Michael Stuart Kelly

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About Michael Stuart Kelly

  • Birthday 06/09/1952

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    Michael Stuart Kelly
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  • Articles
    Initial Understanding of Islam on Fundamental Intellectual Issues Thoughts on the 12 Steps and Self-Forgiveness Why the Tolerance and Support? Atlantis in the Wilderness A Hunting Story Moral Perfection Like a Lamb to the Slaughter Letter to Madalena ... An Homage to the Value of Valuing Going Home... A Few Thoughts on Family Values Where Principles and Rights Break Down The Stigma of Addiction Book Review on an Addiction Fraud - A Million Little Pieces Charmed on a Raw Night The Nature of Private Written Correspondence – The Sciabarra Smear Online Objectivist Mediocrity The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 2 - Moral Ambivalence The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 3 - Brotherhood of Hate The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 4 - Rand's True Value The Virtue of Silliness (w/Kat)

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  1. Here is an evil social media bait that can get your account restricted (not on X, though). It's called a tranny. Michael
  2. Real Socialism?View the full article
  3. Also, did anyone note the diversity agenda with this AI lady? The question is, is she representative of Ukraine? Inquiring minds want to know. What is the black population of Ukraine? Hmmmmm?... I bet the Nazis over there are lovin' it. Michael
  4. It is always good to see an elected official value the freedom of their citizens. #School #AynRandView the full article
  5. Trump is no friend of Bibi Netanyahu ever since he pulled Israel out at the last minute of killing Iranian general Qassam Soleimani. That was supposed to have been a joint operation. Then Netanyahu was quick to congratulate Biden of his win even while accusations of fraud were flying all over the place. Even with all that, though, the following statement by Trump is probably the most important aspect of the Hamas-Israel hostilities that has happened recently. Trump said a two-state solution is tough due to the Palestinians indoctrinating their children to hate Jews. Trump Casts Doubt on Palestinian State, Given 'Hatred' Against Jews WWW.BREITBART.COM Trump cast doubt on the possibility of a Palestinian state, given the hatred that Palestinians have displayed against Israel and Jews. There you have it. One state or two states? Predicting what is going to happen is not hard in this case. Once Trump is back in power, he will move all the backstage people and interests around, then there will be no Palestinian state or even a promise of one. And the Palestinians may bitch, but they will be isolated and without money. And they will be living under Israeli rule. Then, finally all that killing can stop. Michael
  6. This is the way it is supposed to happen. Even Nick Fuentes (no friend of Jews) will be reinstated on X in the name of free speech. Right after the antisemitism bill was passed in Congress. Elon is learning... If you want permanent results, you fight bad speech with good speech, not with guns. Michael
  7. On another front of the Deep State, someone at Boeing is not amused. Two Boeing whistleblowers have been suicided within two months. You would think Hillary Clinton was on Boeing's board. Second Whistleblower Linked to Boeing Dies of "Sudden Illness" | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Another whistleblower connected to Boeing has tragically passed away. I wonder what message Boeing is trying to send... Hmmmm?... Regardless, I expect much of this crap to stop once Trump is back in office. Michael
  8. Here is what is going to beat Putin with American dollars and save the world for democracy. Ukraine Unveils New AI-Generated Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM On Wednesday, Ukraine unveiled its new AI-generated Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, who will now make official statements on behalf of Ukraine’s foreign ministry. Ukraine is using an AI-generated female as its official spokesperson. I bet it costs a pretty penny, too. Hmmmm... There is a word that is coming to mind... Booo... Booooooonnn... Boondoggle! Well, when the evil Russian forces take over Ukraine, this AI lady will tell them to stop the crap and go home. Done. War over. Wanna see how? Wanna see what the Russians will do? Easy. They will be so impressed and in awe of the AI lady, they will lay down their arms and slink back to the hellhole from whence they came, with their heads lowered in shame. All for a measly tens of billions of dollars. That's how you win this war. Michael
  9. As I go along my fiction writing journey, I keep looking for morsels of universal truths that reflect a Randian vision that I can use for themes. I'm focusing on seeing what others don't see about the long-term benefits of economic and technological progress and the elimination of initiated force. I came across this: Nope. Didn't find it yet. Michael
  10. Just so you understand where the current initiations of investigations and court proceedings will lead, do not get fooled into thinking they are futile. They are being done on purpose. Obviously, so long as the impostor occupies the White House, nothing will be done about them except what is procedural. But once Trump gets sworn in, he will no longer have to start those proceedings from scratch. They will already be underway. Reality is one reality. The law is a reality unto itself (in terms of its effect on people). It's a mistake to believe they are the same. A murderer can get off Scott free because of a legal technicality and an innocent person can be punished for the same reason. The reality is one and the legality is the opposite. A good leader has one foot in each reality and tries to make sure both align with reality reality. The authoritarians use the law (within the law reality) to get around reality reality so they can protect their power and crimes. The current legal activity being carried out by MAGA people is happening to get the formalities of the law reality out of the way so Trump's new team can hit the ground running in January 2025. He fully intends to dismantle the administrative (regulatory) state. And he fully intends to indict a hell of a lot of people who participated in the criminal conspiracy to impose and cover up crimes against America, especially those that infringe the Constitution, and those that aimed at illegally neutralizing a sitting President and usurping his power. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Trump team prosecute a coup attempt. It's coming. What you see right now is the start, the warm-up so to speak. It's a good sign and shows they know what they are doing much more this go around. Michael
  11. Regulations don't create a better economy! #Reason #FreeMarketView the full article
  12. By the people, for the people! #Reason #AynRandView the full article
  13. Wow. This one is stinging the Deep State right on the you-know-what. This one is going to hurt a lot more than that, too. The CIA dude openly said the CIA higher-ups like Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo purposely withheld information from President Trump when he was in office because Trump is a "fucking moron." And it goes from there. Man, are there going to be lawsuits. In fact, Mike Davis is saying to the four winds that when he gets appointed by Trump, he already has cases of criminal conspiracy lined up against a lot of the people who are in power right now, including lawyers outside of power like Marc Elias, and he is going to prosecute them all relentlessly. For criminal conspiracy. He just got some more info to work with. I never want James O'Keefe in government. I want him outside doing these exposures, even when they are on our side. Clean out the swamp stables for once and for all. Michael