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Everything posted by Kat

  1. Martin, some of the increase is due to better detection and awareness so that kids are getting tested more. The new numbers (1 in 88) is actually based on 2008 data that was just released last week. Why it takes so long, I don't know, but it probably has something to do with big government. When I was a kid, the incidence of autism was about one in 10,000, but back then they just called everyone retarded or special and probably didn't even include the aspies in the spectrum. They will be changing the criteria again next year to exclude aspergers so when the numbers say what you don't like, you simply change the criteria, right? If they word it just right, then my son will not be autistic anymore. After all, he can talk. It just took him 4 years to do it. There is still so much research to be done and what is generally agreed is that autism has a genetic component and an environmental trigger. What pulls the environmental trigger will be hotly debated for years to come. OK, just to sweeten the pot, the first donation from an OL member for over $50 who IM's me gets their choice of a 1 oz d'Anconia copper coin or Jennifer Burns' book, Goddess of the market. Dig deep. Kat
  2. Please join me in the fight to make a difference in the lives of those affected by autism and support us as we walk for Autism Speaks. Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that inhibits a person's ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by behavioral challenges. Autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed in one in 88 children in the United States, and one in 54 boys. The prevalence of autism has increased 600 percent in the past two decades. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have called autism a national public health crisis whose cause and cure remain unknown. My son is affected by autism and it affects so many aspects of our life. I'm asking for your support to help Autism Speaks fund important research, help families, and advocate for better education and insurance reform. So much more research is needed to find the causes, effective treatments and eventually a cure for this devastating neurological disorder called autism. I want to see my son beat this thing. With your participation and support, we can get there even faster. Please make a donation on my walk page http://www.walknowfo...hicago/katdaddy Thanks! Kat
  3. Dave Ramsey is awesome. He truly does help people find their way out of the debt trap. Listen to his show any Friday and you will hear the debt free screams. It is very inspriring. For about 2 years I have nibbled around the edges of the program and now I am actually going to the 13 week course and trying to drag MSK along. I think having a house that is underwater was a real wake up call. At first I had trouble getting past the religious stuff, but when you realize that he is using that to convey his message, it is ok. He often quotes the bible such as "the borrower is slave to the lender" and that is so true. I do love when he goes on some of his rants and I like his political perspective. I have a quote posted up in my cube at work that says, "You can't spend more than you make, you're not in Congress!" Anyway it is rice and beans and beans and rice for us for awhile. Good thing Mike likes it so much. Kat
  4. Wow. Thanks so much for the fabulous birthday wishes. (( Big Group Hug ))
  5. Kat

    ARI Livestream

    <iframe width="560" height="340" src="http://cdn.livestream.com/embed/aynrandcenter?layout=4&color=0x8cb6e5&autoPlay=false&mute=false&iconColorOver=0x5484ba&iconColor=0x386496&allowchat=true&height=340&width=560" style="border:0;outline:0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><div style="font-size:11px;padding-top:10px;text-align:center;width:560px">Watch <a href=http://www.livestream.com/?utm_source=lsplayer&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=footerlinks title=live streaming video>live streaming video</a> from <a href=http://www.livestream.com/aynrandcenter?utm_source=lsplayer&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=footerlinks title=Watch aynrandcenter at livestream.com>aynrandcenter</a> at livestream.com</div> Streaming live now is a tea party meeting. Yaron Brook will be speaking.
  6. Just in case you missed my fifteenth second of youtube fame, me and my Going Galt sign are in Herman Cain's campaign video right when Dr. King starts speaking almost halfway through the video. How cool is that!?! Herman Cain is a great candidate and is picking up some steam as he gains name recognition. He can get people fired up and may actually have a chance at winning the primary. Personally, I think he is the best tea party candidate in the race now. He seems genuine and likable and is plain spoken and a problem solver. Although many will try to dismiss him as just a pizza guy, he is a rocket scientist (literally) and has degrees in mathematics and computer science. If he can win the primary, he can beat Obama. Herman Cain has stronger public speaking skills than Obama IMHO. Here he is a few months back at the tea party rally I attended. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dhdIsyJwUw8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. Hi Melissa, I know I'm late to the meet and greet but I want to welcome you to OL. I hope you enjoy our little online community. We are for the most part pretty open to anyone who wishes to explore Objectivism and the ideas of Ayn Rand. I know how you feel as far as not having people around to share your ideas with. I'm from Chicago which is pretty liberal indeed. I also have a brother that didn't talk to me for nearly 2 years because I posted on my facebook that I was headed to a townhall meeting. Ended up I couldn't even get in the door. Anyway, I've made some friends in the tea party and admire Glenn Beck and saw him in DC, but as you know, the social conservatism is always there. Restoring honor was like a giant church picnic and everyone was so nice, but had Mike and I outted ourselves as atheists I'm sure people would not have been very friendly towards us. I've been to 2 tea party groups in Chicago and they are like night and day. The first group we attended was pretty far and they chanted babies, guns and Jesus. ugh! The group I go to now meets downtown and welcomes libertarians and all types of people and is more mixed both racially and their political beliefs. We have members from Campaign for Liberty and America's Future Foundation at all the meetings, too, so I feel much more at home there. You can look at meetup.com for groups related to Rand and other interests and there are some out there. As far as Diana's group, I personally would steer clear of that one just because she spews venom at OL and the Atlas Society. If Lin were still running it, I think it would be fine as she seems to be a very nice woman, although I've only met her in passing. Over the years I have found that I do not fit comfortably in any group. Not even here, and I own the place... LOL. Everyone is unique and just when you think you've found your happy place, you realize that you are different than the others on a very fundamental level and feel let down again. Happens to me all the time, but just find common ground and build on the good things and you'll be fine. Kat
  8. Good debate last night. All the candidates would be better than what we have right now. Personally, I like Gary Johnson alot, although he's a long shot. He certainly did add some much needed comic relief! <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sPYOvOcBgOg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. Well, it is annual renewal time again and for the past several years we have hosted both the forum and the blogs. Unfortunately, we will be closing down the blogs as it seems that they are not widely used and the cost is just too high for the blog module (we have been paying over $300 a year for that module alone). It's not cost effective at this point. If you have a blog or website, please post the url in your member profile so people can find it. If you have blog entries in an OL blog, please copy and paste the text into a Word document ASAP. As you probably know, we started this as a free forum back in 2005 and switched to this platform for security reasons after we were hacked. This is a big financial hit at back to school time for us. If you can swing it, we would appreciate any financial help from the OL community to help pay for the forum. All you need to do is click the paypal donation button at the bottom of the page. Thanks, Kat
  10. I still like Gary Johnson the best of the candidates declared so far. I thought he had maybe dropped out because he was visibly absent in the Iowa debate and straw poll. He is still in the race and focusing on New Hampshire now. He's pretty libertarian and doesn't come off as kooky as Ron Paul and I agree with him more on social issues like gay marriage and abortion. Gary Johnson's chances are slim and he doesn't have much name recognition or campaign funding so it is highly unlikely he will get the nomination. Right now I don't think any of the candidates in the field can beat Obama. (Maybe things are different outside Chicago, but he is loved here.) Sarah Palin is a star and may have a chance if/when she decides to run. Herman Cain is also a good candidate and can get people pretty fired up too. Bachmann and Ron Paul won the straw poll but I don't think either can win the primary or general election against Obama. They simply have the most loyal followers. I have a problem with Bachmann on the gay issue and Ron Paul on Middle East policy so they are both disqualified in my book.... unless the choice is between them or Obama. btw - what is Paleocon? It's the $50 word of the day. Kat
  11. I've got this book loaded on my Kindle. Gotta find time to read it. The book is getting great reviews on Amazon and has 4 stars. Hunter at Amazon Kat
  12. Here's one: "My curfew was lightning bugs. My parents didn' call my cell, they yelled my name. I played outside with friends, not online. If I didn't eat what mom cooked, then I didn't eat. Sanitizer didn't exist but you COULD get your mouth washed out w/soap. I rode a bike w/o a helmet. Getting dirty was ok and neighbors cared as much as your parents did. Re-post if you drank from a garden hose and survived." Generally, these things don't bother me that much, but I never repost them on FB as that's not my thing. The first time you see these, they are fine, but when you see them over and over, it is nauseating. Sometimes they tick me off... like when Bin Ladin was killed, people were cheering and then they did a 360 and started posting up the Martin Luther King Jr. quote, implying that we were in the wrong for taking him out. I just wanted to delete all those idiots! Kat
  13. I was hoping Joel would run again but he has moved to California and is now working with Andrew Breitbart and biggovernment.com http://biggovernment.com/author/jpollak/ I hope we can find a good challenger for the next election for the 9th. The area up north of us now has Joe Walsh who is doing a wonderful job. We need more guys like that. Kat
  14. Hi Andre, welcome to OL. I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering with depression and hope that you find relief. Depression is something I also have dealt with most of my life so I have some idea of what you are going through. There is a lot of good ideas in this thread but like any group it is a buffet of ideas from different individuals with different perspectives. Take what you want and leave the rest. When I went through an especially bad episode of depression, I literally thought I was losing my mind. Everything seemed hopeless... I was a single mom with a special needs kid and ex wasn't paying child support and my job sucked and I felt like ending it all. I don't know how it is down where you live, but up here, if you express suicidal thoughts and intention to harm yourself or anyone else, they will check you into a psychiatric hospital. I've been hospitalized once for major depression nearly ten years ago. My experience in the hospital was helpful but also hell. My roommate was a schizophrenic former prostitute and drug addict who was hearing voices that were telling her to kill me. I tried to stay on her good side and as long as I shared my Dove dark promises, I was ok. Recovery from a major depressive episode takes time and there may be some twists and turns along the way. I became agoraphobic and would easily become lost even in my own house, and in my case I could not go back to my job. I would have panic attacks just passing the place and it was at least 3 months before I could start temping. Depression creeps back into my life occasionally, actually I feel a tinge of it constantly, but I have not seen a doctor or therapist for it for several years, even after my best friend died. I am still trying to beat this thing, but I know that it ultimately comes from myself but support from others is extremely helpful in pulling through. I catch myself when I am falling into the stinking thinking mode and have a good man who will not let me go there ever again. Every morning Michael gives me a handful of vitamins along with St. John's wort....and not a day goes by when he doesn't say, "Kitten is Good." Sounds hokey, but it really does help me beat the blues. Anyway, I've probably revealed too much, but I just wanted to share some of my story. Now here is some advice. You may have been there, done that and got the t-shirt or be in skeptical mode, but if any of this helps I hope you will accept it and pay it forward. Give your meds at least a month to work and combine medication with therapy while you are in crisis mode, talk to a therapist at least once a week. If recommended to go to the hospital, go. Medicine and therapy do not have to go on forever but six months to a year may be necessary. Seek out support groups and clubs. Interact with others who are going through similar experiences or have similar interests. Accept the fact that you may never find the perfect psychiatrist or therapist and you may need to settle for good enough to get you through crisis mode and get unstuck. Understand that there are many in the Libertarian subculture who deny the existence of addiction, depression and other mental illnesses. People may also say it is a weakness of character. There are liberals who will boo-hoo and pity you as a victim. Reality lies somewhere in between. Take care of yourself physically and take your vitamins and St. John's wort. Do crossword puzzles and other exercises that can help clear the fog and read self-help books Make a conscious effort to try to enjoy life. Find something good somewhere. Do things you enjoy. Do what you can to make your situation and circumstances better, whether it is an attitude adjustment or a physical, relationship, or financial change. Make a plan, take baby steps at first and don't give up. Remember, depression can be triggered by an event such as loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, etc. You can't always control what happens but how you react to situations is in your control, at least somewhat. People turn their lives around every day and so can you. Kat
  15. "God is a concept by which we measure our pain" - John Lennon I've always really liked this song and I first heard it when I was a teenager and questioning the existence of God. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/La2qkUTTwWw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. I have several copies of pocket sized US Constitution and Declaration of Independence booklets that I can send out to OL members. If you are interested, please message me with your address and I will drop it in the mail for you. Kat
  17. <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GETQYNse3iY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I only caught half of the Stossel show last night and saw the rest of it on youtube today. I hope CNN changes their mind and lets him participate in the NH debate. I really like Gary Johnson a lot. I agree with him on pretty much everything and only wish he had a chance. He is socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Unfortunately, I don't think he will get very far in the republican primary because of his stance on legalizing marijuana and being pro-choice for the first few months. He is also in favor of gay marriage, which is a big plus in my book. He doesn't go to church and his favorite book is The Fountainhead. I think Gary Johnson is probably the closest thing to an Objectivist that we will see in this election cycle. Unfortunately, he is pretty unknown and doesn't fire up people like Sarah Palin or Herman Cain. Gary Johnson did make a visit to the Chicago Tea Party a couple of months ago, unfortunately, that was the meeting I missed. I do want to know more about his foreign policy, also. So far, Gary Johnson is the one that is very likely to get my precious vote....for what it's worth. Kat
  18. Hi J.K. Welcome to Objectivist Living. I hope you enjoy your time here and find interesting discussions. I'm always happy to see more Objectivists hanging around here. It keeps us on our toes. I call myself an Objectivist, but also consider myself part libertarian and part conservative and I'm probably more liberal than most Objectivists. Like your friend I have issues with gay rights and some social issues that make me feel alienated from all the political parties. I think government should start from individual rights and go from there rather than trying to control the individual. I read something recently by Judge Napalatano where he said that democrats won't let people smoke cigarettes and the republicans won't let you smoke pot. Both parties want to control your behavior which is usually none of their concern. I thought that was a very interesting way of putting it... but then again libertarians can take it too far in the other direction and also tend to be too weak on foreign policy. I feel that it is important that we have solid principles to guide us along our way so we can all develop philosophically, and politics is only a small part of philosophy, although it tends to be the loudest. Kat
  19. I just took a look at OO's wiki and other than the mischaracterization of Open Objectivism, it looks OK to me. No, you can't change what Ayn Rand said or what she endorsed during her lifetime, but I would not characterize Objectivism as only that. I hope Objectivism doesn't end when Leonard Peikoff kicks it. It is a living philosophy and individuals apply it to their own lives as it suits them. People are free to read and write about it under their own names and it not be taken as the word of Ayn Rand, but as their interpretation of Objectivism. Every individual interprets in their own way and we are not going to rename it every time.
  20. Thanks for the suggestion of a Wiki on OL, but at this moment, I'm afraid that one is a non-starter. It sounds too much like work and frankly, I don't know if we actually have enough qualified people here to pull it off or with interest in doing it. We also do not have the software to make it. I think a project like that is more suited for The Atlas Society. As far as who is an Objectivist, in addition to religionists, collectivists, altruists, Marxists and anarchists, I would not consider someone who supports Obama to be anywhere in the ballpark. You don't have to quibble over the name but philosophically all these run counter to the core philosophy of Objectivism, even Open Objectivism IMHO. Kat
  21. <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dGFXGwHsD_A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I'm not dead yet!
  22. Well I just hope everyone is darned good and ready cuz apparently the world is ending tomorrow. We shall see what we shall see.... Does this end of the world stuff even apply to atheists? Kat
  23. A big thank you to all my supporters here at OL, especially Marc and Angie who were big contributors. The walk is tomorrow in Chicago and I've raised over $2600 for Autism Speaks. There is still time to sponsor me. Here is the url once more http://www.walknowforautismspeaks.org/chicago/katdaddy The whole family is walking as we have done every year since 2008. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. cheers, Kat
  24. Thanks for the tips. I think I will take another trip out to the American Science and Surplus store, it's a great little geeky store in Chicago where you can find all kinds of stuff. I picked up a few things there last week like the saw wire, credit card survival tool, and whistle survival tool. I should go and pick up a magnifier and dropper bottle for bleach and some other small items. Kat
  25. There is a new book out called Going Galt: Surviving Economic Armageddon and it is about surviving an emergency. Here's the summary from Amazon... I've been reading the book on my Kindle and it is pretty good, giving much detail about what you would need to be prepared. He goes into all kind of detail about generators, weapons, water, etc. There is a first hand account about lessons from Katrina that is very interesting. If you want to hunker down for a year, this book will tell you what you need. I will not be stockpiling a year's supply of stuff as he recommends, I simply do not have the space and I don't want to have an excuse for hoarding. I do, however, have a Red Cross emergency preparedness bag that came with the car to which I've added some stuff like warm socks, hat, change of clothes, toiletries, extra batteries, peanut butter and tools. Hopefully, I'll be fine until help arrives or the situation passes. Are you doing anything to prepare for when the sh*t hits the fan??? What's in your bug-out bag? Kat