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The Cause



Some of these things perplex me ... and I want to think about them now and as time goes by.

And The Cause? Fuck The Cause. The game is power. For all politicians. No exceptions. The Cause is merely a story for the voters to dream a little and cover the real motivation of the politicians.

Source: Donald Trump

And The Cause? Fuck The Cause. The game is power. For all politicians. No exceptions. The Cause is merely a story for the voters to dream a little and cover the real motivation of the politicians.

The Cause is ... Trump? The Trump Cause is just a story for voters to dream on? That sounds almost right ... if a bit too simplified.


I wanted to mention this when I saw it, but it got buried.

I am not fighting for The Cause with Trump. I want him to have power. Raw naked political power, the kind where he gets to determine if the government kills people or lets them live, if the government confiscates their stuff or lets them keep it, if the government wrecks people's lives or not, if the government takes from some people, keeps most of the plunder and gives the rest to others.

See? No illusions.

Nobody ever says that, but that is the game everybody plays. That is what all candidates are after.

All of them.

You mused that The Cause for me might be Trump. No. The Cause is "Make America Great Again."

To me, that cause is just a marketing slogan. America, to me, is already great. Troubled right now, but still great.

So why do I want Trump to have power? Because the power I described above is there for all the candidates. Somebody is going to get it. Obama certainly uses it in the manner I described. I can't do anything about the existence of that power except bitch.

But I can look at the candidates who have wielded power before and see how they have acted. Trump has wielded power most of his life and he has used it for productive purposes. He has stayed away from war and armed conflicts.

He couldn't have had the government kill folks before, you might ask? So he never had that kind of power?


Just because the source of power in politics is the government, that doesn't mean there are no other sources of real knuckle-crunching clout. The construction business--and the gambling business!--is permeated with thugs and their organizations. Trump got along with all of them just fine. (To be fair, there are lots of good people, too.) Getting a person "taken care of" is not complicated among those folks. Yet there are no semi-reliable rumors of people he had smoked to get them out of his way or anything like that. He made the bad guys build buildings.

Try it and see how easy that is.

Trump did that all his life. Based on that behavior, I imagine he will do the same with government power.

So this is not about The Cause. It's about power and the kind of person who I want to wield it.

I'll deal with The Cause after Trump cleans out the government stables and fires a bunch of morons. (There's a Convention of the States on the horizon.)

btw - Government power in the hands of morons can be a terribly dangerous thing.

Just look around at the world right now to see what I mean.

And don't think Trump supporters don't know all of what I just said. They do. That's what excites them.


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