
The Mind of the Market

The Mind of the Market: Compassionate Apes, Competitive Humans, and Other Tales from Evolutionary Economics by Michael Shermer The market economy needs no apologists and propagandists. It can apply to itself the words of Sir Christopher Wrens epitaph in St. Pauls: Si monumentum requiris, circumspice. [if you seek his monument, look around.] Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, p 850 There is more information in the 261 pages of The Mind of the Market than there is in most books more than twice its s



Problems with the Culture Right and the "Tea Party" Movement

The Culture Right thinks the Tea Party Movement is too libertarian which I think means that the Tea Party is too committed to the values of the Enlightenment. The "Tea Party" movement is not interested if opposing gay marriage and abortion. The "Tea Party" sees the above issues as much less important while the country see a mountain for the next century and increasing government control of our lives. Objectivists should stand for enlightenment values and for a secular society.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

The 2010 Oscars

All the winners who were predicted won. Entertainment Weekly was correct. The Hurt Locker was the big winner winning four of the ten big awards. The big awards are Picture, Director, the four acting awards, the two writing awards, Editing, and Cinematography. No picture can win more than nine. You can't be nominated for both writing categories. The Hurt Locker won four. The only other picture that won more than one was Precious which won two. I have no plans to see Precious and I have a

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Paul Ryan

He was one of the "stars" of the Obamacare Summit. Near the end he showed how the figures the Dems are using are false. They are double counting. He has prepared a budget plan which the GOP leadership should embrace but has not which would actually balance the budget. He is a Roman Catholic but apparently he has his summer interns read Atlas Shrugged. He spoke at TAS 100 Ayn Rand birthday celebration.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb


I finally finished this movie last night. I wish I had seen on a bigger movie screen. It is a great movie with a wonderful fun pilot. It celebrates married life and a love that laughs for years. It good enough that I forgive Ed Asner for being the awful leftist he is.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Senator Bunning

He's leaving the Senate this year but some cheers for him. His holding up the unemployment compensation extension was a great step. Some have told me he is a loose cannon. One wishes he had more support from his other GOPers.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

District Nine

This is a very good alien invasion movie that breaks new ground. Is has a South African cast so I know no one in it. The great difference is aliens just come to stay. They don't want to take over or make our lives better.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Patrick Kennedy's retirement

When the next Congress convenes there will be no member of the Kennedy family holding office since 1947. I can remember that early in John Kennedy's term there were predictions that a Kennedy would be President for the next twenty-four years. Like other dynasties the Kennedy's have not had staying power.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

The Hurt Locker

I am watching some of the Oscar nominees that are avaiable on Pay For View. The Hurt Locker is about a bomb disposal unit in Iraq. It is a grim but very well done movie. The actor who plays the lead is very good.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Katherine Grayson

Katherine Grayson was one of the brighter stars in the American movie musicials of the 40ths and 50ths. Her recent death is another loss but give thanks we have her in film and TCM.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Dexter's is over for this season

This was a very harrowing season and next year does not look like it will be any fun. John Lithgow was a great villain probably the best one the show has had. The other continuing character had complications this season that will make the wait for the next season bad. Michael C Hall is getting chemo which may mean there will not be a next season.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Julia and Julia

This is very fun movie about Julia Child before she became famous with her French cooking. She was an American diplomat's wife. The diplomat was assigned to Paris. Julia began taking cooking classes. She eventually became a very good cook and decided to show American women who did have servants how to do French cooking. The other Julia is a young women who decided to go through Julia Child's cook book doing every recipe in one year. The parts about Julia Child are interesting and since Jul

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Robert Bork

In 1987 there was a big fight over the confirmation of Robert Bork. At the time I was for Bork's confirmation. Now I would say I am not so sure. My main reason has been some of the Judge's statements. I think Senator Kennedy statement "Robert Bork's America" was wrong but he may have produced the right result.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Another Look at Teddy Kennedy

I am reading "The Last Lion" which is a new biography written by writers from the Boston Globe. One of the items that is talked about is Ted having to be surrogate father to his nieces and nephews. One however is reminded that he was not successful at this task. Two have died at fairly young ages. Many have had problems with alcohol and drugs. Only one is currently in public office two others had to drop out because of problems involving teen age girls who were baby-sitters.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Josh Charles

There are some actors who do good performances but can never become a star. Josh Charles is one of them. He first appeared in Dead Poets Society. He was one of the co-stars of a fine show called Sports Night. He has appeared in other TV shows and movies. He can't seem to get the part that makes him a household name. He has a big supporting role on the new show The Good Wife. I hope this is his breakthrough.

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb

Test of Blog Contents

Dear Administrator, A couple of years ago I did some simple diagrams of material from books by Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden and Tara Smith. Would you please tell me if these constitute rule breaking of your effort to protect copywrited material? I used these diagrams to teach an intro class to philosophy. If you tell me that they are not allowed, I will promptly remove them. Thanks. Intro to Philosophy Class



George Hogg

George Hogg went to China during the early part of war between that country and Japan. He witnessed the rape of Na-king. Later he became involved with an orphanage. He helped make orphanage a growing concern. The war forced and evacuation. The boys had to taken by foot over dangerous mountains during winter a distance more than 500 miles. The orphanage was then located in the Gobi Desert safe from the war. Shortly after Hogg died of tetanus from an infected foot. Like some Westerners in

Chris Grieb

Chris Grieb