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Everything posted by Peri

  1. I'm gonna have nightmares about this for WEEKS! AAACCKKK!
  2. My god-given name is, in fact, Daniel Edge. "Edge" is an English name, I think, though I'm unsure of the origin. --Dan Edge Ok, thanks! I'm sorry, I thought it was a monniker, or nom de guerre B) And I can't help thinking of U2's "The Edge" when I read it. Bet you get that a lot. Just like I've gotten crank calls and jokes about my name all my life. "Hey, sharp name, ha ha ha," as if they are the wittiest people in the world and I've never heard that joke before.
  3. You two are too much. Victor, what's the obsession w/ Diana? I've never met her, or Angie for that matter, but if their photos are anything to go by.... Besides, Diana seems to have had her sense of humor surgically removed. Perhaps she never had one. Your latest artistic effort here is chilling and funny at the same time. Which makes sense, since Biddle's blather is aboslutely chilling as well. Question: is "Edge" Dan's real last name? Sounds like it's some sort of nickname, like he's a follower of U2, or something. This strikes me as odd, since U2 are certainly not Objectivists. Still, the name does not sound real. Then again, maybe my name doesn't sound real either. Bukowski: Have you seen "Factotum?" Has it played in Canada yet, and if it did, was it only in town for five minutes? Matt Dillon does a wonderful job. Don't know what it means philosophically to enjoy the kinds of characters Bukowski lived with, and was...No John Galts in Bukowski's milieu. I'd like to see more of your work--of people you actually like.
  4. You may say I'm a "dreamer"--and so did this test. ARRRGGGHHH... Useless. Absolutely useless.
  5. Hi, I'm Peri and while I may have posted here once or twice before, I never bothered to introduce myself! Firstly, let me admit I'm not an Objectivist per se, and Ms. Rand sometimes strikes me as a little...strident, shall we say. But some of her ideas intrigue me...I am the longtime companion of Michael "Mick" Russell (he is and always shall be "Michael" to me). Visitors to Notablog might recognize my name, since I post there with some frequency...not so much on philosophical matters (I'm dreadfully unlearned in that area), but on other topics. Let me say here that I was and am completely appalled, disgusted and upset by the campaign against Chris that has been going on on some other internet Objectivist sites. This matter should have remained a private disagreement between a few people rather than a techno-tabloidesque BS campaign by some grasping, desperate-for-attention, unethical blowhards with axes to grind and ARI grants to finagle in a tawdry, desperate fashion. I suppose I'm exploring Objectivism partly because I wish to share some of what fires my Michael's mind, and partly because I'm dissatisfied with political philosophy as usual. I love to write, and I'm thrilled that this site has a section completely devoted to creative writing. You all seem like a fun and friendly group. I look forward to getting to know you all better in the future. Sincerely, Peri Sword
  6. Phil jitterbugging! What an image! Phil, please share more of your insights with us. I'm sorry that I missed your talk, and I'm REALLY sorry that I didn't get to see you jitterbug! Peri
  7. As far as Ms. H's posting goes, I am reminded of a quote from my personal individualist hero, Oscar Wilde: It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true. If I found someone said about me, "She's green," it wouldn't prompt a response like Ms. H's because it would be so clearly untrue. On the other hand, if someone said something commenting on a part of my character I'm not particularly proud of, I might be defensive. Seems like that's the case here. Or, as Shakespeare wrote in "Hamlet," the lady doeth protest too much. Peri