Michael Stuart Kelly

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About Michael Stuart Kelly

  • Birthday 06/09/1952

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    Michael Stuart Kelly
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    Initial Understanding of Islam on Fundamental Intellectual Issues Thoughts on the 12 Steps and Self-Forgiveness Why the Tolerance and Support? Atlantis in the Wilderness A Hunting Story Moral Perfection Like a Lamb to the Slaughter Letter to Madalena ... An Homage to the Value of Valuing Going Home... A Few Thoughts on Family Values Where Principles and Rights Break Down The Stigma of Addiction Book Review on an Addiction Fraud - A Million Little Pieces Charmed on a Raw Night The Nature of Private Written Correspondence – The Sciabarra Smear Online Objectivist Mediocrity The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 2 - Moral Ambivalence The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 3 - Brotherhood of Hate The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 4 - Rand's True Value The Virtue of Silliness (w/Kat)

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  1. Tony, No matter what side one is on, this is a fact. Those who don't see it are not looking at reality for their evaluations. Michael
  2. James, I am so sorry for getting here so late. I have just been turned onto Roger Penrose in a discussion on X of curing Alzheimer's and dementia with untrasounds of a certain wave frequency. I got onto this by following a rabbit hole. According to the guy below, untrasounds within a certain frequency range stimulate the repair and regrowth of microtubules in brain cells. And this causes permanent reversal of Alzheimer's in the short term. For my context, the user comments attached did not exist when I first started following this. According to Sterling, some research was done previously at a university (I do not know which) and it was hounded out of the scientific community with censorship, intimidation and all the normal things we see in the science community world when big bucks and the the Medical Industrial Complex get involved. I followed a huge amount of noise Sterling made on X because the people hating on him looked so much like the people I have encountered who trashed those who asked about vaccines and autism, or the validity of manmade climate change, or the jab, and all the other scientism bullshit hoaxes crony corporatist authoritarians have laid on us to get money and power. Sterling's theory is that microtubules are some kind of interface between normal material reality and quantum reality. (It's not his theory, it's the one he adheres to.) I had to admit, though, Sterling was not adept at dealing with the mob. He got defensive, hostile and vague. Sill, I felt something was there. He was attracting too many heavy hitters. And then he posted the following: I thought why not? I looked up Stuart Hameroff, who is Roger Penrose's partner in a project, and Orch OR, and off I went down a rabbit hole made by giant fucking rabbits. Both Hameroff and Penrose are fantastic. They do not do interviews spouting jargon-laden mumble mumble mumble, although when called on to elaborate on a point, they do heavy jargon as naturally as talking about eggs and bacon. And they explain it in plain English as they go along. I am hooked and drinking from the firehose right now. There is a lot of material out there. I know you posted about Penrose's black hole theories, but I find this microtubule stuff (essentially his consciousness stuff) way way waaaaaaaaaaay more fascinating. Not to mention interconnecting the normal physical world with the quantum world. Part of the reason is personal. I have been arguing for years that consciousness is made of the same stuff as the rest of the universe, that it did not emerge out of a nothing called "complex system" or "synergy." And I have argued that there are parts of reality that we do not have sense organs for and humans might be evolving those sense organs right now. I have been arguing these things all this time in blissful newbieness. Now I am finding these scientists saying the same thing but in scientific language. I feel vindicated after being shat on and dismissed for so long for my speculations. btw - Sterling might look a bit like a fanatic in the aggressive way he responds at times, but it looks like he got a real research project funded where he will be treating human patients with bad cases of Alzheimer's with untrasounds and he will publish the findings, including all parameters and outcomes. Since the full treatment protocol is only 10 sessions, the main delay will be getting the paperwork in order. If you are interested, Sterling, so far, is posting every day on X like there is no tomorrow. Also, I am doing a deeper dive on Hameroff and watching one video after another of Roger Penrose. What a delightful old chap. Michael
  3. T, This is one of those situations where lots of people on the outside want to help, but the people on the inside do not want to solve the problem. On the surface, it looks like a fight between deadly enemies. But underneath, it's like a fight between a couple you used to see on I Love Lucy, then an outside person gets involved and tries to solve it and both members of the couple turn and start attacking him. When I first wrote that, when it poured out of me on autopilot, I reflected and thought it was off. But the more I think about it, the more I believe there is a deep truth there. In that region, two opposing sides have been wedded to each other and fighting each other forever. The current form goes all the way back to the Hebrews and the Canaanites in the time of Moses. They define themselves as mirror opposites of the other--just like Batman and the Joker in The Dark Knight. Opposites, but halves of the same whole. Now the problem has changed. The basic integration has changed. It broke. Palestine and Israel are no longer two sides of the same whole. When Hamas parachuted murderers into Israel to kill and rape Jews at a show and drag their corpses through the streets, when it captured prisoners that it killed and raped over time because Hamas people can't live with Jews up close, that was the last straw for many Jews who live in Israel. Why do you think Netanyahu--with all his many faults (and they are many and deep)--keeps getting voted in during this time? The answer is easy. People vote for him. Fed up Jews vote for him. They know he will do the nasty job that needs doing, then he will willingly take the fallout from it. Negotiating with Hamas does not work. And since one of the main tactics of Hamas is--and has been forever--to hide behind civilians as they shoot at Jews, in this new scenario where a tipping point has been reached, where there are no longer two halves of the same whole, there is only one way to end it. In this new scenario, there will be one winner and one loser. These peoples--these former two halves--are now deadly enemies and cannot live side by side in peace. That is reality. Persuasion used to be reality for this problem, but not anymore. It broke. There is no amount of propaganda by anyone that will change this. And if that means, for the fed up Jews, blasting through the civilians who are hiding the Hamas hostiles in order to weed out the Hamas fighters and kill them, then so be it. When you push someone too far, this is what happens. In Brazil, there is an appropriate saying from country people: I would pay an entire steer to avoid getting into to a fight, but once in a fight, I would pay my entire herd to stay and finish it. This is no longer a political thing. This is a human nature thing. This is the stuff of war by hatred. And it is as old as mankind. For me, this ain't my fight. I just want the killing to stop. But I know where the hatred comes from. On the Palestinian side, Palestinian children are taught to hate Jews from very young and they are taught to deceive anyone on the outside to advance that hatred. For peace to occur in a peaceful manner, that indoctrination has to stop. Children who hate Jews grow up into adults who hate Jews. Children who learn deception is good grow up into adults who deceive by second nature. On the Jewish side, they reached a point where the last straw, the parachute attack, broke the camel's back. All their good will vanished. Only hatred remains. They don't give a fuck anymore about the moral high ground. They've had it. That is the present scenario. There are no longer two opposing sides of the same whole. It's now two sides who are going to fight to the death. Everything except blind hatred can be negotiated. Hatred can't be fooled into a peaceful bad bargain. Hatred can't be deceived into not being hatred anymore. Since negotiations have not worked for decades and do not work now, it's obvious there is a lot of hatred on the table, hatred that never went away. Instead, that hatred grew and now it is boiling hot. Hatred is the context now for interacting. Not reason. One last comment. I don't believe a word the mainstream press says about any of this. Nothing. Not even "the" and "and." The mainstream press lies and I am not stupid enough to believe that, in the case of these hostilities, the press has miraculously started telling the truth. So "whataboutism" doesn't even get to my mind to consider. The press lies about it all. Then lies some more. Then lies about the lies. For instance, the word "genocide" now gets thrown about in the press against Israel, but as far as I can tell, there are plenty of Palestinians alive. And, like all hostilities, there will be a time when all of this is over and lots of Palestinians will be alive at the time. I don't see any effort by Israel to kill off Palestinian bloodlines as a final solution like what was done to Jews by Nazis. Genocide is a lie right from the start. So I can't use the words in the press to correspond to anything in reality. I have to use my own brain to identify and evaluate this mess--and I have to do it from a distance at that. At least I have been observing from a distance for a long time, enough to see that a lot of the bullshit thrown around these days is bullshit. In this war, we will only find out for real what is going on after it is over and the rebuilding starts. And even then, it will take a long time for the true facts to emerge. So I am rooting for Israel to finish their war plans as quickly as possible and may the rebuilding start. I don't like what is going on, not on any side. But I am beyond persuasion right now. Reality cannot be negotiated by words. Reality just is. And there is a new scenario of deadly enemies killing each other. That is reality. From what I see with my own eyes, all the rest is not reality and not even rooted in reality. It's rooted in hatred. And there's this. Don't get me started on that goddam endless war for profit machine. They make their money off this hatred and killing. At least hatred in its current form, with it's binary outcome where only one side will prevail, will now kill the crony golden goose in Israel that has been laying golden eggs for the Military Industrial Complex. Michael
  4. Ideas create solutionsView the full article
  5. Yesterday, MTG presented a motion to vacate the Speakership of the House and her motion was voted down. Even President Trump made a public statement before the vote that this was not the time. For people who think this was a loss for MTG, think again. She exposed Mike Johnson and the entire Republican party as squishes caving to Democrats because of all the moolah, seeing how the Dems voted as a block to save Mike Johnson's ass. Now all these members of Congress are going to have to go home and deal with their hopping mad constituencies. Even the Dems are going to get an earful for voting to save a Republican. I honestly think Trump liked what she did, but cannot say it without alienating many who support him during this time while he is on a roll and mid-campaign. He even started his statement saying how much he loved MTG and how she has a long career with him. If you want to see a good discussion of this, check this video out: MTG Blasts Speaker Johnson and Weak House Republicans RUMBLE.COM Aired On: 5/9/2024 Now here's the deal. The Dems will only vote en masse for a Republican if they can get a pound of flesh in return. Here is part of that pound: Johnson Vows to Protect Jack Smith Hours After Democrats Save Speakership WWW.BREITBART.COM Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) wasted little time after 163 Democrats voted to save his speakership to announce he would not use Congress's constitutional power of the purse to stop special counsel Jack Smith's "lawfare" against Donald Trump. A deeper meaning of all this is that Mike Johnson will have a hard time keeping his Speakership after November. It will now be easier to get a MAGA speaker in as Trump gets sworn in for a second term. What MTG did worked. It weakened Mike Johnson and the RINOs for that upcoming fight. And she knew it going in, even as she swung for the rafters with everything she's got and knew the motion would fail. Some battles are for winning, and other battles are for weakening the opponent, meaning both external and internal opponents. In chess, this is sacrificing a rook to capture a queen. Or better, since MTG is a queen, sacrificing the queen to get checkmate. Michael
  6. I am so glad I was not drinking anything when I read the text to this image. I like funny, but this one almost destroyed me. LOLOLOLOLOLOL... Michael
  7. I wish Robert and Cynthia well. And I hope she gets better. From the heart. Michael
  8. WEF says if you drink coffee, you're the problemView the full article
  9. Biden once said "Milton Friedman isn't running the show anymore"... And it shows!View the full article
  10. Episode 103. Tara Reade, sexual victim of Joe Biden and target of the Deep State, now living in Russia. Michael
  11. Will ESG Destroy Capitalism? with Paul TiceView the full article
  12. Rohin, Interesting. btw - I removed your duplicate post in The Culture of Reason section since that section is more for selling products and that thread deals with a specific store owned by another member. But activism is good. Michael
  13. The Predator Class bad guys just lost Jack Dorsey for good. Things are moving in the right direction. Now I might even check out what Dorsey is doing with Bitcoin and blockchain... Michael
  14. Sorry, but "revolutions" don't come with room serviceView the full article