
Dexter is back

This series returns on the 16th. I am watching the first season currently. Michael C. Hall is great as Dexter. The rest of the cast is very good. Not as good as "The Wire" but still well done.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Edward M. Kennedy

I reminded of what Nataniel Branden said in the Basic Principles of Objectivism course given at NBI. This is a para phase but the replacement for bad leaders is good leaders with good ideas. Ted Kennedy had a lot of bad ideas but the people of Massachusetts were not offered good leaders with good ideas and Ted kept getting re-elected.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Trading Places

I saw this movie again a few days ago. It is really well done. It stars Dan Acyroyd and Eddie Murphy. It has also Don Acheme and Ralph Bellamy in strong supporting roles as the Duke brothers. Jamie Leigh Curtis play Ophelia a hooker with a heart of gold and makes it believable. It is a twist on Prince & the Pauper with Murphy and Ackroyd changing places. Murphy and Ackroyd turn the tables on the Duke brothers. I must mention that it has a small role for Alfred Drake. Alfred Drake w

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

What makes a Star

Why does a person get us to go to the movies or change our television set or look at National Inquirer to see what they have done. I think the most important quality is to age well. Bette Davis went from the early 30ths till shortly before in the 90ths by aging well. She took roles that acknowledged her age and played them well. Many actors can do one great film when they are young and never repeat and end up doing supporting roles. An example is George Segal who seems to now to be reduced

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Bette Davis on TCM

Today August 8th TCM is doing a lot of Bette Davis's movies. I think her best one was Dark Victory in which she play a spoiled rich girl who has a brain tumor which she dies of at the end of the movie. The Essential will "The Man Who Came to Dinner" which has her in more of supporting role. The "Man" was Monty Woolly channeling Alexander Wolcott. It's a fun movie and worth seeing. '

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Free Minds 09

It ended today and was very good. I will have more to report. Will be at Freedom Fest. Sixteen hundred people at Freedom Fest. It's the only convention in Las Vegas that has more people than last year.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Father's Day

I want to think those fathers doing their unappreciated tasks. I hope we all remember those fathers who are no longer with us. I have mentioned The Wire. Look at it and think about the young who no active father in their lives. Remember the welfare that broke up families and made millions of youth parent less. Remember this when you hear complaints about the size of our prison population.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Flag Day

Today is Flag Day. There were no American flags on display in my walk to Whole Foods this morning. If there were an Obama flag it would be flying high.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

The Jena Six

Today on Face Book I joined a group called F the Jena Six. Has the case vanished because the facts have interfered with the narrative? It was the racial crime of our era since Emmitt Tell except it wasn't.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

A word for drunken sailors

People are saying the Obama administration is spending like a drunken sailor. That is unfair to drunken sailors. When drunken sailors ran out of money they go back to their ship. The government just prints more money.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Ayn Rand on Humor

In Objectively Speaking, Rand is quoted as saying that she developed her theory of humor based on what an "acquaintance" suggested. I'm wondering if this was Nathaniel Branden (and, of course, whether NB was edited out). -Neil Parille

Neil Parille

Neil Parille

In Cold Blood

I watched the movie yesterday (May 26). I suspect Richard Brooks, the writer of the screenplay who was also the director, let to change of focus. The book In Cold Blood was released to great fanfare in 1966. It was called a non-fiction novel. Truman Capote the author had tried the technique before but this book. Capote saw a small story in the New York Times about the murder of all four members of the family of a wealthy Kansas farmer. He decided to go to Holcombe, Kansas with his friend H

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

William Shatner

On my Face book page I have proposed that William Shatner should be honored by the Kennedy Center. Shatner should be honored for his portrayal of Captain James T Kirk on the first Star Trek TV series. He also portrayed Kirk in several of the movies.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Bonnie & Clyde

Yesterday May 23rd was the 75th anniversary of their death. The movie with Warren Beatty glamorized them and was not accurate. Still it does introduce most Americans to Foggy Mountain Breakdown so it wasn't all bad.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

California's Election

Yesterday(May 19th) Californians voted on seven tax referendum. Six of the seven were rejected. The one that was approved puts a salary cap on state officials while the state is running a deficit. There are a couple of reason why this important. First of all California voters saw through the hysteric campaign made among others by Gov Arnold. Second California was a very strong Obama state. When Obama has to raise taxes on everyone I suspect many will not be happy. California in 1978 enact

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Natural Order

Parents are supposed to die before children. When children die before parents it always distributing. I recently found that someone I know who had four sons has lost two of them. One to illness, the other to a police related shootings. You feel badly for the parents. They have to do things they never expect to do. In the past children because of childhood diseases would die early. My grandmother had lost three members of her family to scarlet fever. This doesn't happen now because of vac

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb