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Everything posted by Kat

  1. Barbara, thanks for the heads up. I have taken off that book off and put up another one that I had missed, Journals of Ayn Rand. My years with Ayn Rand is not available at LFB so it was already listed below with the Amazon collection. btw - What can you tell us about Principles of Efficient Thinking? Kat
  2. Well it looks like the images finally stuck. I agree that if you use a lot of images or are building your own site, it is best to have your own account. The group account is for convenience so people who occasionally share images with this group have a place to upload them so they won't disappear from the posts. There are now more smilies for your enjoyment. Use sparingly. If you have any suggestions let me know. kat
  3. Hi, welcome to Objectivist Living. We're glad you are here. I hope you enjoy hanging around. Inky is still down with the flu so she has not been too talkative lately. I'm just wondering if you are Ciro's daughter? Kat
  4. We have just added another feature to our online community here at Objectivist Living. It is an online bookstore. We now sell books through both Laissez Faire Books and Amazon and have picked out a selection of books, audio and video that we hope you will like. We hope you enjoy the convenience of buying through our product links in order to support Objectivist Living (and Michael's reading habit). LFB is our preferred supplier and has the best service and prices and will match Amazon's prices. Unfortunately, LFB doesn't carry everything, so I have also put up links for things at Amazon, including out of print items that are available used. Check those links regularly to see when something is available. Have fun hanging out at the Objectivist Living Bookstore Kat and Michael
  5. Now that guy is creepy, huh? You used to love to peek into your grandpa's room to see the ballerina picture and we called you Tina, Tina, Ballerina. And now you are creeped out. Sheeeesh!
  6. I remember in one of my first apartments someone once commented that all my roomate and I had in the fridge was ketchup, beer and nail polish. Yum! Kat
  7. Kevin posted an interesting comment over on another thread and I think it might be a good discussion topic in the living room. Where can you find examples of Objectivism around you? Think about art, music, movies, plays, books, entertainment, news and current events, and on down to just everyday life. Where are the strong individualists, the heroes, the capitalists, the role models for our children? Kat
  8. I'm going to try this again. I tried making pork chops the other night and made a royal mess of it. I didn't have bread crumbs and didn't realize that we were out of corn flakes, so I tried to improvise by making toast and trying to make breadcrumbs, but it was not dry enough and I wound up with something more like stuffing than breading. Gunky goo, but it was fun to squish around in! (Please don't tell Michael I can't cook, he'll be devastated!) I have a question about the recipe. I'm going to do boneless, skinless chicken breasts and make a not so Italiano chicken parmesean with sauce from a jar of Newman's Own. :oops: In the ingredient list it lists parmesean cheese but in the instructions it is not mentioned. I assume that it is mixed in with the bread crumbs. Is this correct? Also can regular milk be used for cream, and if so, does the amount change? Kat Student of Obcheftivism
  9. I don't wish to heavily moderate this forum, but sometimes a little housekeeping makes sense just to keep things somewhat organized. I have moved the book excerpt over to a thread of its own in the Books, Tapes and Video category as it deserves a thread of its own. Always feel free to start up topics over there about books, movies and stuff like that, even if they are not Objectivist related. If something is cool, share it. Kat
  10. I split the a couple posts off a thread in "Chewing" and gave it a home over here in books as a topic of its own. By moving the book excerpt over here, I am simply trying to keep the forum somewhat organized and the threads on topic. Just minor housekeeping. Here is how it began... Here is Ellen's introduction to the excepts
  11. Ayn Rand Answers on sale at LFB Good reading. This is a book worth getting and it is on sale for $9.95. Sure it may be a little sanitized, but it gives you Ayn Rand in her own words. There is also a short review of the book at LFB. Kat
  12. Thanks so much for the tip, Dragonfly. I signed up for the basic free account to start out. It looks like just what we need and it seems rather user friendly. We just need to keep those image sizes fairly small and keep it clean. I will post the user name and password in the Yahoo Group to protect from prying eyes :shock: Kat
  13. Well, it seems like a good idea at the time.... Apparently anytime an image is added to the photos on the Yahoo site the url for all the photos change and the links no longer work. That really sucks. I tried to fix what I could. Saki, Barbara's kat did not change because it was not from the Yahoo photo albums. I know that there are free image hosting sites out there, but I don't know the urls. Images are a lot of fun and its too bad that the Yahoo thing isn't working like we wanted it to. Kat
  14. Ballet Rehearsal on Stage (Repetition d'un Ballet sur la Scène) by Edgar Degas, 1874 This is what is hanging in our living room, but you all knew that. Kat
  15. I really miss being able to bonk people for posting good stuff. I can however, pay you in dollar signs for contributing to Objectivist Living. I have set it up so when you reach a specific number of posts, an additional $ will be displayed by your name starting at 30 posts. I hope this serves as an incentive and a source of pride for all who participate and that you will invite your friends and family to join us. I really do appreciate everyone's contribution to Objectivist Living and wish I could pay you in real dollars. But for now, please accept my funny money as a token of our gratitude. Kat
  16. The Art of Living Consciously is full of little gems like....
  17. It might be.... it could be... it is... BUZZ LIGHTYEAR OF STAR COMMAND!!! (or perhaps the Flying Spaghetti Monster) When it comes to judging people's "sense of life" and that type of armchair psychologizing based solely upon their tastes in art, I can't take it very seriously. It's pure snobbery. People's tastes in art, music and literature do give some insight to the person's character or emotions at the time, but certainly is not enough to judge someone's character or create a psychological profile on them. I accept Ayn Rand's views on aesthetic philosophy as being written in pencil rather than etched in stone. I accept it as her opinion based on her tastes rather than truth based on objective reality. Could you imagine if this type of nonsense extended to your tastes in food, television, movies, clothing, etc. If one is expected to swallow Rand whole in order to be considered an Objectvist, no one would be acceptable! Probably not even Rand. Most people enjoy a wide variety of art and music and like to see, hear or read different things at different times. People tastes are purely subjective, based on what they have been exposed to and what appeals to them for whatever reason... or maybe no reason at all. My exposure to classical music doesn't go much deeper than seeing Fantasia. If someone has issues with the fact that I like rock instead of opera or also enjoy the work of some modern artists, I will not force my tastes upon them. They are free to ignore it and indulge in something more suitable to their own tastes. (As long as it's not rap... ugh!) Kat
  18. Everyone should have access to the Yahoo Group now. If you cannot get in, please let me know and I will add you to the member list. I am only allowed to add a few names a day. I hope to see all your smiling faces posted on the fridge in the kitchen! Kat
  19. Here is how you can put images in your posts. 1 - Find or upload your image up to the web. 2 - Right click and select properties 3 - Copy url from the image's properties 4 - Go to the post editing window and paste in that url 5 - Select the url and click the image button () to link to the image. [img=http://www.barbarabranden.com/images/photos/photo-saki.jpg] Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  20. Diminishing Returns by Frank O'Connor What was going on here? I like this painting, but it sure looks a lot more like surrealism than romantic realism to me. How did Ayn Rand's theory of art apply to her own husband's work? Does anyone know the story behind this painting? Kat
  21. Roger your picture has been posted in the photo gallery. I have started a picture album in our Yahoo Group called the Kitchen, which has pictures of couples and singles can mingle and post their pictures in there as well. People can start photo albums or add pictures to existing ones. Dragonfly put up some really nice pieces in his own album. I started one for Inky, but she is down with the flu now so there is not much in her gallery yet. Having the gallery is good also for if you want to put pictures in your posts. As far as I can tell you cannot just paste images into posts, they need to be linked to a url. With the gallery we have a place on the web to easily upload your image from your hard drive. Once it is up, right click on your image to go to properties. Copy the path from properties. Come back to the posting window. Click on IMG button (second from right) to open the image tag and then paste in the url path. Click on the IMG* button to close the tag and when you click preview, the image appears. Here is a nice picture of Roger and Becky looking fabulous.
  22. Kat

    Happy Festivus

    Well, with the exception of Barbara's bulldog (MSK), I feel that having a dog-free zone is in the best interests of the Kat. Kat
  23. Kat

    Happy Festivus

    I just hate it when the ex completely ignores his kids for years, doesn't even call them on Christmas or their birthdays, yet has the legal right to prevent us from moving out of the state or even the county. Our friggin nanny government is in the pocket of deadbeat dads!