Jeb Bush 2012

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A few months back I left the Libertarian Party and became a Republican. For the purpose of discussion and disclosure the reasons for my switch I will make known in another post.

Meantime, since I am and some have mentioned a few candidates for President in 2012 I would like to mention the man I think will be the G.O.P.'s best shot at ousting BHO from the Oval Office.

That man is Jeb Bush. I realize many of you may not have the stomach to embrace another Bush being President and still may have a bad taste in your mouths from George W. but a review of Jeb's record as Governor of Florida is absolutely impressive.

Aside from the tax and spending cuts he pushed for and got as Governor he also speaks Spanish fluently and works very hard at the jobs he undertakes in the private and public sector.

Jeb is the 2nd Governor in Florida history to be re-elected and had consistently high popularity ratings while in office and when he left.

I realize his name could be a contributing factor in his overall success but as near as I can tell it looks like Jeb is mostly a self-made man.

If the Republicans give Romney the nod it will be a disaster as he raised taxes and enacted socialized medicine while Chief Exec of Massachusetts that the Dems modeled their legislation after which (as many of you know) is now law nationwide.

I appreciate Gary Johnson and Ron Paul but, realistically, but I don't think Paul or Johnson could get the nomination nor do I think either of them would be strong enough to oust Obama if they did.

Edited by Mike Renzulli
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George Bush's record as Gov. of Texas wasn't bad either: You can never infer what a President will be like from extrapolating what he did as a state governor because a governor has two constraints that aren't available on the state level, namely the power to create money (and thus create huge deficits) and the ability to make war. That's just what Bush did as President and I would like to see some statements that he understands the Libertarian/Objectivist position before I would even think of another Bush in the White House.

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