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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Ellen gave it a name, Trump Bedazzlement Syndrome. I could go on and on about both the good and the bad of Trump. The last of the worst was his wimpy fight against the election steal a year ago. That election must be overturned even if it is after Biden is gone. That the election was stolen must become the standard, widely acknowledged history and as many perps as possible do jail time for it. Trump’s behavior wasn’t four dimensional chess five moves ahead. The man was stupid to rely on Giuliani.
  2. Anthony Fauci is not the only psychopath Trump hired and let run loose. The following is by Ron Unz: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ... in 2017 Trump brought in Robert Kadlec, who since the 1990s had been one of America’s leading biowarfare advocates. The following year in 2018 a mysterious viral epidemic hit China’s poultry industry and in 2019, another mysterious viral epidemic devastated China’s pork industry… From the earliest days of the administration, leading Trump officials had regarded China as America’s most formidable geopolitical adversary, and orchestrated a policy of confrontation. Then from January to August 2019, Kadlec’s department ran the “Crimson Contagion” simulation exercise, involving the hypothetical outbreak of a dangerous respiratory viral disease in China, which eventually spreads into the United States, with the participants focusing on the necessary measures to control it in this country. As one of America’s foremost biowarfare experts, Kadlec had emphasized the unique effectiveness of bioweapons as far back as the late 1990s and we must commend him for his considerable prescience in having organized a major viral epidemic exercise in 2019 that was so remarkably similar to what actually began in the real world just a few months later. With leading Trump officials greatly enamored of biowarfare, fiercely hostile to China, and running large-scale 2019 simulations on the consequences of a mysterious viral outbreak in that country, it seems entirely unreasonable to completely disregard the possibility that such extremely reckless plans may have been privately discussed and eventually implemented, though probably without presidential authorization. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From American Pravda: Giants Silenced by Pygmies Media Suppression of Our Leading Journalists and Scholars Search the page for “Kadlec” to find the above selection and read further.
  3. Why do so few people know the truth about the mRNA vaccines? Because they are surrounded by lying propaganda broadcast by government and mainstream media, and the mainstream Internet venues censor opposition. We must engage in our own counter-propaganda. And contrary to the defeatism of MSK, the truth is breaking through. So far Trump is on the wrong side of the propaganda war. MSK says of Ellen, “You are singing to a choir and condemning Trump for not knowing the songs you sing.” Regarding the clot-shot Trump should be condemned, condemned for his amazing ignorance if not out-right villainy. MSK: “... America in general ... think people like you are nuts. Kooks. The fringe.” A small minority may think that way, most have just been going along but more and more are waking up. Maybe Americans in general are better than MSK thinks. MKS claims that Trump moved the Overton window when at a rally he boasted about how fast he had developed three vaccines (three!), and sensing the restlessness in the audience said: ---------------------------------------------------- I believe totally in your freedoms, I do, [inaudible] you have to do what you have to do. But, [raises his voice] I RECOMMEND TAKING THE VACCINES. I did it. It’s good. Take the vaccines. But, you got— [audience restless and booing] Now that’s OK, that’s all right. You got your freedoms. But I happened to take the vaccine. If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know, OK. ... But it is working. ... [more about you got your freedoms] And you gotta get your kids back to school. ---------------------------------------------------- Which way did that move the Overton window? MSK: “Trump is enormously intelligent and does not evade facts when he does productive things. And, persuasion-wise, he knows how to move the Overton window. Do you?” Does MSK? MSK: “... Trump is fighting [“the persuasion war”]. And he is winning.” I hope Trump fails to persuade Americans to get the clot-shot. That his own supporters booed him shows that they, at least, can think for themselves. During his first presidential campaign Trump never persuaded anybody about what needs to be done. He saw what things people wanted done and he promised to do them To repeat a metaphor: Trump isn’t leading the parade, he jumped in front of it. The parade is not going in the direction of the vaccine. We can hope Trump, that intelligent man, reverses himself, acknowledges that he made a tremendous blunder when president and by doubling-down at that rally, and joins the side of the angels. We can hope, but there is no reason to be confident. MSK: “Trump is not going to make any nationwide changes by remote control ... pushing a button and changing a channel and watch as reality suddenly changes. Reality doesn’t work that way.” No one said it did. Victory in a propaganda war is necessarily slower than immediate. Does Trump really have to make it even slower by going in reverse? At that rally he could have told the crowd to watch Therapeutic Nihilism by Dr. Peter McCulllough (I put my abridgement on BitChute) but no, he shouted: Take the vaccine! It’s good! You want your children to go to school don’t you? If instead Trump had said: “I don’t recommend the vax and here’s why” it would not have been groveling. If Trump were to acknowledge that he had blundered in trusting Fauci et al it would not be apologizing to them or the establishment or to the left. Just the opposite, it would be attacking them. Trump should take a hint from his supporters’ reaction at that rally. They would love for him to reverse his stand. MSK caricatures my position. I don’t think Trump “stumbled into the presidency by accident,” on the contrary he earned it by recognizing problems people were worried about, uniquely among the candidates expressing those problems, and promising to fix them. Fauci et al are not his “betters” but in fact he did let them run over him. It’s hard to tell if he is cashing in on the corruption; he doesn’t make it easy to tell. Trump is not fighting to win the war. We need someone else. Either Johnson or DeSantis would make a good president. Even the mainstream media has had to acknowledge DeSantis as a possible candidate, though so far – 2024 is three years away – he denies it. The following by MSK is a truckload of self-righteous bambysham. The background is, even if you sacrifice children to the clot-shot: “Never, ever, ever, ever, ever apologize to the establishment left or the Deep State. Not for anything. At all. Ever. They will eat you alive if you do. And then they will put one of their own where you once were after they turn the public against you.” The stupid public. What a low opinion MSK has of them.
  4. What time are you speaking of? Trump urged us to get the clot-shot just last August 2021. Rather late in the day for guileless innocence don’t you think?
  5. MSK really is a nasty piece of work. Ellen doesn’t know me and she doesn't need me to defend her posts. We agree about this Trump business. I have run with what she said and she may or may not agree with my elaboration.
  6. “Off with his head” and “Burn her at the stake” and “mRNA drugs are harmless vaccines” are words. There was no good reason to put Ellen’s “need” in derogatory quotes. Trump should retract his words because (1) they do incalculable damage to many of those who follow them, (2) they alienate supporters not suffering from Trump Worship Syndrome – considering the booing that’s a lot of them – and thus harm his chance for re-election. Yes, I wish Trump was the Trump I once thought existed. At best maybe he can be forced to be better (apparently against his nature) by threat of withholding support. As I’ve said many times, Trump jumped in front of the parade, he is not leading the parade. Wait and see, wait and see. We waited four years and what did we get? Re immigration reform (restriction, not leftist open borders) only a tiny fraction of what he promised. Re public health, Fauci and “warp speed” – and those are very derogatory quotes – with billions of government money gone to rotten crooks. Yes, when it is important I do demand consistency, and when it comes to the “vaccine” poison drug fiasco consistency is very important. I don’t think Ellen is even capable of “tut-tut-tutting,” good grief.
  7. Regarding Trump: “He's a persuader not an enforcer.” is no excuse for the persuasion. What Trump urged is all the worse in that he had already had covid and thus needn’t worry about covid anymore. He had no need to “vaccinated” even assuming these drugs are safe and effective. Indeed they are more dangerous on people who have already had covid. (How bad it can be is described by one of the people at Sen. Ron Howard’s roundtable discussion on vaccine safety earlier this month.) I don’t think Trump has repeated his recommendation. But neither has he retracted it. To repeat, either he has gone in with the deep state or he is a fool. Trump is only good when compared to Hillary, Biden, etc. If a better man comes along support him instead of Trump. Don’t forget that on March 9, 2019 Trump tweeted: “Wacky Nut Job @AnnCoulter, who still hasn’t figured out that, despite all odds and an entire Democrat Party of Far Left Radicals against me (not to mention certain Republicans who are sadly unwilling to fight), I am winning on the Border. Major sections of Wall are being built.” Ann Coulter did yeoman service helping to get Trump the persidency. By calling her a “Wacko Nut Job” he called all who supported him Wacko Nut Jobs. It was Conservatism Inc.’s version of Hillary’s “deplorables.” That’s gratitude for ya!
  8. It may not be the full account but it is accurate as far as it goes. The bottom line is that Trump brought in Fauci and he went along with what Fauci did. He was president after all. Indeed, how about now? Trump at Alabama rally August 21, 2021 (ignore initial false start of a different video about a “shooter”) Trump, after boasting how fast he developed three vaccines (emphasis his): ---------------------------------------------------- I believe totally in your freedoms, I do, [inaudible] you have to do what you have to do. But, I RECOMMEND TAKING THE VACCINES. I did it. It’s good. Take the vaccines. But, you got— [audience restlessness and booing] now that’s OK, that’s all right. You got your freedoms. But I happened to take the vaccine. If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know, OK. [audience laughter] ... But it is working. ... [more about you got your freedoms] And you gotta get your kids back to school. ---------------------------------------------------- Does naivety explain this? Is Trump so stupidly good? Trump has either gone in with the Deep State evil or he is a cast iron fool. Only if Trump gets the Republican nomination should we support him. But for the Republican nomination we should support someone better. It doesn’t look like they have presidential ambitions but either Senator Ron Johnson or Governor (and former U.S. representative) Ron DeSantis would make a good president. If you judge Trump not in comparison with Hillary or Biden but in comparison with these men, you see how small he really is.
  9. Highlights from Ron Johnson’s roundtable on covid vaccine safety My abridgement of Sen. Ron Johnson’s press conference of November 2. (No mainstream press showed up, likewise no vaccine manufacturer or CDC, NIH, FDA. representative.) The original video lasts 3 hours 19 minutes, the abridgement goes 2 hours 14 minutes. It’s shorter and better – verbal disfluencies and irrelevant digressions cut out along with some more or less expendable parts. Though still long I think it will hold your interest. You’re welcome to try and post it to YouTube (because of its length you’ll need a “verified account”). Sen. Johnson at the end of the video: “Even though these individuals look pretty normal, their injuries are severe. ... [Brianne Dressen] personally knows seven people who have committed suicide because the inner vibrations ... are so severe they simply could not go on with life. ... The injuries don’t necessarily have to be visible to be real, to be severe, to be life altering.”
  10. Why can’t anyone explain how these 14 kids died after getting vaccinated? by Steve Kirsch On July 16, 2021, the CDC looked into the deaths of 14 kids in VAERS who died after vaccination. Their deaths are still unexplained to this day. If it wasn’t the vaccine, what killed those kids?
  11. Indeed. It's a rhetorical question. Look at the pictures of these vaccine people. Reminds me of the phrase "the banality of evil."
  12. The principal investigator for Moderna’s KidCOVE at the UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts, is Dr. Katherine Luzuriaga. She was born in Bacolod, the Philippines and grew up in the Philippines, She came to the U.S. for college and unfortunately never left. One news article has her saying that the goal of the trial is to obtain the safety and immunogenicity data necessary to support Moderna’s filing for emergency use authorization of the vaccine for children ages six months through 11 years old. The co-principal investigator of the KidCOVE clinical trial is Dr. William Hartman, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. If they go through with this insane, stupid, test, will we ever see justice?
  13. This Week in the World Affairs Brief A SURGE OF LEGAL BATTLES AGAINST THE BIDEN MANDATE by Joel Skousen The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has already temporarily halted the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for private employers and is just one result of many legal battles emerging across the nation as 27 states and multiple businesses and non-profits are suing to block the mandate. There will undoubtedly be contradictory rulings and the Supreme Court will have to sort it all out in a major ruling, likely to occur early next year. Will Americans be betrayed by Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett as they were when these mainstream “conservatives” voted recently to cast aside the right of religious exemptions for Maine healthcare workers? We’ll soon find out. Meanwhile, Australians are finally waking up to their awful situation. In Melbourne, the most locked down state in Australia, massive crowds of protestors took to the streets in by far the largest protest yet and demanded that Victory Premier Dan Andrews be voted out of office. The crowds were so big, the normally aggressive police didn’t even bother to intervene as they had before. Here is a brief heartfelt clip from an Aussie woman calling for Western nations to sanction Australia for its tyranny, perhaps not realizing none of us in the West have any influence over our own governments in this way. There is no government on the side of liberty, anywhere. Only individual actions will count. It’s going to take this kind of street protest to stop this medical tyranny. Believe it or not, judges ARE influenced by massive peaceful protests, especially when people are visibly angry. It’s time to let politicians know we will hold them accountable for their failure to defend our rights.
  14. Abridged from a recent ZeroHedge article about propaganda created by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta. --------------------------------------------------- CNN is using puppets from the popular kids show Sesame Street to promote the Covid-19 jabs. CNN aired a program called ‘The ABCs of COVID Vaccines: A CNN/Sesame Street Townhall for Families’ this weekend where the puppets showed up to recommend to kids that they get vaccinated. The “town hall” came just hours [emphasis mine] after the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine for children aged 5 to 11. Sesame Street tweet 3:00 PM · Nov 3, 2021 Do you or your little ones have questions about the COVID-19 vaccines? Join your favorite furry friends for a special town hall hosted by @DrSanjayGupta and @EricaRHill, airing this Saturday, 11/6 at 8:30am ET on @CNN. [Picture with the title “The ABCs of COVID Vaccines, A Town Hall for Kids and Parents] The show tells kids they can have “playdates” after having had the vaccine which they weren’t able to have before. The puppet called Rosita said this about the: “It will help keep me, my friends, my neighbors ... all healthy.” Dr. Sanjay Gupta says the more people that get vaccinated, “the better we’re going to be able to stop the spread of Covid and keep everyone healthy.” Over the weekend Big Bird's controller tweeted that he got the Covid vaccine: Big Bird tweet 9:09 AM · Nov 6, 2021 I got the COVID-19 vaccine today! My wing is feeling a little sore, but it’ll give my body an extra protective boost that keeps me and others healthy. Ms. @EricaRHill even said I’ve been getting vaccines since I was a little bird. I had no idea! President Biden (or somebody representing him) tweeted in response: Good on ya, @BigBird. Getting vaccinated is the best way to keep your whole neighborhood safe.
  15. I think I understand your position but keep the following in mind before submitting to forced drugging with the so-called vaccine: (1) If you and a substantial percentage of your co-workers (most of whom are probably arguing to themselves as you do) refused to cooperate, then “they” wouldn’t be able to get away with the forced drugging. By submitting, you endorse coercion on everybody there. This whether the drug is safe or not. (2) Ditto for everyone, not just your co-workers. If “their” coercion fails in a substantial percent of businesses then the coercion would end. (3) It’s up to the adults. If the adults succumb the children will be taken. (4) The drug isn’t safe; you’re risking your own health. And for no reason because it isn’t effective. On the other hand, if you refuse to submit you lose your job, temporarily and perhaps permanently. So that’s your decision.
  16. ... Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense, today [Nov. 8] said he “prays for Newsom’s family” and wishes him a quick recovery. Kennedy added: “However, if it’s true the governor has suffered debilitating neurological injuries following vaccination, it raises grave ethical questions about his seemingly dishonest efforts to conceal his injuries while implementing aggressive policies to force the children and working people of California to endure similar risks.”
  17. Seems to me healthy people, who are not too old, take vitamins C and D regularly, and have a stash of the drugs/vitamins on hand that I’ve mentioned a couple of times, should be unconcerned about catching covid, even welcome it. For such people it is a non-event and provides long-lasting immunity. Even if that is not true, for everyone except possibly the elderly who don’t take vitamins regularly and don’t have access to the proper drugs/vitamins, the vaccines are riskier than covid. Don’t be a fool of whoever the hell is behind this covid hysteria.
  18. The following was on the The New York Times website yesterday. Doubtless the child is parroting his mother. ======================================== Opinion Big Kid Vaccines Are Here! Nov. 6, 2021 By Jessica Grose When I woke up Wednesday morning, my mom text threads were already on fire with the news that CVS and Walgreens had opened up Covid vaccine appointments for kids 5 and up. I felt a profound sense of relief as I nabbed slots for my 5- and 8-year-olds, and I wasn’t the only one. J. David Goodman, The New York Times Houston bureau chief, was on hand at Texas Children’s Hospital to see some of the first shots doled out to elementary schoolers in the United States. “This is the best day ever!” one child said. Despite my own eagerness, I do empathize with parents who are hesitant to get their kids vaccinated, and I hope that with a little time to see how this all unfolds, their concerns will be eased: One of the moms I spoke to when I was reporting on vaccine hesitancy back in May told me that, despite her and her teenage daughter’s reservations, her daughter did ultimately get vaccinated. The teen’s friends had already received the shot, and she felt that getting vaccinated would allow her greater freedom. As of the end of September, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Covid-19 Vaccine Monitor, “nearly half” of parents of vaccine-eligible children 12 and over reported that their child had received at least one shot. -------- [what follows is by NYT editors] -------- What questions do you have about navigating the pandemic this winter? Breakthrough cases, boosters, vaccines for children — we’ve entered a new phase of the pandemic and questions abound as we prepare for another winter with Covid: Can we host indoor Thanksgiving with small children if all the parents have been vaccinated? Should unvaccinated kids wear masks at gatherings with extended family? How much should we rely on the results of rapid tests before visiting those with underlying conditions? Submit your question below. We’ll have experts in fields like epidemiology and virus transmission respond to a selection in a future article. © 2021 The New York Times Company
  19. Thanks, Ellen. I read the abstract. Steve Kirsch, pioneer inventor of the optical mouse who’s worth about a hundred million dollars, is active in the “anti-mRNA-vax” movement. He began looking into the subject after the daughter of a friend of his suffered an abortion after taking the vaccine. See this article though it’s mostly a hatchet job. Elsewhere he has written: “She miscarried at 25 weeks and is having an abortion on 6/9/21. She had her first shot 7 weeks ago, and her second shot 4 weeks ago. The baby had severe bleeding of the brain and other disfigurements. Her gynecologist had never seen anything like that before in her life. They called in a specialist who said it was probably a genetic defect (because everyone buys into the narrative that the vaccine is safe it is always ruled out as a possible cause). No VAERS report. No CDC report. Yet the doctors I’ve talked to say that it is over 99% certain it was the vaccine. The family doesn’t want an autopsy for fear that their daughter will find out it was the vaccine. This is a perfect example of how these horrible side effects just never get reported anywhere.” While mentioning Kirsch I have to say I wouldn’t promote his work without a huge qualification. He’s been pushing Fluvoxamine as part of the treatment for covid. Fluvoxamine is a psychoactive drug, specifically a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). If it helps treat covid I suppose it might be useful if the doctor has to throw everything at a recalcitrant case, used just that one time. Since other very safe drugs have proven so effective, what’s the point of promoting a dangerous drug? He sees no problem with Fluvoxamine at all and suggests it should always be used along with the other drugs when treating covid.
  20. A Global Propaganda Operation Prof. Piers Robinson, 4 August 2021 A Propaganda Masterpiece Prof. Mark Crispin Miller, 1 July 2021
  21. In America so far, over 150K have been killed by the vaccines. The FDA and CDC fudge the numbers by assuming the VAERS URF (under-reporting factor) is 1 when ... (1) Per interviews with nurses that I have provided on this thread it is much greater than 1, much as in 10 or 100 times. In case you missed it: Nurses at Minnesota Town Hall Meeting Deborah Conrad, physician’s assistant (2) Failure to do autopsies on deaths that should have been suspicious: Where are the autopsies? by Jane Orient, M.D. (many years ago a darling of ARI, no longer) German Chief Pathologist Sounds Alarm on Fatal Covid Vaccine Injuries (3) Doctors who dare to speak out about vaccine dangers are demonized by government-beholden shills. Early treatment can get Americans to “near zero Covid.” Therapeutic Nihilism Given that very safe and effective treatments exist, there is no point in any vaccine, even a safe and effective one. What you risk with these vaccines is horrible: Vaccine Horrors A good place to start researching the subject: The Spartacus Letter A good blog for on-going news: Dr. Meryl Nass There’s been a massive propaganda campaign around covid vaccination. I’ll provide links about it tomorrow evening.
  22. This is based on a comment of October 30th by Anonymous (have you noticed how that guy gets around, he’s all over everywhere) on Meryl Nass’s blog, greatly abridged and copy edited from the original: Per Biden’s [illegal] edict, Americans who work at a company that employs more than 100 people must choose between getting vaccinated and getting fired. That includes hospital workers who risked their lives treating COVID-19 patients. But Biden is *not* mandating vaccines for the 59 million Americans on welfare. Thus he would force vaccines on the Americans who supply most of the tax revenue financing America’s welfare system while the beneficiaries of that system are exempt. It’s obvious why. Leftist want the welfare class to grow and the middle and working classes to shrink.