All Polls Are Wrong



The phrase "all polls are wrong" was a cool hinge-point of argument last year, as the Trump train rolled on ...

Yesterday a Democrat penned an interesting article at The Hill. It didn't say that "all polls are wrong," but that surveys of President Trump's popularity in the USA are flawed and in no way indicative. In other words ... Why the polls are still wrongHere's a few excerpts from the article:


The polls that failed to detect the full strength of President Trump on Election Day continue to underestimate the president’s support for the job he is doing, paying way too much attention to the Twitter wars and ignoring the public support for many of the actions is undertaking.

This can create some serious misjudgments by organizations like the NFL and some Republican senators, who find out later that they buck the president only to their own detriment. And nothing was more devastating to Democrats than believing the election was over when it wasn’t.

Polls show the president’s approval rating all over the lot. An Associated Press poll put it at 32 percent and suggests that only 24 percent see the country as going in the right direction. This strains credulity given what happened in the special elections against the Democrats.


The methodology of some of these polls is to poll “all adults” without any qualification as to citizenship or voting intent. A lot of the nonvoters dislike politics and all politicians, and these polls also include them along with undocumented immigrants who are not screened out. Another group of polls has Trump’s approval in the low 40s, and Harvard-Harris Poll, which eliminates all undecideds, has it at 45 percent, similar to Rasmussen.

Remember, Americans liked President Obama for his way with words and his calm leadership style. They just opposed many of his policies, so Obama’s numbers gave a false sense of approval. Trump is the mirror opposite. People are put on edge by his words while favoring a lot of the positions he is taking on issues.

When it comes to rank-and-file Republican voters, Trump is the undisputed leader of the Republican Party. No poll I’ve seen puts his support from Republicans at below 80 percent and we at Harvard-Harris have it at 84 percent, which is remarkable, given his knock-down-drag-out fight with some mainstream Republicans.


The failure to understand the 2016 election was in large measure not a failure of the final polls, many of which showed a close race, but a failure to understand the powerful storyline of Trump’s appeal with his respect for cops and the military, taking a more aggressive position against our enemies, and pushing for tax and health-care reform. His style is not what won him the presidency. It was, remarkably, his substance.

I, frankly, didn’t at the time see his rise in the Republican primary as realistic. I don’t believe he has advanced his coalition from Election Day, and rank-and-file Democratic opposition has hardened. But he hasn’t lost his support either, and taking on “The Swamp” only empowers him further.

It is by watching the underlying public sentiment of what he is doing, and not his methods, that you see how polling better watch out here, as reality versus research will again be tested, and reality always wins.

Mark Penn is co-director of the Harvard-Harris Poll and was a pollster for Bill Clinton during six years of his presidency.

The Penn article also received some pushback, in this instance from Philip Bump of the fey canoes Washington Post: Why is a former Clinton pollster writing iffy poll analysis that panders to Trump supporters?


It’s true both that Trump is broadly unpopular (as measured by multiple opinion polls) and that there are positions he espouses that are popular. We will cede that since, well, it’s sort of obvious. We will also cede the point that Republicans broadly think Trump is doing a good job, something that has been noted any number of times by The Washington Post and others.

As Penn makes that point, though, he goes out of his way to include weird cultural touchstones that seem clearly intended to appeal to that Trump base.

For example, this is how Penn dismisses polling that shows Trump as unpopular:

The methodology of some of these polls is to poll “all adults” without any qualification as to citizenship or voting intent. A lot of the nonvoters dislike politics and all politicians, and these polls also include them along with undocumented immigrants who are not screened out.

There are two implications here. The first is that somehow people who don’t vote don’t get to have an opinion on the president. The second is that the number of people who reject the president is swollen by undocumented immigrants. At most, undocumented immigrants represent 3 percent of the population, a group that’s less likely to speak English and almost certainly not registered to vote. To suggest that they make up a significant portion of the responses to a poll is disingenuous.

“The president gets 65 percent approval for hurricane response and 53 percent approval for the economy and fighting terrorism,” Penn writes as he fleshes out “a more complex picture” of opinions on Trump. “He gets his lowest marks for the way he is administering the government. And he is a divider when people want a uniter.”

This is deliberately playing down how low Trump’s numbers are

Here's a snapshot from the folks at 538 [updated July 3 2020]:



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All Polls are Wrong.....?

"Republicans by double-digit margins said they are willing to ditch their party to follow former President Donald Trump if he breaks out on his own, according to a new poll released Sunday.

Members of the GOP by 46 percent to 27 percent said they would put the Republican Party in the rear-view mirror if Trump creates his own, a USA Today/Suffolk University poll found."


  • Smile 1
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all polls are either horseshit or spot on take your pick

"do the right thing regarding world affairs" lfmao

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On 6/10/2021 at 2:00 PM, william.scherk said:

All polls are wrong ... even PEW:


No wonder the magapeople are isolationists.

When Trump comes back, do they expect him to successfully impose his Art of the Trade Deal on all of these doubting  Thomas Q.  Consumers?

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10 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Finally wise words flow from your lips.



So honoured by your approbation! I've already booked prime icetime at the new Trump Hades Luciferian Arena.

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A spread in opinion following a Rasmussen Report survey ... Trump is now more popular than Biden. Who knew?

Rasmussen Reports:
Biden Not More Popular Than Trump, And Most Voters Like Obama Better  —  There's good news and bad news for President Joe Biden.  The good news is that most voters have a favorable opinion of him.  The bad news is that his numbers aren't better than former President Donald Trump's, and are worse than former President Barack Obama's.

Sinking, plunging, cratering, dropping, dipping. Unraveling?


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All polls are wrong, simply put, because a sample will never perfectly represent the larger group surveyed.

In today's Wrong Poll Results, we learn that some recent surveys show a drop-off in Trump support among senior citizens looking forward to the 2024 Presidential election ...


The Republican Party has lost 15 percent of the 65 and over group ahead of the midterms, according to surveys taken just two months apart.


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Uh oh... the polls are changing...

The wall are closing in...

Trump must be quaking in his boots about Liz Cheney running in 2024.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 


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9 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Trump must be quaking in his boots about Liz Cheney running in 2024.

Naw. He's quaking from the quake in California who is the governator there, Gavin Noisome or some such name. He can give a good speech. I think I will look to see if some think he is going to run in 2024.  

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Thinks he can beat Trump?


That one's funny, too.

CA is bleeding companies and people...

They are moving out because they can't stand him and the politics he stands for. 



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7 hours ago, Peter said:

Naw. He's quaking from the quake in California who is the governator there, Gavin Noisome or some such name. He can give a good speech. I think I will look to see if some think he is going to run in 2024.  

Just curious about anyone who thinks Newsome or whomever will run in 2024.

It begs the question for which party will they run because there will not even be a Democratic party in 2024 and whatever party(ies) replace it, probably will not want Newsome.

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Who could boost the democratic party by running in 2024? Joe Mansion. Is that how you spell his name? Maybe its Munchkin. 

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53 minutes ago, tmj said:

How old are George Floyd's kids 

1 hour ago, Peter said:

Who could boost the democratic party by running in 2024? Joe Mansion. Is that how you spell his name? Maybe its Munchkin. 



At least they proved already that they could win one State which is one more that the party could win in 2024 because the party will not exist by then.

The party probably will cease to exist by January 2023.

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All polls are wrong, of course, and many if not most ask the stupidest questions, but who could have predicted that failure of an abortion ban on the ballot in Kansas?  The least expected (except by clairvoyants) aspect of the Kansas primary turnout was that it was so outsized (compared to other mid-terms). Or so it seems.

Fingers to the wind.


Bonier found that women accounted for 70% of all new registered voters in the state since June 24, a number he has never seen before. When he looked at the 2020 election, he found the registrations based on gender were pretty evenly split.  "It just doesn't happen," Bonier said.


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All Polls are Wrong, and some are wrong in interesting ways. This NBCNews survey seems to back up some of Tucker Carlson's recent programming -- that the Democrats are (at least temporarily) showing more 'get up and go' recently -- potentially driven by a combination of issues which have inflamed discourse.  Eg, abortion "rights" and "American democracy" herself.  To my eyes, the Democratic energy still gives way to GOP energy looking ahead to the elections on November 8 2022. 

It all depends on the framing, says A Truism.


57% of registered voters would like investigations into former President Donald Trump to continue, according to a new poll. 92% of Democrats were on board with investigations continuing, while 61% of...

Full soundings:





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This guy Simon Rosenberg is right now probably the foremost Hopium purveyor on the Democratic side. I've come across his Twitter output in the last month. 

He has been tracking and comparing statistics about early turnout for tomorrow's election, trying to sell a scenario of a closer finish than conventional wisdom and red wave touters (and 538) have forecast. We'll see.

A recurring buzzword that made me think/be skeptical came through allusions to "intensity" of voting intention. Somehow enough intensity was missed in surveys of Kansas public opinion that the abortion vote came as a surprise. There was unexpected turnout.

One of his other points was about the windows of opportunity to Get Out the Vote. He argues that the GOP this year has discouraged early voting, meaning that Democrats have had longer to flush out potential voters and punch their tickets.

Bear in mind that Hope as offered by Rosenberg is as orthodox as his attachment to his party.

His latest and last prediction has done the rounds, but not made much of a mark.

As a person whose predictions can be quite wrong (as in 2016), I will wait till tomorrow afternoon ...


Dems are crushing it in the early vote, the red wave has yet to materialize, and polls...

"Crushing it"! 

Here's a roughly-selected Twitter list of predictors:


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