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Everything posted by Kat

  1. I think those are some wonderful explanations for the "and there they are" situation. I personally cannot consciously perceive slight atmospheric changes, but I realize others are more sensitive to slightest change in their environment. Is that conscious or subconscious? Why don't some things register? What is going on below the surface in the subconscious? It would seem that we sense a lot of stuff without consciously realizing that we are sensing it. Is it all just conscious awareness, but barely a blip on the radar so one doesn't realize it exists or where it originated? Where does the consciousness end and the subconscious begin? Some people completely deny the existence of the subconscious alltogether. How does one explain knowing that they are being watched from afar or how do people just know something that would seem a very strange coincidence? Take for example in Michael's cheek article where his mother came directly looking for him at a place he would not usually be found. It would be great to be able to understand and explain rationally experiences that people simply do not understand and attribute to being things supernatural, paranormal or of a religious nature. Religion has done a tremendous job of explaining things people simply don't understand. Well, it is time to understand and be able to offer rational counterarguments to the irrational doctrines. And make those arguments stick. That is a good reason to chew. Kat
  2. red alert!! Security Breach! Security Breach! arrrrgh.... I think I fixed the problem. Leave it to that punk kid Jody to know when I left the door unlocked. We are now protected by the secret service. Let's see if we get our tax dollars worth. 8) 8) 8) Kat
  3. Here is something to ponder. There are things that we perceive that cannot be attributed directly to our five senses. For example when you sense another person's presence without having heard or seen them coming into the room, look up and there they are, or when you feel someone is watching you or talking about you. If we are limited to the human version of the five senses, unamplified, how do you explain this type of thing. Could we possibly be hearing or somehow perceiving things on a subconscious level? Is it possible to have senses that work on a deeper level within the subconscious that would explain ESP or how we can know things with no rational explanation as to how we came about knowing. Are we shooting brainwaves at each other? What is the receptor for such things? There may be more ways to transmit messages to the brain than the fab five senses, but realistically, has anyone ever figured it out? Just chewing...but now I'm kind of in the mood to watch the Dead Zone. Kat
  4. Fiction and drama Night of January 16th (1934) We the Living (1936, revised edition 1959) Anthem (1938, revised edition 1946) The Fountainhead (1943) Atlas Shrugged (1957) The Early Ayn Rand - Leonard Peikoff, ed. (1984, revised edition 2005) Three Plays - Richard E. Ralston, ed. (2005) Non-fiction For the New Intellectual (1961) The Virtue of Selfishness (1964) Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966) Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology (1967) The Romantic Manifesto (1969) The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution (1971) Philosophy: Who Needs It (1982) The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought - Leonard Peikoff, ed. (1989) The Ayn Rand Column - Peter Schwartz, ed. (1991) Ayn Rand's Marginalia - Robert Mayhew, ed. (1995) Letters of Ayn Rand - Michael S. Berliner, ed. (1995) Journals of Ayn Rand - David Harriman, ed. (1997) The Ayn Rand Reader - Gary Hull and Leonard Peikoff, eds. (1999) Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution - Peter Schwartz, ed. (1999) [This is reissue of Rand's earlier book, The New Left with additional material by the editor] Russian Writings on Hollywood - Michael S. Berliner, ed.; Dina Garmong, trans. (1999) Why Businessmen Need Philosophy - Richard E. Ralston, ed. (1999) The Art of Fiction - Tore Boeckmann, ed. (2000) The Art of Non-Fiction - Robert Mayhew, ed. (2001) Ayn Rand Answers - Robert Mayhew, ed. (2005) Periodicals The Objectivist Newsletter (1962-1966) The Objectivist (1966-1971) The Ayn Rand Letter (1971-1976) (Bound periodicals are available as a package deal through the Ayn Rand Bookstore) Shop at Laissez Faire Books Shop at Amazon
  5. Dayaaaam, Ciro, Good cookies, but I got a hangover just reading the recipe. We got any rumballs? *hic* (How the heck are we going to make rumballs and Christmas cookies with no sugar and no booze?) Kat
  6. Actually there are four new sites. We can't forget about our friends at TOC. I visited them in DC a couple of months ago and they truly are wonderful people doing good work spreading the ideas of Ayn Rand. They have graciously let us use their materials on basic Objectivism. The internet is a mightly big place, but the Objectivist world is a fairly small world. I want this site to be a hangout the best, the brightest and the coolest of the Objectvist Nouveau. So far, so good. Kat
  7. Dayaaammm, this place is sure turning into a lovefest. I love it! Thanks for all those hugs, everyone. Tenya, welcome. (((Big hug))) right back atcha! I am so glad you made it over. I actually didn't have a birthday cake this year. I made tiramisu. Chef Ciro taught me how to make it for my birthday. It's wonderful and he helped me to adjust the recipe so Michael could try it sometime. I am so happy to have such wonderful friends over here at Objectivist Living. Kat
  8. That was a wonderful way to describe Objectivist Living. Shall we adopt it as our Mission Statement? Barbara, you are the best! Kat
  9. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. Barbara, sometime soon I will give you a hug for real. You saw Michael and I falling in love even before we did. You helped bring us together. I am so glad to have you as a friend. You have brought much joy to our lives. Thank you. Kat
  10. Kat


    Thank you so much for helping me with this recipe, Ciro. It is really awesome. It is actually fun to make, it's kinda of like making lasagna and French toast sticks at the same time. Kat's Tiramisu 3 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar (or Splenda for baking) (or substitute sugar with 1/4 cup honey plus 1/8 tsp baking soda) 1 8 oz tub mascorpone cheese 1 1/4 cup whipping cream 2 cups strong coffee, cooled (+1/4 cup Kahlua or Irish cream, optional) 1 pkg lady fingers (can substitute with biscuit or bread for low sugar, but brush with coffee instead of dipping) cocoa for dusting 1. Make egg, sugar and cheese mixture. Beat egg yolks and sugar (or substitute) together until sugar is dissolved and the mixture is light. Add the mascorpone and mix well. 2. Make and add in whipped cream. Beat 1 1/4 cups whipping cream into stiff peaks and then gently fold into the mascarpone mixture. 3. Assemble, chill and garnish. Spread a 1/4 inch layer of the creamy mixture on the bottom of a dish. Dip the lady fingers into the coffee, soak well, but do not oversoak. Arrange close together in dish, add half the remaining cream mixture, another layer of coffee dipped lady fingers and the final layer of creamy mixture. Smooth out the top and chill several hours. Dust with cocoa before serving.
  11. Kat


    This stuff is really awesome. It is actually fun to make, it's kinda of like make lasagna and French toast sticks at the same time. Now let's see if we can make this delicious tiramisu recipe MSK safe. The biggest issue now is the lady fingers. They were covered in sugar on one side. Is there something that can substitute these with low or no sugar? Kat's Tiramisu 3 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar (or Splenda) (or substitute sugar with 1/4 cup honey plus 1/8 tsp baking soda) 1 8 oz tub mascorpone cheese 1 1/4 cup whipping cream 2 cups strong coffee, cooled (+1/4 cup Kalua or Irish cream, optional) 1 pkg lady fingers (can I substitute cookies with dry toast? LOLOLOL - I dunno) cocoa for dusting Beat egg yolks and sugar together until sugar is dissolved and the mixture is light. Add the mascorpone and mix well. Beat 1 1/4 cups whipping cream into stiff peaks and then gently fold into the mascarpone mixture. Spread a 1/4 inch layer of the creamy mixture on the bottom of a dish. Dip the lady fingers into the coffee, soak well, but do not oversoak. Arrange close together in dish, add half the remaining cream mixture, another layer of coffee dipped lady fingers and the final layer of creamy mixture. Smooth out the top and chill several hours. Dust with cocoa before serving.
  12. Kat


    Ciro, I am going to attempt to make the tiramisu for my birthday cake. I don't want to use liquor so here is what I am going to try to do. Let me know if it is totally off base. 3 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar (or splenda) 1 8 oz tub mascorpone cheese 1 1/4 cup whipping cream 2 cups strong coffee, cooled 1 pkg lady fingers cocoa for dusting Beat egg yolks and sugar together until sugar is dissolved and the mixture is light. Add the mascorpone and mix well. Beat 1 1/4 whipping cream into stiff peaks and then gently fold into the mascarpone mixture. Spread a 1/4 inch layer of the creamy mixture on the bottom of a dish. Dip the lady fingers into the coffee, soak well, but do not oversoak. Arrange close together in dish, add half the remaining cream mixture, another layer of coffee dipped lady fingers and the final layer of creamy mixture. Smooth out the top and chill several hours. Dust with cocoa before serving. Do you think MSK would eat that? Ideally, I'd like to substitute the sugar with honey. How much honey do you substitute for a half cup of sugar? Kat
  13. Thanks! I am so happy to have really cool kids and a sweetheart who sends me roses and writes me beautiful poetry for my birthday. This is way cool! I love you, Tina. That was wonderful! Sean also worked really hard with putting together the Christmas tree and he was so excited about having a Statue of Liberty to go on the top as our angel. I bet we're the only family on the block with that! Kat happy Festivus
  14. Wow, that was so beautiful, the most beautiful thing in the world. It brought me tears of joy and I don't know what to say, so I will just purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I love you, Michael. Kitten
  15. I finally figured out how to solve the issue of new members not being able to log back on. When you join, the system sends out an email that you need to respond to in order to activate the account. It is an automated message that is sometimes filtered out of your email inbox and put into spam. We can activate your account manually if you let us know. Now that we know how to fix the registration issue and it should be easier to resolve in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience. Kat
  16. Kat


    Well, darlin' thanks for the compliment. purrrrrrrrrr I am deleting the duplicate post for you. Those things happen sometimes. I will try to catch and clean them up when I see them. Kat
  17. It seems like a few people have joined Objectivist Living but have trouble getting back in. There seems to be a bug in the program as far as authorization. Here are two things that you need to do if you are having trouble getting logged in: 1 - Clear the cookies in your browser (in Internet Explorer under the tools menu > Internet options > under the general tab there is a button to delete cookies. 2 - Try logging in again. On the log-in screen there is a check box to set the cookie to remember you. Please be sure that it is checked. This should solve the log-on problem. If you forget your password, let me know and I can reset it temporarily. One more thing, if you join but do not receive a confirmation, check to be sure it was not directed to a "spam" or "bulk" folder for your e-mail account. These things are generated by the software and I do not send them personally. Kat
  18. Hi Ellen, I'm really glad to see you here. I wanted to tell you on the other site that your post about painting the roses red was absolutely brilliant. I simply couldn't bring myself to post on that thread. I had stopped interacting with those who wrote CRAP (backwards acronym, hope it catches on). I'm so glad you like Inky's works. I'm really proud of my very talented daughter and I am pleased that she is participating on this new site. I'm sure she is a bit apprehensive because of all the venom that she saw being aimed at MSK and myself over rather innocent comments and chewing on ideas. I very much enjoy having a place online where we will find good hearted, decent people who live objectivism and who do not attack other members for deviating from the playbook of orthodox Objectivism. I believe that if someone is touched by the work of Ayn Rand and wants to dig deeper, they should be able to do so without having their head bitten off for questions, comments or not swallowing it whole. I strongly hope that we eventually attract more women here too. BTW, where is Becky? Kat
  19. Ciro, I just love having you in the kitchen. You are a great cook and a wonderful person with a fabulous and joyous sense of life. I wish I were a better cook and I'm happy to be learning from the best. I'd like to try some of your recipes and I am really glad that you are making the effort to adapt to Michael's diet (no sugar, no alcohol). That has got to be a tremendous challenge. I will definitely try making the pesto and tiramisu sometime. I usually buy pesto already made and put it on that tortellini you can buy by the bag in the spaghetti aisle of the supmarket. Where do I find pinenuts and what is that exotic cheese stuff in the tiramisu? I guess I'm pretty much a meat and potatoes gal. I don't think I will be making lobster. I don't like seafood, and especially lobster. Michael loves seafood though. I don't eat bugs and lobsters are just big ugly red bugs! Ick! cheers! Kat
  20. Hi everyone, My name is Kat. I am MSK's kitten and Inky's momma. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  21. The Objectivist Center has completely redesigned their website. It looks great and is well-organized and easy to navigate. Go check it out and join up if you haven't already. Kat
  22. Note from Administrator: The information in this thread was for the old domain and/or phpp forum software, but it is still mostly valid for the present program (Invision Power Board). Linking in this online community is a bit different than what I got accustomed to in the old neighborhood. It is easy enough to highlight over text and click that URL button at the end which will create a link. But that is assuming that what you tagged was an internet address. The more challenging part is to have a link in the middle of the text where you want it to read normally. I was trying to make links using html tags and the tag text was showing up in the message. Inky told me that the forum uses BBCode. The code is slightly different and it uses square brackets ([...]) instead of the angle brackets () and a url tag rather than a href. BBCode is completely new to me. Anyhoo, this is how you create text links. example: Welcome to Objectivist Living I am adding a dash within the first tag so you can easily see how the code looks. The correct tag is not [-url] [-url=http://url]Objectivist Living The keyboard shortcut for the tag is alt-w Placing images works in a similar fashion and the shortcut is alt-p. Again, please remove the first dash. so the program reads it as code. [-img]http://image_url I hope this helps. If anyone knows anything about BBCode and how we can make this site work better please let us know. Thanks. Kat
  23. Kat


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  24. Kat

    Posting Articles

    It is very easy post articles here if you are a registered member. I have set up several categories and articles may be posted by category if there is one it fits into. This software considers everything an article so if what you have written fits into a category, please post the article under the category by starting a new topic. Articles go up like normal posts and you don't have to submit them to moderators first. Since this is a small group of family and friends and there are several published authors in the group, I see no reason to place posting restrictions at this time. Go for it. Overnight, Roger posted several articles he had written about the work of Dr. Chris Sciabarra in the Sciabarra corner. Thank you Roger, that was purrfect. We really appreciate your contributions.
  25. Kat


    Oh, you didn't know they were an item???