Playing with Names

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I just remembered this issue in Psychology that a name given to a person has a lot of impact to his character, future behavior and how society treats him in general. I want to play with names. Give its meaning and critique it.

One name came to mind: Immanuel Kant.

1. Immanuel - came from two Hebrew words (El meaning 'God') and (ʻImmānū, meaning 'with us'). This could very well have caused Kant's subscription to mysticism (IMO "swill" philosophy) based on the 'God' in his name and his socialist ideals on the 'with us'

2. Kant - came from Middle Low German kant(e) ‘edge’, ‘corner’. For me, this 'edge' is to divide, split create a dichotomy in man similar to Schizophrenia meaning Split Mind. This could also say "edge of...(insanity?)". If one uses the word 'corner', this could denote that his ideas came from dank recesses of his mind where he created a bog of contradicting ideas. In plain English, this sounds like 'Can't' meaning absence of ability or potential.

Combined: 'God' (mysticism), 'with us' (socialism/collectivism) will only lead to an 'edge' that will 'split you' or bring you to the 'brink of insanity' or death OR a dark and dank 'corner' where light (of reason) 'can't' reach OR where abilities have no meaning.

I'd like to do a similar approach to other names especially great men (minus the mockery) ^_^

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A young Indian brave goes to the Shaman of the tribe he he asks the Shaman: "Tell me, old wise one, how is it you go about choosing names for the children of the tribe"

The Shaman answers: "Sometimes I use an event that happens at the time the child is born. For example: Dark Cloud if the child is born on a stormy day. Or Ground Shaking if there is an earthquake that day. Or Running Deer if I see a deer running through the woods, the day the child is born"

The young man says " That is very interesting and wise"

The Shaman asks the young brave: "Tell me, Two Dogs Fucking, why all the sudden interest in names?"

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Ba'al; Very funny!

David Lee:I think one can sometimes read too much into a name. Sometimes a name is just what you parents gave you.

LOL! Thanks form reminding me. I know. I find this funny (pun-ny) though because the irony his name produced. Hey, wait up, how about if you changed your name?

Edited by David Lee
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