Today is National Day of Service

Jerry Biggers

Recommended Posts for THE OBJECTIVIST "HORROR FILE" - Where are you when we need you?

Did you know that TODAY is the NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE? Of course, you did! But in case you didn't, it was started with " Mr Thompson's" first inauguration. Did you miss it? Here's your chance!

Did you foolishly think that working in your job or other creative personal endeavor might be considered as also contributing to the economy and general standard of living in your community? Well, of course not! YOU MUST SERVE! YOU MUST "VOLUNTEER" (for now) and drop any silly selfish activity and SERVE OTHERS?

HOW? You want to know, don't you? This article will give you the links to find local SERVICE in your community. If you need inspiration, consider how previous efforts have benefitted their people: such as the MAO'S "GREAT LEAP FORWARD" where up to 45 million were killed. and followed-up by MAO'S CULTURAL REVOLUTION in China during the 1960's, forcing selfish city dwellers to go out and work in the fields. Or POL POT'S PEOPLES REVOLUTION IN CAMBODIA which took inspiration from the Maoists in even a more direct application (see the movie, THE KILLING FIELDS).

Perhaps, these past glorious attempts will inspire "Mr. Thompson". After all, there are still people who think like this:

"I wished to come here and say that the integrity of a man's creative work is of greater importance than any charitable endeavor. Those of you who do not understand this are the men who're are destroying the world."

"Mr. Thompson" (well, actually, his clone in The White House) has plans for you.

And he is watching.

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Volunteer works as such is not abnegating service.

I have been recording books for blind and dyslexic folks for going on six years. I do it for very egotistical reasons.

1. I am damned good at it. I specialize in math and physics books.

2. The nature of work is an opportunity to be original and artistic. When recording for blind end users, the real challenge is to describe the graphs and diagrams succinctly and still convey the essential point of the graph or diagram. To do this well requires a kind of artistry.

3. And most important of all: If (heaven forfend) I should ever become blind, I will have no shame about asking for help. I expect to get as good as I gave. This is the Trade Principle in action.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Volunteer works as such is not abnegating service.

I have been recording books for blind and dyslexic folks for going on six years. I do it for very egotistical reasons.

1. I am damned good at it. I specialize in math and physics books.

2. The nature of work is an opportunity to be original and artistic. When recording for blind end users, the real challenge is to describe the graphs and diagrams succinctly and still convey the essential point of the graph or diagram. To do this well requires a kind of artistry.

3. And most important of all: If (heaven forfend) I should ever become blind, I will have no shame about asking for help. I expect to get as good as I gave. This is the Trade Principle in action.

Ba'al Chatzaf

"egotistical?" I think you mean egoistical. There's a big difference.

The type of volunteer charity work that you have described is quite different, and for entirely different reasons, than what the Obamaites and their allies are talking about.Theirs is motivated by encouraging guilt, with the implication that if you don't, than you must be a greedy selfish unfeeling monster. The idea is to promote what Rand called the "sanction of the victim."

It is also very condescending! It assumes that everyone else (besides themselves) must be told what to do, otherwise the average American would not help others, when the fact is,Americans are actually the most charitable already. Note also that the underlying message is that the money going to taxes is not enough or is helping others. So much for the welfare state!.

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"egotistical?" I think you mean egoistical. There's a big difference.

Could you expand on that a bit? Thank you.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I don't think either is the correct word. Egotism is a personality trait, equivalent (or similar) to vanity or self-importance. Egoism is a type of ethical theory. "Selfish" or "self-interested" would have fit, and, if you wanted, you could go on to say that an egoist theory would recommend it.

(Unless you meant to say that you are vain or self-important about the reading you do. I've been a volunteer tour guide for years, and I love to show off my erudition.)

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"egotistical?" I think you mean egoistical. There's a big difference.

Could you expand on that a bit? Thank you.

Ba'al Chatzaf

See Rand's new introduction to the 25th Anniversary edition (1968 and subsequent printings) of The Fountainhead, in which she explains why she changed the word, "egotist," to "egoist". Important distinction.

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I don't think either is the correct word. Egotism is a personality trait, equivalent (or similar) to vanity or self-importance. Egoism is a type of ethical theory. "Selfish" or "self-interested" would have fit, and, if you wanted, you could go on to say that an egoist theory would recommend it.

(Unless you meant to say that you are vain or self-important about the reading you do. I've been a volunteer tour guide for years, and I love to show off my erudition.)

So do I.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Share on other sites This is an excellant (and quite thorough) article on the idea, meaning, and destiny of the "National Service" movement, by Ed Hudgins, posted on The Atlas Society website.

The article starts by discussing the proposals for "National Service" brought up and advocated by President Bush and by John McCain (so you can thank the Republicans for promoting this idea!). Started by the Bushes, the current Obamaite proposal is identical..

The section on ethics is particularly good, and discusses what the implications are, and where this idea of National Service where ultimately take us..

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I've been a volunteer tour guide for years, and I love to show off my erudition

And happy Nazional Zervice Day to you too.

Biggers has some large points to make, too:


I have to think about the implications. Was I correct to give up my service to the demented elderly at my local full-service private institution of care? Had I been incorrect to obey Dr Evil/Mr Thompson/Obama's edict and offer my bondage in the first place? Is there any dirtier word that the Comtean 'selfless'? I have some hard pondering ahead in light of POL POT, you know.

"I wished to come here and say that the integrity of a man's creative work is of greater importance than any charitable endeavor. Those of you who do not understand this are the men who're are destroying the world."

I destroy the world a little bit everyday, but I don't know about you, Jerry Biggers.Creative work does not exclude charitable endeavor (as with inventions such as village-grid/solar telephony, etc etc), and hard capitalist calculations can inform a charitable act of creation (as with microloans/women's co-ops). Good economic solutions for individuals increase independence and accountability, whether patented and exploited commercially (only) or open-source 'gift' ... at least to my stunned Socialist mind, looking at top level creative work deeply embedded with charitable endeavor, so I don't really yet grasp the relevance and import of the epigram.

Back to the body count in Syria for me. Please no one search up stories of 'selfless' medical personnel infiltrating to salve real wounds. It might make the Nightmare of Mr Thompson snap into perspective.

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I've been a volunteer tour guide for years, and I love to show off my erudition

And happy Nazional Zervice Day to you too.

Biggers has some large points to make, too:


I have to think about the implications. Was I correct to give up my service to the demented elderly at my local full-service private institution of care? Had I been incorrect to obey Dr Evil/Mr Thompson/Obama's edict and offer my bondage in the first place? Is there any dirtier word that the Comtean 'selfless'? I have some hard pondering ahead in light of POL POT, you know.

"I wished to come here and say that the integrity of a man's creative work is of greater importance than any charitable endeavor. Those of you who do not understand this are the men who're are destroying the world."

I destroy the world a little bit everyday, but I don't know about you, Jerry Biggers.Creative work does not exclude charitable endeavor (as with inventions such as village-grid/solar telephony, etc etc), and hard capitalist calculations can inform a charitable act of creation (as with microloans/women's co-ops). Good economic solutions for individuals increase independence and accountability, whether patented and exploited commercially (only) or open-source 'gift' ... at least to my stunned Socialist mind, looking at top level creative work deeply embedded with charitable endeavor, so I don't really yet grasp the relevance and import of the epigram.

Back to the body count in Syria for me. Please no one search up stories of 'selfless' medical personnel infiltrating to salve real wounds. It might make the Nightmare of Mr Thompson snap into perspective.

Golly, gee... :o .I think that I detect a note of sarcasm here. Apparently, Mr. Scherk found it easier to selectively quote my comments, leaving out my discussion of voluntary charity.

Let me see, is it possible to convince a self-described socialist that altruism is as Rand described? Probably not, since without its moral justification, the case for socialism falls apart. The only prominent socialist that defended self-interest was Oscar Wilde, in his essay, The Soul of Man Under Socialism, an argument which most socialists either ignore or have never heard about.

Even Rand, the bete noire of all forms of collectivism, did not disapprove of voluntary charity and said so on many occasions. FOR EXAMPLE:

The fact that a man has no claim on others (i.e., that it is not their moral duty to help him and that he cannot demand their help as his right) does not preclude or prohibit good will among men and does not make it immoral to offer or to accept voluntary, non-sacrificial assistance.

It is altruism that has corrupted and perverted human benevolence by regarding the giver as an object of immolation, and the receiver as a helplessly miserable object of pity who holds a mortgage on the lives of others—a doctrine which is extremely offensive to both parties, leaving men no choice but the roles of sacrificial victim or moral cannibal . . . .

To view the question in its proper perspective, one must begin by rejecting altruism’s terms and all of its ugly emotional aftertaste—then take a fresh look at human relationships. It is morally proper to accept help, when it is offered, not as a moral duty, but as an act of good will and generosity, when the giver can afford it (i.e., when it does not involve self-sacrifice on his part), and when it is offered in response to the receiver’s virtues, not in response to his flaws, weaknesses or moral failures, and not on the ground of his need as such.


“The Question of Scholarships,”

The Objectivist, June 1966, 6

(e.g., pp 69-70, The Ayn Rand Lexicon, edited by Harry Binswanger). Or David Kelley's Unrugged Individualism: The Selfish Base of Benevolence.

And, you might actually enjoy :smile: Ed Hudgin's essay (see the link in post #8), which I gather you did not have a chance to read before your last post.

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"Is it possible to convince a self-described socialist that altruism is as Rand described?"

If you are designating me as a self-described socialist, Jerry, it comes with the territory. I believe it was Adam who first labelled Obama as a crass usurper-beast somewhere between Vlad the Impaler and Stalin, as a Marxist so horrible that blood freezes.

I tried then and since to point out that if Obama was a vile Marxist/socialist, that would make me (and 89% of Canadians) even more vile, since he is right of our 'right-wing' government in Ottawa (in re gay marriage/gay pot smoking/gay nudity/gay abortions/gay divorce/gay what have you/bawdy house law/medical mariSocialist gayjuana). You see? I react to knobs when they get twisted up beyond Throb with Exaggerated Fear and Loathing.

I would never apply a crude "Hi, I'm socialist" to myself in any but an ironic way. Please try to understand that I react to the Over The Top Apocalyptic Disco fever of your doom-laden, hectoring posts, not your role as deacon to assembled righteous members, not as a preacher whose flock are weak and uninformed and needing way more catechism and drills.

If my disagreement with Comtean/Randian slicing/dicing were not more profound than your cartoon, I would not bother replying.

Chin up, Jerry, it is earlier than you think, I recall somebody saying, thoughtfully. Not Dennis May, who is digging his root cellar/hoard/redoubt as we speak, but somebody else ...

Edited by william.scherk
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Today is Sunday the 20th of January 2013. Today I have done the following service. I have recorded 4 files of a calculus text book for the use of dyslexic and visually impaired end users. This is about 2.5 hours work, which requires intense concentration so that errors will be caught when they are made and corrected immediately. Tomorrow I will have a total of ten files to do a final check on before I box and seal them (a data operation) and on tuesday I will deliver my current set of fully checked files to Learning Ally (formerly Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic).

That is my service. I performed the service because I care that reading impaired and visually impaired folk have a reasonable chance to master calculus and perhaps one day they will make discoveries or inventions that will enhance the lives of my children and grandchildren.

And that is all I have to say about the service I have done today.

If you can find a scintilla of self abnegating sacrifice (aka altruism) in this, please do let me know.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Obama's policies may be right of the Canadian government but not Obama. He's standing at the point of maximum leverage in his efforts to push America left.

I enjoy reading your conclusions, Brant. I think I would enjoy reading your argument more. One of your best conclusions/aphorisms, as I recall, went something like this:

-- a collective noun does not mean 'collectivism.' There was no argument with that one either, but it stuck with me. It helps me deal with "you people" statements and assertions.

Four assertions and 160 dollars will get you a very fine old Canadian whisky. It will also pay your health insurance premiums for a month for a family of four. You mileage (and your speed limit) may vary.

Edited by william.scherk
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Today is Sunday the 20th of January 2013. Today I have done the following service. I have recorded 4 files of a calculus text book for the use of dyslexic and visually impaired end users. This is about 2.5 hours work, which requires intense concentration so that errors will be caught when they are made and corrected immediately. Tomorrow I will have a total of ten files to do a final check on before I box and seal them (a data operation) and on tuesday I will deliver my current set of fully checked files to Learning Ally (formerly Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic).

That is my service. I performed the service because I care that reading impaired and visually impaired folk have a reasonable chance to master calculus and perhaps one day they will make discoveries or inventions that will enhance the lives of my children and grandchildren.

And that is all I have to say about the service I have done today.

If you can find a scintilla of self abnegating sacrifice (aka altruism) in this, please do let me know.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Er,...o.k... :unsure::huh: ..I don't know who it is that you are trying to justify yourself to. No justification is necessary. No criticism of your work was stated or implied.

It can't be me, if you have read my posts here (such as post #3), . It can't be Rand, since she had no objection to voluntary charity work (see her quote in post # 10)..

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"Is it possible to convince a self-described socialist that altruism is as Rand described?"

If you are designating me as a self-described socialist, Jerry, it comes with the territory. I believe it was Adam who first labelled Obama as a crass usurper-beast somewhere between Vlad the Impaler and Stalin, as a Marxist so horrible that blood freezes.

I tried then and since to point out that if Obama was a vile Marxist/socialist, that would make me (and 89% of Canadians) even more vile, since he is right of our 'right-wing' government in Ottawa (in re gay marriage/gay pot smoking/gay nudity/gay abortions/gay divorce/gay what have you/bawdy house law/medical mariSocialist gayjuana). You see? I react to knobs when they get twisted up beyond Throb with Exaggerated Fear and Loathing.

I would never apply a crude "Hi, I'm socialist" to myself in any but an ironic way. Please try to understand that I react to the Over The Top Apocalyptic Disco fever of your doom-laden, hectoring posts, not your role as deacon to assembled righteous members, not as a preacher whose flock are weak and uninformed and needing way more catechism and drills.

If my disagreement with Comtean/Randian slicing/dicing were not more profound than your cartoon, I would not bother replying.

Chin up, Jerry, it is earlier than you think, I recall somebody saying, thoughtfully. Not Dennis May, who is digging his root cellar/hoard/redoubt as we speak, but somebody else ...

"Over the top, Disco-fever, doom-laden, hectoring posts, not your role as deacon to assembled righteous members, not as a preacher.. "


You give me too much credit. The only deacon I know of was our erstwhile Republican Presidential candidate.

I see that you have over 1,746 posts on Objectivist Living - .to this "group of assembled righteous members,...a flock who are weak and uninformed and needing way more catechism and drills."

Not a complaint. Just an observation.

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If you can find a scintilla of self abnegating sacrifice (aka altruism) in this, please do let me know.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Let's see. Honest pride in your achievements - check. Passion for the subject matter you teach - check. Productivity - check. Individually chosen purpose - check. Personally found value in a specific group of people - check. A self interest in potential future outcomes - check.

Sorry, Bob, no self-sacrifice that I see: you are apparently a dyed-in-the-wool egoist. You'll just have to cope with the shame.

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"Is it possible to convince a self-described socialist that altruism is as Rand described?"

If you are designating me as a self-described socialist, Jerry, it comes with the territory. I believe it was Adam who first labelled Obama as a crass usurper-beast somewhere between Vlad the Impaler and Stalin, as a Marxist so horrible that blood freezes.

"Over the top, Disco-fever, doom-laden, hectoring posts, not your role as deacon to assembled righteous members, not as a preacher.. "


You give me too much credit. [ . . . ] I see that you have over 1,746 posts on Objectivist Living -

Yes. And you have over 1.038. Many of which I enjoyed thorougly and agreed with in the main.

to this "group of assembled righteous members,...a flock who are weak and uninformed and needing way more catechism and drills."

I gave my impression of what I objected to -- underneath my overkill prose was a simple observation, that there was a missing middle (fallacy of the excluded middle), and that National Service Day -- up there with National Dog Day -- is not really a sign of the Obamapocalypse. That your tirade suffered from a lack of proportion.

So, despite the flurry of adjectives and sauciness, there was a point. I see you got it. I appreciate that. Unlike a few Objectivish folks you do not treat criticism like scalding water or a jungle rash.

My favourite of all your recent posts was the one detailing the cast and crew of the Valliant/Hardesty Opera deep within Amazon. It was good. It was righteous. It was worth savouring.

Not a complaint. Just an observation.

And a good one, thanks. Don't be disinclined to complain about my own bullshit, though. I strive to bore through my amour propre to the greater clarity on the other side.

While I am at it, Fuck Obama -- he is slower than molasses and twice as sulfurous on the subject of my intense interest, the Syrian Civil War. If he would spend less time on cosmetics and grandstanding, and tear himself away from genial fingerwagging, then I might give him some qualified support.

As it is, you voters might as well have elected Hillary or a doorstop.

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Er,...o.k... :unsure::huh: ..I don't know who it is that you are trying to justify yourself to. No justification is necessary. No criticism of your work was stated or implied.

It can't be me, if you have read my posts here (such as post #3), . It can't be Rand, since she had no objection to voluntary charity work (see her quote in post # 10)..

My point was ( and I am sorry for not stating it explicitly) that doing service and being useful is not necessary self abasement and being a door mat.

Given a choice between being useful by doing useful things vs. just consuming oxygen I choose the former and reject the latter.

As Andrew the Bi-Centennial Man says: It is good to be of service.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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It is good (for me) to know that Randians and Objectivists and deeply objectivish people do service on their own terms and enjoy it. I mean, no one here (yet) has raised any of the anti-service/anti-volunteer objections that can plague this kind of discussion at the Other Places. It was National Service-Dog Day, unremarkable except for the collectivist/altruist bromides that attach to service via Democratic/Progressive mythos.

We can resist the blandishments and guilt-trips and sublime coercion and just do the things that give us reward -- even if that reward is in the future and even if that reward is uncertain, and even if there is no 'reward.'

It bears mentioning that "Community Service" is often an alternative to Jail. Throw off the shackles of State Altruism and do what you reason must be done. Obey your values, not the 'leaders,' unless of course your leader is Ayn Rand.

I should mention also that there is an American-Syrian medical relief committee that accepts both donations for medical supplies and volunteers at the front-line field hospitals. I wonder at the danger facing those people, and I wonder how they mourn the fallen among their corps. Since usually one to two hundred die a day across the country (civilians, not fighters/rebels/terrorists/shabiha).

In the Alawite heartland, the government has drafted 'community service' corps who carry weapons and wear uniforms. There I think the Randian objections should be heard Loud. But fascism under threat pulls out all the coercive stops.

Thanks for appreciating this my sense of proportion. Now we can perhaps turn to the outrages in the Inaugural Speech by the dictator elected President.

Edited by william.scherk
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Er,...o.k... :unsure::huh: ..I don't know who it is that you are trying to justify yourself to. No justification is necessary. No criticism of your work was stated or implied.

It can't be me, if you have read my posts here (such as post #3), . It can't be Rand, since she had no objection to voluntary charity work (see her quote in post # 10)..

My point was ( and I am sorry for not stating it explicitly) that doing service and being useful is not necessary self abasement and being a door mat.

Given a choice between being useful by doing useful things vs. just consuming oxygen I choose the former and reject the latter.

As Andrew the Bi-Centennial Man says: It is good to be of service.

Ba'al Chatzaf

I agree. And Congratulations!

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"Is it possible to convince a self-described socialist that altruism is as Rand described?"

If you are designating me as a self-described socialist, Jerry, it comes with the territory. I believe it was Adam who first labelled Obama as a crass usurper-beast somewhere between Vlad the Impaler and Stalin, as a Marxist so horrible that blood freezes.

"Over the top, Disco-fever, doom-laden, hectoring posts, not your role as deacon to assembled righteous members, not as a preacher.. "


You give me too much credit. [ . . . ] I see that you have over 1,746 posts on Objectivist Living -

Yes. And you have over 1.038. Many of which I enjoyed thorougly and agreed with in the main.

to this "group of assembled righteous members,...a flock who are weak and uninformed and needing way more catechism and drills."

I gave my impression of what I objected to -- underneath my overkill prose was a simple observation, that there was a missing middle (fallacy of the excluded middle), and that National Service Day -- up there with National Dog Day -- is not really a sign of the Obamapocalypse. That your tirade suffered from a lack of proportion.

So, despite the flurry of adjectives and sauciness, there was a point. I see you got it. I appreciate that. Unlike a few Objectivish folks you do not treat criticism like scalding water or a jungle rash.

My favourite of all your recent posts was the one detailing the cast and crew of the Valliant/Hardesty Opera deep within Amazon. It was good. It was righteous. It was worth savouring.

Not a complaint. Just an observation.

And a good one, thanks. Don't be disinclined to complain about my own bullshit, though. I strive to bore through my amour propre to the greater clarity on the other side.

While I am at it, Fuck Obama -- he is slower than molasses and twice as sulfurous on the subject of my intense interest, the Syrian Civil War. If he would spend less time on cosmetics and grandstanding, and tear himself away from genial fingerwagging, then I might give him some qualified support.

As it is, you voters might as well have elected Hillary or a doorstop.

As you have noted, I occasionally use hyperbole and tongue-in-cheek (although some might feel that another orifice....never mind).

Anyway, I do not take offense And there's no flame over which to start a flame-war. Similarly, I have also appreciated your posts :wub:

O.K., enough gushing.

As for Obama, he clearly has an infectious smile and is a good orator. The media (the mainstream media) LOVE him and have promoted him so much that any additional support from the Democratic National Committee and private supporters is superflous.

So the electorate voted him in again. That's what they wanted, that's what they got. As some novelist said in one of her books, "Brothers -You Asked For It!"

As for the euphoria among Rand fans about how much influence her ideas have had (and not just from her fans, the book Ayn Rand Nation by a liberal reporter was equally hysterical that Objectivism was about to overwhelm the culture. Puh-leeze! ), once again a man who echoes Atlas Shugged's "Mr. Thompson" was again elected. So much for the power of Randian influence.

By the way, the movie Atlas Shrugged Part Two was shown in 1,000 theaters simultaneously, in an attempt to get past the horrible press that Atlas Shrugged Part One had. But to no avail - it sunk like a stone (although I thought it was about as much as could be expected, given the low funding and production time) due to very poor boxoffice.I believe "The Hollywood Reporter" stated that it set a record for a quick collapse of a just-released feature film.

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By the way, the movie Atlas Shrugged Part Two was shown in 1,000 theaters simultaneously, in an attempt to get past the horrible press that Atlas Shrugged Part One had. But to no avail - it sunk like a stone (although I thought it was about as much as could be expected, given the low funding and production time) due to very poor boxoffice.I believe "The Hollywood Reporter" stated that it set a record for a quick collapse of a just-released feature film.

Jerry, thanks for the nice response. I get all het up, me, sometimes ... and I now think we see things in a similar festive frame from time to time.

Secondly, you have struck my 'research bone' with that note on the Hollywood Reporter. I will see if I can dig it up. I should admit I was kind of sad that the second installment sunk like a stone. But a classic like Atlas Shrugged can obviously be remade. I think the best format for AS is as a mini-series on television (along with a modern media onslaught on all medis, with an advertising/promotions budget at least the size of the production budget.

Someone will correct me if I am wrong, but did Ayn Rand not put forward the TV-series notion and even begin to sketch out a treatment. Ellen, you know just about all trivia Rand-wise, is this correct, or am I misremembering from Letters and Journals?

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I've been a volunteer tour guide for years, and I love to show off my erudition

And happy Nazional Zervice Day to you too.

Biggers has some large points to make, too:


I have to think about the implications. Was I correct to give up my service to the demented elderly at my local full-service private institution of care? Had I been incorrect to obey Dr Evil/Mr Thompson/Obama's edict and offer my bondage in the first place? Is there any dirtier word that the Comtean 'selfless'? I have some hard pondering ahead in light of POL POT, you know.

I think you were correct. Never mind an entire nation of all-age madness, you have enough elderly demented on OL to look after.

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