Michael Stuart Kelly

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About Michael Stuart Kelly

  • Birthday 06/09/1952

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    Michael Stuart Kelly
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  • Articles
    Initial Understanding of Islam on Fundamental Intellectual Issues Thoughts on the 12 Steps and Self-Forgiveness Why the Tolerance and Support? Atlantis in the Wilderness A Hunting Story Moral Perfection Like a Lamb to the Slaughter Letter to Madalena ... An Homage to the Value of Valuing Going Home... A Few Thoughts on Family Values Where Principles and Rights Break Down The Stigma of Addiction Book Review on an Addiction Fraud - A Million Little Pieces Charmed on a Raw Night The Nature of Private Written Correspondence – The Sciabarra Smear Online Objectivist Mediocrity The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 2 - Moral Ambivalence The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 3 - Brotherhood of Hate The Ayn Rand Love/Hate Myth - Part 4 - Rand's True Value The Virtue of Silliness (w/Kat)

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  1. Finally, Trump is saying what people want him to say about vaccines and so on. It's not 100%, but it is pretty damn close. He's not talking about the past below, but instead about the future. He's talking about the COVID reboot, a bird flu fake out by the Predator Class so they can steal the election and get gobs of power and money. He is saying we will not comply and, as President, he will fight them. It took long enough, but it's coming around right. Michael
  2. The individual knows best!View the full article
  3. Ayn Rand Fan Club 69: Yaron smears Scott!View the full article
  4. T, I just discovered the motherlode for where to get a correct overview on everyone relevant to these issues in terms even a layman can understand. Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimunga I'm afraid to start watching. From what I can tell on a skim, you get the Good, the Bad and the Ugly at that channel, and some Beauty... Hell, I'm going to need to figure out how to scooch over to the quantum field of reality where time gets weird just to have time enough to see all this stuff. Michael
  5. I wish I had more time to delve into this, but I do manage to get glimpses of what other people I respect say. For example, Chris Langan has a lot of interesting observations. That one that jumped out at me was his opinion of Penrose. From an O-Land perspective, wanna know something interesting? Chris says Penrose is absolutely brilliant. And do you know what his flaw is for Chris. That Penrose has an ideal theory of forms like Plato did. btw - I absolutely agree with Chris on getting to a theory of everything. You have to start with everything, then go from there. You don't start with parts and try to derive the whole from them. This is the main beef I have with the people who claim consciousness emerged in some complex synergistic way. I have even had a lot of cognitive dissonance in a similar way with Rand's primacy theories--Primacy of Existence versus Primacy of Consciousness. That has always bothered me, sort of like arguing about the Primacy of Bread versus the Primacy of Bagels. You can't have the latter without the former. But I think it goes deeper. I think consciousness is a fundamental part of reality, that it's all the same thing but in differing degrees and forms, that there is no such thing as reality without consciousness. I look at it more like asking which is the more fundamental human part, the heart or the liver? Without either, you die. Now back to looking with interest at my naval... Michael
  6. The video below is very funny. And it shows how fear isn't enough. Not for audiences who use the common sense factor when they try to analyze technical matters presented by people who spew jargon, namedrop galore, and try to persuade by intimation. In other words, all they've got is a covert shove for you to be afraid, sit down, shut up and obey them. If scientists and all these bullshitters in the name of science cannot overcome this common sense factor, which means put their message in a form where people can understand it and agree with it at a common sense level, then they do not deserve to be listened to. They can't persuade anyone outside of their bubble of anything. As the saying goes, these people are so inept at persuasion, they could not get a stinking drunk Marine into a whorehouse. btw - The comedian is James Gregory, who recently passed away. I think he was from Georgia. I had never heard of him before, so I looked him up. Good Lord, is this man funny. Here's a typical clip from his website from when he was young. LOL... Michael
  7. Episode 105. Kyle Kemper (Justin Trudeau's half brother). Michael
  8. Here is what happens when a major corrupt person realizes that time has run out. He doesn't want to believe it, so he will not give words to it. It's a conscious decision. And if his brain is turning into mush, it's even worse. It's an unconscious decision. That's one Deep Stater who is a goner soon. Man, did this one last past his expiration date... Michael
  9. Animals and Music I don't know if this thread is going to grow, and I didn't know where to put the following video. So here we are. But I find the connection between animals and human forms of making music fascinating when they show more than noise or chatter. When I watched the video below, I was reminded of Ayn Rand's phrase, "Command to rise." Except in this case, it is not human, but instead a kind of evolutionary thing with animals. Very interesting. You can hear the selectivity at work. Michael
  10. Trump has a way of saying something that cuts through the propaganda and the bullshit. Donald Trump: 'I Support Israel's Right to Win Its War on Terror' WWW.BREITBART.COM Former President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden, adding that he supported "Israel's right to win its war on terror." Michael
  11. Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic just got reinstated on X. At the time of this post, they haven't tweeted yet, but they are up. And guess what? I believe this was Steve holding off until now, not Elon. Since Steve's legal J6 problems just got worse, he's opening up X's audience big time. And, believe me, shit will fly. This is a major body blow to the consolidated Election Censorship Machine that runs in the mainstream news and on other big tech social media sites. I wonder what else Steve & Co. have up their sleeves. In terms of offense and strategy, this is no long the same MAGA as was for the 2020 election. They are bringing it. Michael
  12. In the midst of metaphors, I sense reality in this observation. I don't play the Team Israel versus Team Palestine game. I play on Team Reality. Michael
  13. People take pictures of the building razed in Gaza. But nobody is taking pictures of the damage the IDF did to the massive number of tunnels the Palestinians built under Gaza and Israel. Especially the entry and exit points. I wonder why, I wonder... (Why does the phrase "controlling the narrative" keep coming unbidden? ) Like it or not, that tunnel network is part of reality. And it needs the same construction elements as buildings do, except maybe windows. I heard a while back the IDF was pumping them full of sea water. Is that true? Michael