Seven Deadly Sins against Reason


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Here it goes my own version of the

Seven Deadly Sins (against Reason):

1- Lust

The real truth about sex is that it is not an end in itself, it should be a consequence of your triumph in life and not the supposed source of it.

Highly overrated in our modern culture by both its fans and detractors, it has not the power by itself to make you more successful or happier beyond the ephemeral range of the moment after which you will feel even more miserable than before if you are lying to yourself about your own worth.

So the real sin is to revert the relationship between cause and consequence. Sex is GREAT but is not the cause of success.

2- Gluttony

It could be a sin eating too much, but it is not a sin against those less fortunate or against the limited resources of Mother Nature, it is eventually a sin against yourself, your health, your body that is the hardware were your more precious software has to run: Your Mind.

Indulging yourself with some pleasure is GOOD as long as you earned it, as long as you remain in control of yourself.

The real sin is to make your decisions about your own pleasure (or your life in general) based in the opinions of others or the alleged false assumption about limited resources on Earth or the guild induced by some ancient priests in order to keep you unhappy, fearful and consequently under their control.

3- Greed

It is definitely not a sin at all. It is a VIRTUE only publicized as a vice by those ignorant or haters of what life is, or worse by those with the most evil intention: to take your wealth away, to rob you from the reward earned by your effort, this noble resource that is a expression of your values and achievements and also a tool for getting your dreams done: Your money.

The real sin is not having greed, or having greed for the unearned.

It is the worst sin of all not having the greed to be better, to be more, to earn a place on Earth by your effort and intelligence, the greed to be richer in soul and body, in spirit and in practice in wisdom and gold, the greed to fight against laziness and the grey background of the emptiness before and after that marvelous spark burning against the cold nothing of eternity: Your Life.

4- Sloth

It is definitely a sin, but not against God, it is a sin against yourself and against life. Your success in life or even more your simple daily survival can be only achieved by effort and work and intelligence. If you are not doing it, other people are doing it for you and worse: if you are not paying them, they become your slaves, whether they know it or not, whether they do it because they have not choice or impulsed by the vice of altruism.

5- Wrath

Here things get more complicated. Where come your wrath from? It is rational or irrational? Against what? Just or unjust? What "Justice" means for you anyway? Your wrath is a consequence of your values, so it is hard to say if the wrath is good or bad in itself. You have to look for the causes, you have to check your premises, you have to revise your values and for this you have to know them, explicitly. You have to know yourself.

Wrath can even be a virtue when generated by the right values because it moves you, it can be also a powerful tool to defend yourself and the ones you love against aggression and injustice.

So the real sin is not wrath but only wrath generated by the wrong values. The real sin are wrong (irrational) values.

6- Envy

Envy is good or bad according to your later intentions. There are three different kinds of envy according to these intentions:

a- The good envy which impulses you to make the effort to win or build the material and/or spiritual resources that will allow you to achieve your desired neighbor's status or at least to get as close to it as possible according to your own real possibilities.

b- The bad envy which impulse you to try to unjustly deprive your neighbor from his own achievements ir order to get them, to steal his wealth, to rob his achievements, to enslave his soul or his mind when and if you can.

c- The worst envy which impulse you to try to destroy your neighbor's achievements or life, just because they remind you about your own worthlessness or your hate of your own miserable existence.

7- Pride

Considered by Christianity the origin of all Deadly Sins, it is in reality the best of all virtues and the origin of the single most important feeling toward happiness: Self-steem. Of course they don't want you to be proud, of course they don't want you to be happy. A proud and happy person can not be as easily controlled as a poor bastard that thinks about himself as worthless and unfit to existence, as unable to think by himself and to use his intelligence to survive and advance in life.

The real sin is not to be proud if you have something to be proud of.

The ultimate sin then is to have nothing to be proud of and do nothing about it...

Edited by Tonix777
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