57 Promises Made by Republicans During This Last Campaign


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Nice website - quite informative

What the Republicans promised in the campaign

By Bill Adair

Published on Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 at 10:25 a.m.

politifact%2Fphotos%2FBoehner_sign.jpg The signs they are a changing.

As Republicans take control of the U.S. House, we thought it would be helpful to provide an overview of their campaign promises, which we'll be tracking on our GOP Pledge-O-Meter.

We've identified 57 individual promises from the speeches of Reps. John Boehner and Eric Cantor and the Pledge to America, the campaign platform for Republican candidates.

Of the 57 Republican promises, more than one-third address economic issues, from taxes and spending to trade and regulation.

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Nice website - quite informative

What the Republicans promised in the campaign

By Bill Adair

Published on Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 at 10:25 a.m.

politifact%2Fphotos%2FBoehner_sign.jpg The signs they are a changing.

As Republicans take control of the U.S. House, we thought it would be helpful to provide an overview of their campaign promises, which we'll be tracking on our GOP Pledge-O-Meter.

We've identified 57 individual promises from the speeches of Reps. John Boehner and Eric Cantor and the Pledge to America, the campaign platform for Republican candidates.

Of the 57 Republican promises, more than one-third address economic issues, from taxes and spending to trade and regulation.

As beneficial as some of these economic "reforms" may be, they still assert the primacy of government in the private business affairs of the nation. The Republicans are as Statist as are the pinko, stinko, commie loving Liberals.

The true goal of separating State and Business is far from being achieved.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I know. I am not a Republican.

I am an original Libertarian, but the current "party" still just does not have a clue.

Think globally, but act locally just never seemed to take root in the Libertarian party.

However, the Virginia Party which I was involved in while I was residing there seems to have gotten the "act locally message."

Depending on the tea "party," which is not a party, develops in local town, council and board elections will be the path to real change.

I am just afraid we do not have enough time.

The centralization of power and the willingness of both major parties to use that power is the biggest internal threat we have.

Along with that threat, is the external threats that have always existed. For example, there are events across the continent of Africa that have immense global consequences.

The Sudan is in the process of splitting into two (2) parts. Oil is in the South, close to 500,000 barrels a day, but the only exit point to market is through Khartoum in the North half. Now there is a recipe for an explosive civil war.

Even a cursory review of history shows Muslim Mahdi's riding out of the dessert in and around Khartoum.

China is expanding its military at an extremely rapid pace. They allegedly have a stealth airplane that surprised us in terms of its development. They are building a carrier force. Moreover, they are developing a carrier killing satellite rocket delivery system which is a serious threat. Apparently, it is launched into space and then descends at seven (7) or eight (8) times the speed of sound to the target. Very difficult to defend.

Difficult world with scenarios for the two parties to continue to centralize power to "protect us" and keep us "safe."

What a joke.


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