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Posts posted by blackhorse

  1. I think the bill will be tabled in the Senate by Harry "douchebag' Reid, to my dismay, however the fact that it passed the House gives me hope that after November when Romney wins the Presidency, we GAIN more seats in the House, and the we tie or take the Senate, that it will have a very good chance of passing the second time around. The only problem I see is Romney having too close of connections to the banking industry. It would be like biting the hand that feeds him.

  2. Reason and religion need not be exclusive, however the tenants of a religion can and are quite often at odds with it. For instance, I find that reformed theology, or Calvinism, which is the dominate trend in popular christianity nowadays, as a most anti-reason religious belief because it indemnifies the believer from both personal resp. from his actions as well as the belief in man not having free will. The caveat being that God's omniscience overrides anything a man may do. He is "guilty as charged" from the fact of merely being a man. Mormonism on the other hand, the religion I find most attune to objectivist principles, is centered around free will and the importance of personal resp. and the pursuit of positive values. It really is a tug of war between the calvinists and the other religions of free will, at least here in the USA, or free will vs. fatalists. I don't know what islam's stance is on that sort of thing, but if there is a belief in free will then that value ought to be embraced and used as a tool to argue against the nihilism of other jihadist or extreme belief's.

  3. I agree MSK, I do not loathe all religion, what I do loathe is a religion that is anti-reason anti-man and anti-liberty. Man can be spiritual without being religionistic. The problem lies in the certain anti-values an individual may embrace in his religious belief.

  4. Hediar, I do wish you the very best in your pursuit of life, liberty, and reason. The muslim world NEEDS men who think like you. Seek them out, be a voice for change, start renaissance of the mind in the middle east. You can be a hero for countless by your defence of life and civility and thinking minds.

  5. You stated above,"But if I am still an Islamist, then I have nothing to gain from claiming that I'm now an Objectivist."--Possibly. At the risk of not sounding too paranoid, there is the muslim practice of taqiyya, so I cannot be certain what you are telling me is even true. That's the problem with islam; too many beliefs that are at varience with a virtuous morality based upon reason and individualism. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against you personally, but surely you can understand my position.

  6. Heidar, which muslim worldviews advocate reason and individualism? Where are the muslim societies where these virtues are extolled without fear for ones life? I would like to know where these places may exist. We both know the answer though; they do not exist. A religious collectivist belief is one where the individual must submit his life, liberty, and judgment, to either a diety, a religious body, or both. Islam fits that description perfectly. I hear a lot of talk of tolerant muslims, but other than the org. mentioned above and a handful of outspoken individuals, I have yet to see this large body of reason oriented muslims. I would of course welcome such an influx in the muslim world, but it does not exist presently, nor do I see signs of one coming. In fact, the middle east is becoming more radicalized, as well as the muslim communities in Europe.

  7. No offense Haider, but I agree with BaalChatzaf. Islam has shown its colors of nihilism qua theocracy and as men of reason we have a natural suspicion of those who admit to being islamists converted to the other end of the spectrum. Albeit if you are who you say you are and are genuine in your desire to pursue reason and liberty, then welcome.

  8. Brant, funny story; I actually took that drive once, coming from Utah. Once we got to the Sierra's just outside of Lake Tahoe we realized that our brakes were at about 10% capacity. To make matters worse, it was snowy, we had about 1000 lbs of electrical gear in our truck bed and to brake we had to use both feet! Scariest thing in my life. Oh, and it was also night. Note to self; respect the Sierra Nevada's.

  9. Brant, funny story; I actually took that drive once, coming from Utah. Once we got to the Sierra's just outside of Lake Tahoe we realized that our brakes were at about 10% capacity. To make matters worse, it was snowy, we had about 1000 lbs of electrical gear in our truck bed and to brake we had to use both feet! Scariest thing in my life. Oh, and it was also night. Note to self; respect the Sierra Nevada's.

  10. I am moving (back) to Sacramento on June 12th. Actually we are moving to the foothills of Placer County, the "Galt's Gulch" of northern CA in my opinion. A movement is growing in California to embrace classical liberalism once again. Albeit, much work needs to be done, but I believe the trend is upswinging towards liberty at a slow but steady pace. I think in large part this is due to the avail. of knowledge via the internet and other modern technology. Liberalism is a diatribe of lack of information, which is why it is on he wane. Yes Jerry "moonbeam" Brown was elected, but Californians are having serious buyers remorse like the nation did with Obama. I will fight tooth and nail to preserve liberty and reason in California. It is s beautiful state with so much industry, now it's time to take it back from the union thugs and the liberals.