State of the Union in one sentence

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Here is an ARC blog entry by Alex Epstein. I have some differences with this writer (some quite serious), but the following blog post is one of the best, most concise, political analysis statements I have seen come from anyone over at ARI.

It's so good I wish I had written it.


State of the Union in one sentence

January 28, 2010 by Alex Epstein

Text of the blog entry:

We need to rise above fear, hesitation, and partisan politics–to give the government all the power it needs to solve all our problems.

That was the message of President Obama's State of the Union address, which named dozens of problems in America and not once suggested that individual rights, liberty, or freedom were the solution.

From a quick reading of the speech, some statistics:

  • Number of times President Obama said "I": 105–mainly pushing for the government programs he seeks to pass.
  • Number of times President Obama said "individual rights": 0.
  • Number of times President Obama said "liberty": 0.
  • Number of times President Obama said "freedom": 1–but it was freedom for Afghanistan.

Now that is criticism by essential principles at its best.

This is one that deserves wide distribution.


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Yes, very good.

However, in this address, there was this in support of individual rights (and equal protection under laws conferring legal powers): “I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are.”

Individual rights and liberty are, of course, among the values meant in the sentence “Let's reject the false choice between protecting our people and upholding our values,” under any slightly charitable interpretation.


Then, too, there is that other recent speech, more solemn and less mentioned, in which we find the statement:

“Their life's work is our security, and the freedom that we all too often take for granted. Every evening that the sun sets on a tranquil town; every dawn that a flag is unfurled; every moment that an American enjoys life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- that is their legacy.”

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Nice post Michael. I also share considerable reserve when discussing Epstein, but in this case he nailed it. Amazing, implicit in Obama's speech is that government should take a parental role. What a good catch.

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Today, he actually told the Republicans in Baltimore, that:

"I am not an ideologue."

Well, he sure is close enough for my tastes.

He also whined, which he doing at an insufferably increasing pace that "You guys think I am a Bolshevik!" Umm no, you are not even smart enough to attain that less than lofty position.

However, another nice part about the State of the Union is that Nancy Pelosi blinked over 4,000 times in the seventy-five (75) minutes sleeping pill speech.

That averaged almost 71 per minute according to one of Mark Levin's listeners. The prior night, Mark had, dripping with sarcasm, stated that one interesting thing to watch during the state of obama speech would be how many times Nancy Pelosi blinked.

One of his listeners called in the last night to give the numbers. It was a hilarious phone call.


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He also whined, which he doing at an insufferably increasing pace that "You guys think I am a Bolshevik!"

This is from today's People's World - Yes the replacement of the Daily Worker, national paper of the Communist Party in America!

First and last paragraphs of the article. I suggest not eating before reading the entire article:

"In some ways last night's State of the Union address by President Obama was a virtuoso performance. There were stirring moments, memorable turns of phrase, humor, a defense of activist government, and proposals that will be welcomed, and surely help, millions of people in need.

Last night the president got the ball rolling, but he didn't roll it far enough or always in the right direction. So now it's our turn to get a lot more players involved, roll the ball further and roll in the direction of economic security, equality, democracy and peace."

This is the C-span video of his speech today:

Only the Republicans would have a January retreat in Baltimore!


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However, another nice part about the State of the Union is that Nancy Pelosi blinked over 4,000 times in the seventy-five (75) minutes sleeping pill speech.

She must have skipped her Botox shot for some reason.

(I love saying wretched things about Nancy Pelosi. I cannot abide that woman).

Ba'al Chatzaf

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  • Number of times President Obama said "I": 105–mainly pushing for the government programs he seeks to pass.
  • Number of times President Obama said "individual rights": 0.
  • Number of times President Obama said "liberty": 0.
  • Number of times President Obama said "freedom": 1–but it was freedom for Afghanistan.

Now that is criticism by essential principles at its best.

This is one that deserves wide distribution.


From a strict Aristotelian p.o.v. those are all accidents.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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However, another nice part about the State of the Union is that Nancy Pelosi blinked over 4,000 times in the seventy-five (75) minutes sleeping pill speech.

She must have skipped her Botox shot for some reason.

(I love saying wretched things about Nancy Pelosi. I cannot abide that woman).

Ba'al Chatzaf

I hope that a GOP ad in many Congressional districts this fall will be the Democratic candidate morphing into Nancy Pelosi.
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