Craving meltdown

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Craving meltdown

If anyone who has never been an addict wants to see what "the Jones" feels like when it hits real bad, the following is a pretty good example.

It is very funny at the start, but then stops becoming funny as it goes along.

The boy is going through his meltdown because his parents canceled his account in an online video game, World of Warcraft. He was obviously severely addicted. When you see to what lengths he goes to over a simple game, the tragedy starts coming very apparent.

In the end, I decided to put this in humor because his brother filmed it on the sly, knowing an exaggerated meltdown would come, so this kind of thing might be a simple temper tantrum that he normally does. If so, it is very funny.

Ambivalence sometimes makes life more interesting. It makes you think more, even while you laugh.

Anyway, you decide. Boring it ain't...

btw - Many of the comments on YouTube say this is fake. Maybe... If it is, it is well done.

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