S 510 will be voted on in the U.S. Senate today.


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I suggest that you look it up at www.downsizedc.org and write to your senators using their convenient system.

Perhaps you will get in the habit of writing to your Congressman and Senators.

If you are like me you may never have written to them.

Admittedly the letters are read by the staff but they do inform their Senators of the sentiment and number of letters and emails on issues.

S.510 is weighed in favor of Big Ag companies as it would be onerous for small farmers to comply with the regulations.

I suppose Senators receive campaign contributions from large companies and are inclined to vote in their favor.

www.downsizedc.org provides info on the bill in question and a brief letter as well to which you can add your comments and preview it before it is sent.

You can review all the DownsizeDC campaigns on their site, such as one urging them to read the bills before they vote on them, to have a bill deal with just one issue at a time, to show just where in the Constitution they find the authorization for the power they are seeking, etc.

i am glad I signed up with them and do send a letter every so often.

I met my Congressman recently at a debate. It may not be fair to quote him as it was not a formal interview. I will not mention his name. I told him my understanding is that Ron Paul reads the bills and votes NO if he does not find the power being sought to be among the enumerated powers in Article 1 Section 8.

He responded by saying "If we did that we wouldn't have Social Security or Medicare!"

He said that emphatically as if he is justified in ignoring the Constitution and his oath to uphold it because these programs are so valuable and important.

He did get re elected for the eighth time.

Violating the oath doesn't seem to be troubling to these people. I should think it would be their undoing but it doesn't matter to the voters either.

i am eager to see if the Tea Party folks and the upcoming younger generation will take the proper stance on this kind of issue. Otherwise the country is doomed to bankruptcy and chaos.

And I have a grandson on the way at last so it does matter to me.


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