attacked by Ed Hudgins's organization earlier this year. You can shut down all the free-market think tanks in the Beltway. They went there to "influence" Washington. They have done nothing more than waste millions of dollars. Cato is a waste, as is just about anything that takes any money from the Kochs.
  7. It's also posted here:
  8. Actually, my definition is one of the definitions of That is what you feel. I know who he is. I find his stuff to be somewhat vacuous. Some people swear by him.
  9. Well, try actually reading my first post in this thread. I stated quite clearly that "female players are not promiscuous." A female player is a woman with the attitude: "Men like me a lot. I can get them to do whatever I want them to do." She gets men to do what she wants, and she doesn't have sex with them. She just has to give these men some shallow compliments and some nice attention. She ends up with a man who doesn't worship the ground she walks on. It's quite common for women players to end up with boy friends who treat them like dirt. These men are unusual, and she is intrigued by them. Since most men lick her boots, the female player generally does not respect men. Bristol Palin is clearly a player, too. She is with a guy who is an even bigger player than she is. This guy obviously does not respect women. If he did, he would learn how to put on a condom. Thus, a woman who doesn't respect men ends up with a man who doesn't respect women. In many respects, the same goes for male players: "Women like me a lot. I can get them to do whatever I want them to do." Some male players are promiscuous, but not all of them.
  10. That depends on what you mean by Objectivist. If you mean a person who simply parrots Rand, then I do not fit that definition. Now that Rand is dead, it can also mean parroting whatever Peikoff says. It can also mean practicing social metaphysics and simply going along with the group. My definition is that an Objectivist is an independent thinker.
  11. After I posted that, I checked your profile. My response is: SO WHAT? You are a man. Never apologize for that. Who are you not to have a great relationship with a woman? Who are you not to give them a lot of happiness? If you have the conviction that age is meaningless, she will share that conviction as well. You are a smart man--use your brain. Get out there and approach women on the street, in the store, in coffee shops. Just get out there. You will have some blowouts, of course. As Ross Jeffries says: "The difference between winners and losers is that losers haven't failed enough." Get out there and fail--become a winner. You are a man--it's your job!
  12. I do not consider it derogatory. That could be the source of our disagreement. Sex appeal, attractiveness, or whatever you call it is only as good or as bad as the person using it and what they are using it for. I use the word player in cirlces where it is not considered derogatory at all. I congratulate you on seeing our differences so well. I did not see them. I think a lot of people including myself can learn a lot from you on this. You are a good man, Michael.
  13. University of Arizona girls are hot. You get a new batch of them every year. It's time to get out there.
  14. I seriously doubt that any one person made the walk from Siberia all the way to Argentina. It was likely a gradual process spread over generations. One big advantage that Europeans and Asians had over the Amerindians was the horse. When Columbus arrived in the Americas, the indigenous people had never seen horses. Apparently there were horses in the Americas for a time, but they died out. Some of them thought the Europeans were gods. And another factor was the lack of a written language among Native Americans. The Mayans developed zero independently and were fine mathematicians. They also calculated a calendar that is still more accurate than the one we use--that is, their year is closer to the actual time that it takes for the Earth to make one revolution around the Sun. English-speaking people also engaged in some plunder and genocide, but not as bad as the Spaniards. To a certain extent, we are still paying for this.
  15. Here we have a mix of the worst of puritanism and feminism. They are hostile to both women and men. Brazil is a nation with a very healthy attitude toward sex. Of course, women can be feminine in many different ways. I've paid very little attention to Biden outside of the VP debate and his idiotic comment about FDR going on television after the stock market crash. He certainly doesn't have to be a player just because he is a politician. Bill Clinton, however, is definitely a player. Some players start very early. Their behavior becomes natural. Most of the skills the player has are non-verbal. I once read that Sean Connery got hired as James Bond because they liked the way that he walked. Sean Connery is definitely a player. He is one largely because of his vibe and other non-verbal qualities. What do women learn first in modeling school? They learn to walk with a book on their head. This is to teach them to hold their heads high and proud. She's married with five kids. I don't mess with that. Plus, she's older than I am. Even though I am 37, what's the point in going after an older woman who lives thousands of miles away when I live in a town with over 25,000 beautiful females at the University of Texas? Just yesterday, I was chatting up a beautiful student in a campus coffee shop (probably a freshman). My friend told me that I should have done more with her. I may get older, but the college freshman will always be 18 and 19. If you know that age is meaningless, then age will be meaningless. They just keep making more and more women--the universe is an abundant place.
  16. There are some very dark places inside a man's soul. Often we don't even let the women we love see these places. Sometimes we men wish that these dark places would simply go away. The point is that we sometimes keep them to ourselves. That's what I mean when I say that you can never know all the reasons why he did it. He may not be able to see things that seem obvious to you. He may not be able to take pleasure in some of the good things he has or had in his life. Just how seeing how absolutely adorable you are, I certainly can't understand why he did it. You may have trouble if you are in the middle of nowhere. I recommend something like "survivors of suicide" or something like that. Try meetup. Ask people at the hospital. Call a crisis hotline and see if they know of someone. Unfortunately, some of these are church-based. You need real people that you can hug. What is the point in judging people? Judgments are made in minutes. People are lifetimes.
  17. Where do you get this information? What are DOW futures?
  18. Are you serious? Do you honestly believe that you can learn nothing from a person's voice tone, eyes, facial expressions, words, or body language? My guess is that you simply don't pay attention to those things. That is your choice.
  19. I only brought that up in an attempt to lighten the mood of this whole thing. It was a pattern interrupt, which would have worked with a lot of people.
  20. Some men have even made comments about Sarah Palin on this board being "hot." I can say with confidence that she is a master player. I can back up that comment by simply seeing how men react to her. She has mainly created a buzz with neo-con ideologues like Rush Limbaugh. Yet, even Joe Biden was giving her a smile which kind of indicated desire. This isn't to say that she will do good or evil. Many women use attraction power for good. I do know actresses who use it to get ahead in a very difficult profession. Over the years, I have found a lot to be desired in Rand's theories about sex, love, etc. I do agree that men and women should want the highest they can find, as Francisco says. However, happy, successful, loving marriages in Objectivism are rare. They especially seem to be rarer among Objectivists than they do among the general population. And, as far as I know, there are no scholars or "experts" who are doing anything to address this problem.
  21. Is a person's sexuality part of the psycho-epistemology? Can we discuss her psycho-epistemology without discussing her sexuality? Considering all this, I am going to say that she has had an experience with a woman. She was an athlete in high school and competed in beauty pageants. Therefore, she had plenty of chances. She got into places with women where emotions run high and where they celebrate each other's beauty. It could only be one. Considering the many indulgences of her daughter Bristol, it is extremely likely that mom Sarah also indulged as well. With women, the apple never falls very far from the tree. If she has, that means she is probably more open-minded than most. Consider that she really has problems with some of the things that homosexuals want.
  22. The self-righteousness about suicide always amazes me. A man has so little pleasure in life that he would prefer to die. In a way, he is saying that life is too prescious to waste on a life of unhappiness. Some people can't resist the temptation to judge. It makes them feel better to judge him. You have just touched on the biggest reason for not attempting suicide--it might fail. A failed attempt can leave you worse off than before. You probably have no idea why he did do it. You can only speculate, and he can not tell you if your speculations are right or wrong. Considering how much Rand talked about the question of life or death, one also has to wonder if she ever thought about suicide. Considering that death is also inevitable, one also has to wonder if life truly is a rational choice. It seems to me that perhaps it is more rational to choose how one might die. Will you die on your terms? Or will you die on someone else's terms? Christianity, of course, does not celebrate life on Earth. It celebrates suffering on Earth and living a life of virtue so one can eventually enter the gates of heaven. I once remember a nun telling my class in the third grade that she wished she had died as a little baby--she would have gotten into "god's kingdom" without question. It actually amazes how long it took me to leave the church. I was 23 when I finally gave it up. Please find a local group in your area. You need one. It's a lot better than an Internet forum. You will meet real people.
  23. So, does anyone here think that Sarah Palin has ever had an experience with a woman?
  24. I saw it. It was a well-done documentary. I told a Lithuanian-born friend about it, and she said that you could have told the exact same story about Lithuania. I don't make many exceptions for my policy of neutrality. In the case of Estonia, I might make an exception. It is one of the few moral countries on Earth today.