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Between the void and the invalid, Reason!

Entries in this blog

Wiigging out on the Muslim Boogeyhood

I will tweak and then post this to the list. There is plenty of time to grow familiar with the electoral landscape in Egypt. You no doubt are aware of the constitutional changes pending referendum, and no doubt are aware that a raft of electoral law will need to be rescinded once new assemblies form. That's why I thought it was a good idea to see the first Islamist party out of the gates. Al Wasat has been trying to register a party since their split from the MuslimBoogeyhood. Their platform is



"The Google People"

On the 'Boy did this one backfire!' thread, discussion has roamed over a few acres of various disputes, all tied to the Menace of Islam. At one point I wondered how Richard Wiig could be so confident about 'Sharia law in Canada.' That led to a schmozzle with Adam Selene, who forked up the first (incorrect) reference he could find . . . but eventually Wiig admitted he was wrong in his claim. But he didn't just say "I was wrong. Bite me." He added more material which led to more shmozzle in two ba




This is a placeholder for an ongoing experiment to open up discussion on OL. I am itnigued to see if anyone can answer a call to chat if we schedule an Open Mike Night or something. Some of us may be too crabby and suspicious to be right live conversation via keyboard. <a name="chatnow">OL Chatter Experiment</a> <IFRAME WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="430PX" SRC="http://www.vdoc.ca/chat/chatIndex.php" TITLE="Chat Test WSS"> <!-- Alternate content for non-supporting browsers --> <



The Ick Factor (1)

When I first started posting at Online O-world forums, I used 'the ick factor' to signify an unquantifiable je ne sais quoi in certain Objectivish utterances, such as the initial ARI response to the Boxing Day Tsunami. Here's a sample of what gets chatted about from Ugh, Solopassion.com, with Lindsay at the helm. An openline show with your kookiepants grandpa. Rather revolting. This is the man with the red button. Blech. Ick ick ick. 04:46:57 Lindsay Perigo You're reading me? 04:47:34 Lindsay Pe



Sense of life Chronicles

Coming up on five years since I posted this horribly gushy [redacted] item below. Quel embarras! <div><img style="float:right" width="241px" src="http://members.shaw.ca/wsscherk/imgz/the_blog_345.jpg">Sunny Days ahead . . . I find the . . . site to be very impressive, with so many tools for communication. Props to the team. I am coming to the faith that a truly free site . . . may be like a map of the world. Looking out through the . . . window on my monitor, I do believe that the v



Blog Challenges

Off the top of my head -- make posts regularly, at least once a day -- make posts interesting -- make posts comment-worthy -- comment on what interests YOU -- comment on popular OL topics and threads -- link to interesting older OL topics and posts -- do an interview once a month with an OLer -- regular 'Friday Nite at the Corral" type chats?



AGWA Discussion Poll

I tried an experiment with an inline IFrame that inserts a live chat widget inside a post. Click link for the result. Kind of cool. Now I would like to see if I can raise some interest for a reasoned discussion/debate of Global Warming issues . . .



One-eyed Ogress of the Slagathon

A cunning lead in to what is actually quite old, my first online clang! on Objectivish subjects, in which I compare Atlas Shrugged to Battlefield Earth [from freedomofmind, at yahoogroups, post number 23918, posted Wed Jun 8, 2005 -- I think I may have killed the thread. Note that Monica Pignotti is known as an apostate of two totalistic systems, The Callahan Technique and Scientology, and is a recent convert to a healthy, normal skepticism, though still touchy it seems on the subject of Rand] S



While I was mourning Tammy Faye, Albert Ellis died

I noted, rather stupidly it turns out, in a thread called Shyness at Objectivism Online, that "evidence-based" psycholtherapy, such as CBT, DBT etc, was a testament to some of Rand's prescience (i.e., her insistence that the emotive-rational hinge was key to mental strength and moral compass). In the back of my mind (on the old grey chesterfield with the aging fellow who does my research, watching Trailer Park Boys and eating Cheetos) was the voice saying, "Who was that guy that kinda agreed wi



Larry Budd Peikoff

Has at it here in a post taken from the http://www.peikoff.com/ site, front page, in response to a question about Ayn Rand and smoking. I will search diligently to find out what the heck this snippet means. Q: If Ayn Rand were still alive, would she smoke? A: No. As a matter of fact, she stopped smoking in 1975. When the Surgeon General in the 50s claimed that smoking was dangerous, he offered nothing to defend this view but statistical correlations. Ayn Rand, of course, dismissed any alleged



No more snark-outs

Oh, who am I kidding? I will restrain comment on this fascinating bit of self-promotion by Diana Mertz Hsieh on Objectivism Online: By Diana from NoodleFood,cross-posted by MetaBlog Source: On Ashland University - Objectivism Online Forum Address : <http://forum.objectivismonline.net/index.p...ic=9972&hl=> http://www.objectivismonline.net/archives/002667.html



Giving conniptions to the doltish

Over on our sister site, I had occasion to pull the nose of Catholic Thinker Bill Tingley. I have prepared an MP3 of that screed, and hope it gives value to my fans. "Bill Tingley and The Catholics Vs Them, They and the Other" Original post here, with the fatuous, unfocussed and demented comments of the Glorious following its appearan ce.



HOW DARE you, sir? Into the red zone . . .

[Will re-post as audio file][removed from 'Objectivist Living Forum > Outer Limits > Rants > Exposed!']Hear hear. I'm with two zones, here. In the red zone is where you don't go, you don't cross some fuzzy humanist line into gratuitousness, schadenfreude, invective for invective sake, snuffling in other people't crotches. In the red zone is my hope that Angie and Victor prosper in love, however they met, and however the spectacle (which I basically ignored, all 670 I-luvs-you-too-booboo



Kick Ass Guidelines for Kick Ass Forum

Kick Ass Guidelines for Kick Ass Posters Anyone who signs up to [link] is free to post here, unmoderated. (except for a list which we do not publish or comment on, which includes Michael Stuart Kelly, Kat, and whoever the hell else Perigo feels like banning) Anyone who is gratuitously rude or abusive, will, however, be moderated in the �play pen� for children, after reasonable warning. (except for, well, anybody except those Perigo currently has no problems with, and, well, whatever . . . we hav



Sunny Days Ahead for OL

[2 minor search and replace operations later, the original posting from our sibling site speaks the same meaning]I find the OL site to be very impressive, with so many tools for communication. Props to the team.I am coming to the faith that a truly free site (which OL now mostly is due to the light touch that is Michael and Kat's genius) may be like a map of the world.Looking out through the OL window on my monitor, I do believe that the varied strands of Rand-influenced thinkers and actors and



William's BAD qualities

My worst, in no particular order, as noted in passing: Unintelligible Incomprehensible Mannered Arrogant Indisciplined Uncaring Cold Mean Aggressive Unforgiving Hateful Selfish



Daniel Barnes's Good Qualities.

In a forum thread somewhere upstream, Emperor asked me if I wanted to discuss Daniel Barnes's good qualities. I do! The comment thread is open. If you are amusing enough, I might enable anonymous comments. If you are a poo poo head, you get deleted. . . . in other regions, discussions I would pay good money to have engraved on gold plates. Or not:



Bye Bye Mon Cowboy

Chocolates and liquor to the first person or entity™ who correctly identifies the politics of the artist. Clue: c'est si dur de tomber si bas, quand t'as était si haut. A love song in the Abba Love March genre, suitable for O™-ish tweaking. What the O™ world needs is some pop success. A Lilith Fair for the selfish™, rational, capitalist O™-hole in all of us . . .



William Scott Scherk sings ABBA, Objectivishly

Actually, not. I lied in the subject line. This is actually another dumb test -- a video. With regard to my lies about ABBA's greatest hits, I regard all of the big sellers as love marches, and have imagined these marches as great propaganda tools for occupying armies. Love love love. March march march. Just think "Voulez Vous" as the slow march of stern objectivish love, with lyrics to help the conquered understand that the new regime took over out of benevolence towards the suffering people



At war with Oceania, again . . .

I am testing a notation scheme in my text-aloud program. Please excuse the clutter. I will delete this later. For an aural treat, listen to the forthcoming mp3 test. I will award a gold disc version to the person who can tell me about Mitsou`s big hit and the city it dominated. [Q.1]What are you talking about? [ . . . ] [s.1-2] often I disagree with Daniel. I have perceived that he does not like to be proven wrong and when he is proven wrong, he gets really uncomfortable. [ . . . ] [s.3-4] He me



Have we always been at war, we humans?

Oceania is kinda of a spoof. I am experimenting with podcasts and new communication software at work. Leave a comment if you want the test links. Raw at the moment. It is sort of a riff on Orwell with reallly cheesy organ. I record a wav on a handheld, then IBM voice-recognition puts it into a .txt, then I paste that into TextAloud and record. Then I mix in sound effects and music for our online training web. But I think I should skip the mixing part. Did anyone listen to the first one, I



Text to Speech test

I am experimenting with a Text to Speech program. Here I post an mp3 file featuring my musings on Death (from the thread Does the "fact that life will end imbues life with vitality and meaning") MP3

