Young Americans for Liberty now on over 140 campuses

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Here is a copy of an email fundraiser i received today from the sister organization of the Campaign For Liberty. The pro freedom movement ignited by Ron Paul's campaign for president is still in its embryonic stage of development but it is growing and barely beginning to flex its muscles, brains and mind. Imagine a significant portion of an entire younger generation as devoted and dedicated to the cause of Liberty as our Founding Fathers were. Now imagine wave after wave of such citizens whose numbers keep growing year by year and their wisdom percolates up through their older brothers and sisters and their parents and grandparents.

I did not delete the plea for donations in the following but just wanted to show you this so you will realize this is the beginning of a volcanic movement which might be barely perceptible in the media but surely will be felt as an emerging earth shaking phenomenon in the years and elections to come.


Dear Friend of Liberty,

I knew the campuses were alive with the message of liberty, but I never imagined our very first semester would be this successful!

In January, I set an ambitious goal of forming over 100 Young Americans for Liberty chapters by the end of the school semester. Today, I’m happy to report we have far surpassed our goal.

142 YAL chapters are currently active or forming on high school and college campuses across the country!

I’ve been waiting until the end of the semester to give you the good news, and I am overjoyed to share it with you. It was only 6 months ago Congressman Ron Paul publically endorsed Young Americans for Liberty as the youth movement to carry his torch.

Now look at us!

Each Young Americans for Liberty chapter has their own story. Some chapters are a small group of dedicated friends, and others contain an army of active members.

For example, one of YAL’s strongest groups, our Wake Forest University chapter, hosted Congressman Paul on campus and attracted an audience of 1,300!

1,300 people came out to see a Texas congressman on a North Carolina campus with a student body of only 4,400 undergrads.

Can you believe that?!

Beyond the countless stories of overwhelming campus support for our principles, many of our chapters are also making a huge impact in reforming oppressive school policy.

Consider the YAL chapter at Warsaw Community High School . . .

On the day of Obama’s inauguration, they took part in YAL’s “Real Change Requires R3volution” event, protesting the road to serfdom upon which Barack Obama is intent upon taking America.

These young liberty activists dared to hand out pocket constitutions and flyers on their campus explaining the dangers of Obama’s socialist policies.

Once the administration found out about their activities, they pulled the students out of class and confiscated their materials.

Fortunately, the students made a strong case for freedom to their school board, and the school has now changed their policies to allow for greater free speech on campus.

Thanks to your support, high school students are standing up for -- and winning back -- their 1st Amendment rights!

These two stories represent only a few of our many victories from the semester. And I could talk about our many other victories for hours. It only goes to show this truly is a national uprising.

It is my honor and my duty to keep this youth movement for liberty on the fast track. I will not rest until we have developed a generation of principled statesmen ready to fill in Congressman Paul’s shoes.

That’s why you and I cannot quit. This semester was certainly a success, but it’s only the beginning.

This summer I am growing our staff, opening our Headquarters, launching a brand new website, publishing the third issue of Young American Revolution, and putting together effective programs to keep YAL chapters active and adequately resourced in the fall.

In Young Americans for Liberty’s first semester we have shown how quickly this movement can grow, and the real change it can effect.

Please do your part to keep us growing and making a difference. A $250, $100, or $50 donation will go a long way towards the education and training of our young people.

I have 90 days to put our plans into place before the next school semester starts. This is not a time to slow down but an opportunity to build on this semester’s successes.

Please click here to make an secure investment of $250, $100, or $50 in the future of freedom.

You see, socialism is entrenched in the halls of academia. If it was not for your support of Young Americans for Liberty, there would not be a voice calling young people to the philosophy of liberty.

I am eternally grateful for your support, especially in these times of growth and mobilization. Our potential is so great and this is the time to act!

The Ron Paul for president campaign was not a flash in history; it was a catalyst that ignited a generation of youth activists ready to stand on principle!

I know that you will continue to be an active part in the fight for liberty.

Please make a generous contribution of $250, $100, or $50 by clicking here.

For liberty,

Jeff Frazee, Executive Director

Young Americans for Liberty

P.S. – With your support, Young Americans for Liberty exceeded our semester goals of forming over 100 YAL chapters. This accomplishment is certainly worthy of celebration, but it is no time to rest.

Please support the youth organization endorsed by Congressman Ron Paul to educate and train a generation of activists committed to liberty and the Constitution. A donation of $250, $100, or $50 goes directly towards the success of our young people and the future of freedom in America.">>> 27 May 5AM 154,555, 5PM 154,640


Edited by galtgulch
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