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Everything posted by Mike11

  1. I watch AJ regularly and fully endorse it as above the norm of North American news broadcasting. It is staffed by Arabs so its perspective should not be any more shocking than Fox news touting the pro-GOP line. Programs like Riz Khan's regularly feature all sides of a story such as giving equal time during debates between Finklestein and Israeli Generals, encouraging level of impartiality utterly lacking in the other 'news service' I mentioned above. They carry news from around the world from the perspective of the marginalized, colonized and oppressed. AJ is the only network whose objectivity has been so pronounced as to have it banned in every single middle eastern nation which carries it, from Saudi Arabia to Israel. That speaks volumes. ... ... Ra! Ra! Hezbolla! Ra! Ra! Hezbolla!
  2. It would be an interesting experiment to post the great pretender thread on OO with 2 or 3 OL people to present the case.
  3. There are maybe 15 people on that forum worth talking to, the rest are roidish pin heads. I assume that their learned reading disability would prevent this majority from understanding most of what you say which would give you more time until your ban. Any thread which even implies Peikoff is less than a god will result in instant termination. If you refuse to wear kiddie gloves or post only things the majority would find safe I give you 5 posts, 10 max.
  4. They could come here, but I suppose the no Branden bashing rule is too much for OO denizens to tolerate. This place has such a rule? I must have violated it in a hundred of my 500 posts.
  5. Not a chance Daunce. This place has some cool people, so does OO. If only I could get half a dozen of each in the same chat window - that would be awesome.
  6. And in a completely ..... ironic ..... turn of events I have been invited into the webspace of the only people on OO I could stand and they know who I am. If I don't get banned from their hobbit hole it could actually be .... gasp... Productive for all concerned. The .... irony.
  7. The John A reference was about the "Pacific Scandal" in which John A used the railroad to buy elections, while the railroad used the elections to buy its monopoly. Selene, as far as anarcho-capitalism and what not goes, those matters are well outside my knowledge, I can't comment. Daunce, Lincoln and Macdonald, hmmmm. Two fish evolved from very different waters, not sure what he would have thought of him. At heart John A was not a man to take principled stands on anything, though he was part of a commercial and industrial society like Lincoln.
  8. Well put Selene. Its weird how my left beliefs intersect with Objectivism sometimes. Get Big Business out of the State. If only you Yanks met our Canadian example. John A, now that was a leader with financial integrity!
  9. Heh, same thing that ..... attracted .... me to it
  10. In The God Delusion, Dawkins implies a hierarchy of religions. Deism at the top for embodying modernist values and Christianity near the bottom. This is not because Deism is less mistaken than Christianity but is morally superior. So here is a thought experiment. If you had to be reborn within a particular religion and had to continue to follow that religion until the day you die, which would you choose and why?
  11. Am I perplexed? Perhaps I need a guide. I am however as certain I have nothing to learn for you as I am certain you have no idea what the above sentence was about. Until you wiki it and claim a vast knowledge that is.
  12. Very, very interesting lecture. Though I always feel like an idiot when I agree with anyone 100% I hate to say it but this lecture simply reinforces everything I already believe. It was informative but in no way challenging. Thank you for finding this video and posting it here.
  13. The thought that her father could have used Objectivism effectively to be a scum bag is beyond possibility. Clearly she is a lier, thief or lunatic.
  14. Interesting perspectives. As Studiodekadent defined the term I can see why there would be a problem, such thinking does lead down the road of extreme racism. One point I would make is generally people, particularly first generation immigrants, are happier connected to their own culture. Look at many American Jews, they maintain their language, history and religion for a reason. Its easy for us to say there is no difference, being English in English countries but clearly, in Canada at least, it does make a difference for many. No one in Canada would define multiculturalism in such terms as you guys have. Just the differences in our national histories I guess. Here dealing with distinct, semi-sovereign, ethnic groups has simply been a fact of life. We never experienced the kind of Anglo-Saxon dominance America has and when we attempted it, it met with disaster. MSK, I am not a Howard Zinn fan, is book was basically crap imho. Columbus was a great explorer but he was also a vile slave trader. Does it hurt so much to admit that? As for Presentism, I am very surprised to hear an Objectivist use that as a defense.
  15. Heh, I agree with that list. Except for one omission, NickS still hang around there?
  16. Here in Canada eh we've been multicultural for a while. Quebec has its own constitution, laws and language and the First Nations are on the path to self government. On the phone you can press 3 or 4 and get Cantonese or Punjabi with most big companies. We aren't really proud of our conquest of Quebec or the reservation system. Yet the sky is not falling and two plus two still makes four. Why is it that in the States this issue is shown in such stark terms? Blacks having Afrocentric courses in college to teach their narrative or natives telling the truth about Columbus being a slave trading maniac is like having the Huns burning down the White House apparently. I really do not understand how the terms "Multiculturalism" and "Third Reich" or "Evil" get linked together in the States as often as they do. Perhaps someone could enlighten me?
  17. 1) Topic at hand According to Al Jazeera, the soldiers were busted - http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2011/03/2011324135833378976.html 2) Dwaine If I ever meet that demented little kiwi, I will inflict grievous bodily harm. I mean he was, truly, special. Him and that little lapdog Kane There are some decent people over there but the last few years they've become really outnumbered. Oh, and Knast, that guy makes me want to go Hannibal Lector
  18. SDC, as for OO.net, when the members lose their erections they will likely call you out as some sort of mooslime sympathizer. I spoke to you a few times in chat, possibly under the handle Greyhawk. As for the photos, I hope the soldiers are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I do not consider our involvement as an act of aggression but clearly these soldiers' behavior says something about american culture this last decade.
  19. Hey SDC, nice to see you on a decent forum now. I assume that, following your ban from OO.net, you will make this your home.
  20. One of the best things about OL is it doesn't take GG very seriously.
  21. Interesting video. A lot of it was way over my head though
  22. And in other news, time for the eighth election in three years! Hurrah! Voting NDP, you?