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Everything posted by Peri

  1. Yowza. Two Virgins ain't got ANYTHING on that one.
  2. Now I'm gonna make everyone on this board mad, but I happen to LOVE James Joyce. (Braces for attack). How about that Fabian Socialist, George Bernard Shaw? Or his fellow Irish expatriate, Oscar Wilde? Of course, those two were practically living caracitures without any artist having to draw a thing. They were just extreme in and of themselves.
  3. Victor, here are some great anti Che t-shirts. You can find them here. Mick Those shirts ROCK! Gotta get me a couple and wear them to coffeehouses and punk clubs, or something.
  4. Peri


    Donald Rumsfeld. John McCain, the giant sellout. Someone already mentioned Hillary. How about Condaleezza Rice? Hugo Chavez Fidel Castro Che Guevara Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
  5. Peri


    Michael, you stole my thunder! Now I'm stuck wracking my brain for musicians I'd like to see Victor paint, since you already took my Beatles and my Who. :-) How about Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach? Elvis Costello and Nick Lowe? Ok, now, Victor, you HAVE to do a painting of Lord God Bono (he's Lord God in his own mind, anyway.) Speaking of people with no lack of self-esteem, how about one of the Chairman of the Board? Oh, and a woman who could have used self-esteem, poor tragic woman: Billie Holiday.
  6. Peri


    Methinks Victor's opinion of Mr. Pollack is somewhat...low, don't'cha think?
  7. Ciro, thank you for the suggestions. I love mustard, so I will follow your suggestion to try the original recipe first. I'm planning to make it next weekend...I'll let you know how it turns out!
  8. It wasn't and isn't a common practice amongst Europeans at all. Thank you, Dragonfly, for clarifying this very important point! I will never be able to look at Mikhail Barishnikov in *quite* the same way again.
  9. Fascinating theory. I haven't studied any of this, but as science is able to treat more mental disorders such as depression and bipoler disorder chemically rather than the old-fashioned "talk therapy", I think there may a glimmer of truth to the idea that diet may have something to do with other disorders. In the case of ADD and ADHD, perhaps Ritalin causes too drastic a chemical change than the chemicals one ingests naturally.
  10. I can't wait to try this recipe, Ciro. What side dishes would you suggest serving with it?
  11. Peri


    Ciro, it sounded mouth watering to me.
  12. Bluuugghhaahhh! *Shudder* I don't *care* if they were raised on rat farms, the whole thing just sounds TOO "bubonic plague" for me.
  13. Nou, als je nog vragen hebt over het Nederlands kun je altijd bij mij terecht... Smartypants! Well, I never think about the root of the words I speak or write, when I speak and write them. I think the language you will use in a play depends on the effect you wish to produce aesthetically, what language feels "true" to the characters you create, and the message you wish to convey with your play. An earlier poster suggested Tennessee Williams as having written wonderful dialogue, and I would agree. What is the aim of your play? Is it gritty, ugly and realistic? If so, David Mamet comes to mind. His dialogue is far from beautiful, but it is very real. Is your play esoteric and cerebral and clever? Tom Stoppard is a great example (in fact, he wrote a wonderful play in which the study of the classical languages was a major focal point). Good luck with your writing! Let us know how it works out for you!
  14. I just got a good gander at the original, and survived to share the tale. Yep, Dragonfly was correct. Uncircumcised. He was born during a Nazi air-raid on Liverpool. Perhaps there wasn't time. Actually, I don't think circumcision was a common practice amongst gentiles until the 1950's, right? Thanks, Kat, for posting this. Victor, your take on Yoko is similar to my own...I think she loved him, but was somewhat resentful that this middle-class, uneducated bloke was taken far more seriously, and was more naturally talented, than she could ever hope to be. And I have enjoyed immensely the little tutorial in art history while visting this thread as well. When reading some of the posts, I can't help thinking of a quote by Oscar Wilde: "The critic's job is to see a work of art as it really is not."
  15. George H. Smith! I stand in awe of you and your rapier wit and rich and wonderful intellect! (Note from Administrator: This post has been copied from here.)
  16. George H. Smith! I stand in awe of you and your rapier wit and rich and wonderful intellect!
  17. Peri

    Two Virgins

    Do it Kat, do it! Peri
  18. Oh, my, my, my. What a tempest this thread begat! Matus1976, I don't have much to add that Kat, Victor, Jonothan, MSK and my darling Michael haven't already said, and better, except to reiterate that your applauding John Lennon's tragic, senseless and unfortunate death was absolutely chilling. I'm sure there were people Lennon's life who cared about him and felt grief at his loss on a deeply personal level: I just read an interview with young Sean Lennon in which he expressed the sense of loss he feels to this day. I don't care if you can't stand the Beatles, John Lennon, Yoko Ono or anything they may stand for in your mind, but to applaud Lennon's murder is just unfathomnable to me. I will not address your other points on this thread since this really isn't the place for them. I know that the soundtrack to my life would have been much poorer and my life less bright without Lennon's music.
  19. Well Kat, I've loved John Lennon since 1977! (was born in 1963, too young to catch the first wave of Beatlemania). Michael and I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago. I loved it; I can't speak for Michael but I'm pretty sure he found it interesting. As to Lennon's political stance--I don't think he was a truly political animal when you got right down to it. Or, maybe more to the point--I don't know that he thought through his political stance. Perhaps he should have checked his premises. I suppose if he ever sat down and thought it through, he'd probably find himself more on the libertarian side than communist. In one of his final interviews (the one in Playboy) he told the interviewer, David Sheff, that he and Yoko tithed their earnings into various causes--and I remember reading around that time that they bought and donated turkeys to poor families around Thanksgiving and bought bulletproof vests for the NYPD--which I prefer to think of as BENEVOLENT rather than ALTRUISTIC. Anyway, I enjoyed the movie and it reminded me just how much I miss John Lennon.
  20. *snort* That's funny! Lord God Bono having his pomposity and pretention pierced! Anthing that knocks that guy down a few pegs is all right with me. I could kiss that Scot near the front. All kidding aside, it's true, the governments in Africa are not freedom loving and they destroy their peoples. What would an Objectivist solution be? I would guess your answer would be--and correct me if I'm wrong--that it is up to their peoples to get their acts together and dump these loser governments. But if all your energies are focussed on, I don't know, finding your next meal, perhaps?--you don't have the energy to think about starting small businesses, getting rid of loser governments, etc. Don't get me wrong--throwing billions of dollars at these countries who NEVER get it together isn't helpful, either. It just prolongs the misery. But there might be some child out there in these horribly destitute nations with a mind of a Galt that is just--wasted in a countries like that, and it MIGHT be in our self-interest to make sure they aren't wasted. I just don't know what the answer is.
  21. Peri

    Two Virgins

    If you're talkin' 'bout Two Virgins, Don't ya know that you can count me in... Don't ya know it's gonna be all right...
  22. Victor, you keep impressing the heck out of me! I am a HUGE Beatles/John Lennon Fan! Please, pretty please Kat, post it, post it! Post it, post it! And yeah, Victor, I DO like your stuff!
  23. Oh, it's only about Mickey Mouse. WHEW! Victor, when I saw that Angie posted something about "Mick" getting his groove on, I thought we were both getting cuckolded.
  24. One female to 300, I'll have to rethink all this... ;-) As to the great tit debate: It's Victor's art, and if that's what he wanted to express, ok. If I were the artist, I might have drawn her in a cheerleader outfit. But I won't because 1) If I'm feeling creative it's ususally in the verbal sphere and 2) I can't draw to save my life. Honestly, I didn't even notice the unclad Diana when I first glanced at the picture. I'm not sure what the intent of featuring her unclad was (and I haven't read every post in this thread thoroughly; Victor might have already explained it), but an artist is free to express himself as he sees fit. I hardly think he's a psychotic. But then, some folks are prone to hyperbole...and I can understand the concern of some people here that the nude might take away from the impact of his artistic statement. But the creator creates... And now: Shout out to Angie, to whom I have not responded since she so politely introduced herself to me. It's possible that I may have posted to the Objectivist Online Forum; but if I did, I don't recall doing so. I've posted to quite a few boards in my day, not all of them having to do with Objectivism. I have posted to literature and music boards, as well. Maybe you ran across me in some other sphere? Or maybe I have a doppelganger running around! :-) Victor, I'm certain your Bukowski is worth every penny and then some. Maybe if I start saving up for it now, I can buy it in a few years....sorry Michael, I can't buy it right away...