Rich Engle

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Everything posted by Rich Engle

  1. Yes, yes, and yes, I think. I saw the Starland Vocal band open for John Denver--many years ago, don't ask. They were a nice little band, but yeah, on silliness.
  2. You've shared so much about yourself lately. It all clicks together now, after all these years. rde Wonders about the cruise destination. Intergalactic, no doubt.
  3. Well, science has proven the Bible dating (and that is a whole topic unto itself) to be completely wrong. If you want, look at all the scientists that are coming together in the integration work between spirituality and science. Michael Dowd hosts a lot of their work. There is a lot of work being done on both sides of the fence, and it is quite positive. One does not preclude the other! Yeah, the Santa Barbara thing is amazing. Thanks! rde
  4. Just saw this this a.m. --my buddy Mike Hill is getting in the news, again: Article here-Daily Mail
  5. That's because I have a thin skin. --Brant Yeah, I guess that is kind of how it works, if you think about it . . .
  6. I have, as many do, a love-hate relationship with television. I want it, and sometimes actually need it, but I don't have the time to let myself get too involved, which is addictive--you find yourself watching things which, while edifying, really aren't what you should be doing. And you have to watch a bunch of crap to get there. Even if you have a DVR box, you are now a slave to the FF button. The cable companies are savage rapists, and the satellite companies are really not much better. Mostly, I am interested in film, but of course look at many other things. Here in Florida, Comcast runs the game. They are the largest cable outfit, with the worst customer satisfaction. Still, looking around, we ended up bundling our phone, Internet, and TV with these hyper-priced bastards. It finally started coming to a head; service issues, weak programming, and sneaky cost increases. We developed the savage hate, and it was draining us dry cost-wise. During this time, we had set up a simple Netflix account, which we liked--watch a DVD, send it back, bingo, next one in the queue. They sent us a little ad about a company called Roku, and I began to look into it. Finally, Comcast did something or another to us and we ditched the cable. I decided to go for the Roku concept, and have never looked back. Roku is a web-based company. The tiny little box (of which you can use up to 6 of per household) starts at 59.95--a one-time purchase. All you need is an Internet connection, a wireless router, and a TV to go with it. Very, very easy to set up. I had a bit more trouble with my set up, in that I was using a newer wireless modem (Westell 7500), but they stepped me right through it. All I can tell you is that the variety is phenomenal. You really don't have to have a Netflix account, but that is nice, and cheap. Most of the channels are free, and the subscription ones average 1.99/month. There are things in there you just can't find on regular TV--very wide and deep. It is fast, reliable, and you can sport around the channels on your computer as well. You can even integrate your Facebook pictures into it, if you are into that kind of thing. It has been a wonderful experience, and it cut our cost down greatly. I highly recommend this product! rde
  7. A lot of the abduction stories can be attributed to sleep paralysis.
  8. It's a really good series. If you want to review the whole UFO situation, there are ample free resources. Two online over at Snag Films, for instance: Top 10 UFO Sightings The Best UFO Cases Ever Caught On Tape Snag Films is an excellent resource for documentaries, ranging across wide categories. --They have about 2100. rde
  9. Now don't go scaring the fellow, Michael . . .that could happen soon enough. This is great--someone with a fresh degree in international affairs! Welcome! rde
  10. Yeah, it is horrible. By the time I get out of bed, go to the bathroom, take out the dog, make coffee, then stumble back into the office I'm ready to call it a day.
  11. I loathed this. The destruction it caused was formidable. One thing that happens if you are a working musician is that you know you are about to get stuck doing the turd. It causes anxiety. Now, as to the suggestion of the Pat Boone/Crazy Train thing, I think that is a breach because it is Pat Boone that ruined it. As far as rockers go, Crazy Train is as good as any of them. BUT, here's one that might be suspect. I started thinking of it after I got done watching a documentary on Aleister Crowley. On the other hand, you can think of it as a novelty song. Jury out.
  12. I have both. I This is a lovely movie. You will see a few moments in there where very true things are said about the nature of many PC users. Welcome to the Macintosh After a long time, I finally got my hands on one to stick in the network; a lovely IMac. Old, but jacked up a bit. It is simply a better experience, period. r
  13. Two of the greatest atomic-grade turd bombs ever, no?
  14. Flat-out turd: If not turd, nearby the toilet:
  15. Whoa, good pick. This one's also god-awful, in the same vein. Yup. Oddly, it made me think that also should be anything by the Plastic Ono Band. She needs to die.
  16. And Rod Mckuen, at least to my mind, is possibly one of the most repulsive, narcissistic, overrated performers that ever existed. That being said, never underestimate how low the common denominator can be. It will sink in front of you, and rap music proved that long ago. Let's get into the horrid area of kid music: I could go for Raffi, but the thing there is he is just a shit folk singer. It's not the songs' faults. Tempting, though. Very tempting. Anyone that has raised kids is aware of both these dreadful incidents included into what is called music. Now, this one is problematic for me in that I have a huge soft spot in my heart for Fred Rogers. Difficult judgment call, probably not sufficient. It depends where you are at mentally when you listen to it. It is the musical equivalent of snorting a few Xanax bars, and there are times where that might be appropriate:
  17. New ones just crossed my mind: Any music Rod McKuen did. Anything. To wit: I am already in the process of fashioning a crude noose for myself. This one alone is dreadnought-class uber-turd. rde
  18. No, I am sorry, it doesn't work that way at all in song writing. In fact, songwriting is pretty much the only place where you can pull off not just bad grammar, but straight-out craziness. And I am not just talking about onomatopoeia. The gloves are off on this because of the melding between music and words. It would be thoroughly unreasonable (but you will get it upon occasion) to think that song lyrics work like prose, or, for that matter, even poetry. Oh, here's a basic example: Celtic Thunder Whiskey In The Jar Audio Celtic Thunder – Heritage Whiskey in the Jar Lyrics as sung and performed by Keith Harkin and Neil Byrne of Celtic Thunder Keith: As I was going over, the Cork and Kerry Mountains. I saw Captain Farrell, and his money he was countin’. I first produced my pistols, then produced my rapier. I said “Stand there or deliver, or the devil he may take you”. Neil & Keith: Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da Whack for my daddy-o, Whack for my daddy-o There’s whiskey in the jar-o. Neil: I took all of his money, and it was a pretty penny. I took all of his money, and I brought it home to Molly. She swore that she loved me, never would she leave me. But the devil take that woman, for she knows she treat me easy. Neil & Keith: Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da Whack for my daddy-o Whack for my daddy-o There’s whiskey in the jar-o. (Guitar Duet – Both) Keith: Round ’bout six or maybe seven, in walked Captain Farrell I jumped up, fired on my pistol, and I shot him with both barrels. Neil & Keith: Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da, ha, ya Whack for my daddy-o, Whack for my daddy-o There’s whiskey in the jar-o. Neil: Some men like the fishin’ and some men like the fowlin’, and some men like to hear, the cannon ball a rollin’. Keith: Me? I like sleepin’ especially in my Molly’s chamber. But here I am in prison, here I am with ball and chain, yeah. Keith & Neil: Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da, Whack for my daddy-o, Whack for my daddy-o There’s whiskey in the jar-o. (repeat) (Guitar Duet – Both) CELTIC THUNDER, CELTIC TH
  19. It is a difficult project, because of the thin floating line twixt artist and song. For instance, though, at the extreme, Rosie O'Donnell doing the National Anthem would not qualify for obvious reasons. Simply a different form of terror, is all.
  20. I adore Cher, but this one always caused me painful rectal itch. She's a True Diva, but in the end a better actress than a singer. If you haven't seen "Burlesque," take a look. She's still got the Kung Fu.
  21. No fair sneaking a best into a worst thread. --Brant That's right, Brant. I thought I was clear about this.
  22. Do you have any idea how many high school girls masturbated to "Hungry Like A Wolf"? I have field research to prove it. I saw them in Cleveland before they "became." Back then, they were wearing spray painted beehive wigs, lots of fog, and playing Beatles cover tunes. I was in the front row and saw this, but the bastards will always deny it. r
  23. Definitely Foul. And we should kill the Keebler Elves<tm> while we are at it. rde