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Kick Ass Guidelines for Kick Ass Forum



Kick Ass Guidelines for Kick Ass Posters

Anyone who signs up to [link] is free to post here, unmoderated.

(except for a list which we do not publish or comment on, which includes Michael Stuart Kelly, Kat, and whoever the hell else Perigo feels like banning)

Anyone who is gratuitously rude or abusive, will, however, be moderated in the �play pen� for children, after reasonable warning.

(except for, well, anybody except those Perigo currently has no problems with, and, well, whatever . . . we haven't read or thought about the 'play pen' idea -- let alone implement it -- since we got drunk and updated the kick ass guidelines way back a few months or whatever)

When posting, remember the "Three Gs" -- good faith, good will and good humour. If the second two are rendered impossible, the first is still a minimum requirement.

(and only Lindsay Perigo can sniff it out, dontcha know . . . with regard to good faith, Perigo is a truffle hog)

As a sign of good faith, please sign on and post under your real name with photograph, which you can upload when you register an account.

(um, don't worry about the name part, we aren't consistent . . . and we don't make provision for folks who have honestly and forthrightly posted under their real name since SOLOpassion's inception, but who are too vain, ugly or stupid to get a picture together, because, um, maybe we don't know what good faith means in this instance and so are both arbitrary AND inconsistent. Whatever, this rule is just for show, so fuck off. Victor Pross has not fooled us again with his impersonations recently, so we have acheived the bare minimum. Fuck off if you don't like it.)

In dealing with non- or anti-Objectivists, remember the objective is to persuade rather than intimidate, bully or disgust.

(unless you feel like it. Like I say, KASS, whoo hoo. In effect, this guideline is kinda like the fences that slugs leave on sidewalks. If you are a prissyholic, you actually try to obey. If you are a lazy mind, you disregard the rules you find personally constricting, but hoot bizarrely at those who do exactly the same thing as you just did. But in any case, if I tell you to fuck off, I expect you to do it. If you tell me to fuck off, I will ban you. Now, fuck off. Unless you are someone like Ed Hudgins whom half the list considers non-O, you can come back if no one talks about 'the incident' ever. It would embarrass everyone and show this rule to be a fucking sham. The corollary is the if we ARE dealing with an avowed O big O OBJECTIVIST then you sorta can kick the shit out of them verbally. It's okay. They are used to it. How do you think they got to the top of the small hill of O? By Kicking Ass and, well, whatever, next rule please. You bore me.)

Remember you are guests in Linz�s house, enjoying his hospitality for free. Do not presume to tell him how to run this site or SOLO. If you don�t enjoy being in his house � well, there is no one forcing you to stay.

(Agreed. 100 %. And if you like the metaphor of host/house/hospitality/freedom, remember what would happen in real life if your host occasionally turned into a raging buffoon. You would throw your drink in his face, get your fur, and fuck off until he begged you to return for another shindig. This is the one rule that is honest about its arbitrariness -- and one that I support. Red button those who offend. Never explain, never apologize. Be a legend. If you can't have integrity, fuck it, Be a Legend)

Respect the privacy of others here -- and your own.

(except under circumstances of moral depravity, which should be decided in a spirit of fear and loathing for best and most rational decisions. With a smidge of gossip and girltalk and a wee touch of moral hysteria, your own depravity will never become apparent to your own self. About the second part: "[Respect] your own [Privacy]. I don't have a fucking clue what that means. It was the committee. I fired them They flounced off. Fuckbags. Traitors. Ingrates. Colleagues. Whatever. What are you looking at? Are you denying we are at war with, um, um, Oceania? Fuck off.)

If you�re a self-important grandstander, poseur, attention-seeker or blowhard monologuer who knows it all, contemplate the possibility that this might not be the place for you.

(though it could be argued that Perigo has occasionally played his part in the shames listed above, I more or less agree. If you grandstand (only), if you pose (lie or misrepresent yourself), if you seek attention (solely), if you are a blowhard monologuer (if, by example, you do not credit your opponent with humanity or reason) or if you are a Know it all (if you are arrogant without having earned it), then . . . free inquiry is blocked.

Since we are not about free inquiry, you should have figured out that the only rule is: if you are on the right side of me, I will not shit on you. And I have a temper, and I might shoot you by mistake. Sorry, but you probably deserved it anyhow. Fuck off if you can't take a joke, but don't cross me or make a joke of me, your host. I don't have to take it.

If you're a rationally passionate romantic, seeking the stars and looking for other pilgrims in your quest, contemplate the certainty that this is definitely the place for you!

(or not. If you are a fan of purple prose and creaky cliches, this rule is definitely up your alley. Fill your boots. A stitch in time. Reach for the heights. Gird em up, Girda)


(or fuck off and like it)

Copyright SOLO 2001-2006. All Rights Reserved, (which is why WSS is free to spoof them in full. We were too sloppy to update our copyright notices. Opinions expressed are those of the contributors, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial staff, and if the staff do not reflect Lindsay Perigo's opinions, he doesn't fire them, he just slags them until they 'flounce off.' For any enquiries, or to report problems with the site, please email: [name withheld to protect the randteous] but don't expect anything but silence or sneers if you are not of the inner circle.



Recommended Comments

I'm glad somebody else got a great laugh at those rules! Very funny! :laugh:

I am going to wait until the present love in at SOLO reaches its crescendo of hypocritical, lazy-minded randteousness. Then I will repost this over there at our more demented sister-site. Then I will wait for the red button. Can he take a joke? Is the Pope a Muslim?

Your thoughts for 500, Kori.

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He will send cigar-smoking, wine-drinking, bow-tie wearing, name-calling robots to come beat you down to a bloody pulp. You will not live to tell the tale of your banishment.

Actually, if you really want to get banned, just ask dearest Linz why he calls Phillip Coates "Phyllis." That should just about do it. It's a tough question, I know...I'm sure he was just putting me on temporary banishment while he thought about his answer.

If you post those guidelines...let me know. I always love a good gut laugh.

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Actually, if you really want to get banned, just ask dearest Linz why he calls Phillip Coates "Phyllis." That should just about do it. It's a tough question, I know...I'm sure he was just putting me on temporary banishment while he thought about his answer.

Are you saying you are banned or moderated at SOLO? If so, I will ask about it, in that thread re: Phyliis/Victor. If not, feel free to post the guidelines spoof yourself.


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I'm banned. I think I'm completely deleted. Forevaaaahhhh! Banished! I may understand a little bit...a while back, I was a member of SOLO...then I asked for my account to be deleted for my own personal reasons. Then I joined back up (god knows why...wth). I was a member for a bit and didn't really post anything. Then I saw a thread where Perigo called Phillip "Phyllis"...and WTF? So I asked him "why?" Next day...BANNED. It's a difficult question, I know. BUT...when you're a totally meanie poopy head doodymeister, you can ban people whenever you wish.

(Shit..maybe if he made up a clever insulting nickname for Phillip, I wouldn't have as much of a problem. But, come on, "Phyllis"? I was more clever than that in third grade.)

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I'm banned. I think I'm completely deleted. Forevaaaahhhh! Banished! I may understand a little bit...a while back, I was a member of SOLO...then I asked for my account to be deleted for my own personal reasons. Then I joined back up (god knows why...wth). I was a member for a bit and didn't really post anything. Then I saw a thread where Perigo called Phillip "Phyllis"...and WTF? So I asked him "why?" Next day...BANNED. It's a difficult question, I know. BUT...when you're a totally meanie poopy head doodymeister, you can ban people whenever you wish.

(Shit..maybe if he made up a clever insulting nickname for Phillip, I wouldn't have as much of a problem. But, come on, "Phyllis"? I was more clever than that in third grade.)

Okay. I have raise the issue at SOLO, and went out on a limb. If you didn't upload a photo, you would be moderated (there was a date by which you needed to comply). Stupid, inconsistent rulings, but if you wanted to get your question answered, that is what you needed to do to retain your posting privileges. I would put the lie to all their bullshit by asking your account to be un-moderated. Offer a photo, re-enter the discussion.

I am now politely ramming this shit down their throats, and would like to know we can count on you to put your money [picture] where you mouth [words] are.

No need to answer this, or any of my suggestions/quandaries, but, what prevents you from offering an image? You don't do this here on OL. Why not, I wonder.

If it is a question of preserving your privacy, the practice over there has been to accept whatever the fuck people upload. If we want to force the hand of the Commissars (to make them consistent with their avowed principle), we have to colour within their lines.

I will do up a photo/image for you. All it will show is a rather fuzzy-featured young woman . . . since there is no way for them to check anything, it is a question of integrity. Do they want Bona Fides established, or do they want a tool to check and harry those they dislike.

If you don't want to experiment, I am going to to it on my own, as this is a weak spot over there (and here, gawd knows).

May I have permission to quote from, or paraphrase, your undestanding of the banning/deletion/moderation? It is so very awkward for me to write: "I am told . . ." while obscuring both the teller and the telling contents!

I'm up to it, but it weakens my case, and I want your help in getting answers. I will do some work on this tomorrow, perhaps sending you a draft of the post I have in mind for you go/no go.


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William, it's a privacy thing for me not uploading a photo (I'll do one of my asscrack if they'd like). You can go right ahead and quote me over there if you wish. You can also upload that pic, I'd appreciate it. I forgot about that rule...having a photo. To me, it's kind of a stupid rule, because, as you said, one can just upload any photo. I can assure those SOLOists, though, that I am not MSK in disguise (or a Branden, my god!). LOL. What would me having my picture up there solve? Would it put them at ease? Whatever...it seemed as if Perigo banned me RIGHT after I asked him the "Phyllis" question and it seemed to be FOR that reason. Maybe he don't like me 'cause I'm a headbanging, nihilistic caterwauler.

Anyway, I seem to have lost that thread in which I asked Perigo the tough question. Could you kindly provide me with a link?

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A. William, it's a privacy thing for me not uploading a photo (I'll do one of my asscrack if they'd like). You can go right ahead and quote me over there if you wish. B. You can also upload that pic, I'd appreciate it. I will let you do it yourself, you are the one with the inactive account. I am sure Lindsay or a tech will be happy to take you off moderation if you let them know backchannel. C. I forgot about that rule...having a photo. Ignorance is no defence, but they are pretty good about lifing the sentry gate once a picture is uploaded.C.1. To me, it's kind of a stupid rule, because, as you said, one can just upload any photo. Yeah, sure, but a rule is a rule, and since the rule is supposed to establish good faith, the good faith response is to try to comply. It is never too late to comply with Lindsay.[ . . . ]D.1 . What would me having my picture up there solve? D.2 .Would it put them at ease? Putting up your picture would solve the problem of you not being able to post to SOLO, if that's a problem. It also solves one part of the problem of bona fides. Privacy concerns matter to the commissars, dontcha know? Would posting a picture put "them" at ease? Don't know. It would put me at ease, so if I am one of Them (SOLO posters), yes. If them you mean, Lindsay, and the commissars, yes, since that is the symbol of good faith they are most instistent upon. If you use the Principle of Charity, and your aim is a useful discussion, you will play the game by the posted rules. If not, or not your kind of game, spectate. But I do need your help.E. Whatever...it seemed as if Perigo banned me RIGHT after I asked him the "Phyllis" question and it seemed to be FOR that reason. Maybe he don't like me 'cause I'm a headbanging, nihilistic caterwauler. F. Anyway, I seem to have lost that thread in which I asked Perigo the tough question. Could you kindly provide me with a link?
Yeah, next post, but first, I did some fixes to your photo, to try to keep your strong features (yes, green eyes, Roman nose, stubborn independence, resolute lips, etc.) and your personality, while subtly making it more generic/anonymous. Meaning your friends in real life can identify you by this photo, but not a stranger. Would that be private enough, or do you want me to goose it a bit more? koriScarfed.jpg
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