Solo Passion glitch or ostracism?

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Hey, folks -- I spent a couple of hours composing a piece , and as I was in the process of trying to post it to the Forum on Solo Passion, I was bumped off. After that, I tried every navigation angle I could and either got an "access denied" page or a page with general headers with no content to click on. I then tried to do what the entry page says, post some initial content, and nothing happened; I couldn't find the posted content anywhere (even though it said it was "created").

So, either some new "improvement" is being tried with no success at the website, or I have been ostracised from Solo Passion.

Anyway, I am going to post my piece here for your interest. You're probably a more receptive audience anyway. :?


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Hi, Michael. I went back to SOLO Passion, and all of a sudden the main page was right back where it wasn't half an hour before. So, I cut and pasted my piece into the thread, and it successfully implanted. :o

For good measure, I posted it to RoR, also. Comments are always welcome, but as noted, I'm not intending to get into a debate about it.


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