Pete Seeger

Chris Grieb

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I don't plan to celebrate this birthday either. Pete Seegar was a supporter of Stalin until 1993. He wasn't that a good singer either.

My Mom took me to see Seegar at an outdoor concert near San Francisco in the summer of 1963.

I'd have enjoyed it more if they had sold soda and hot dogs.

She also dragged me off to see the Bolshoi Ballet in Oakland or Berkeley one afternoon. There weren't many in the audience. I hated that. Fortunately no hot dogs or soda were available either or I would have barfed all over the place.

She had a cool boy friend who paid for my first flying lessons in an Aeronca Champ (65hp) out of San Jose, but that was the summer of '59. He also had let me drive his Mercury in Mexico when I was ten. I liked 65 mph but he preferred 70 so I went faster. WTH(eck)! He also let my brother drive the damn thing. My brother is 2 1/2 yrs younger. Once flying in a Mexican DC-4 the crew let him fly the plane--sort of--by fooling around with the auto-pilot: turn the knob in the direction you want to go. So he turned the knob one way then the other. They probably didn't let him go up and down. When I heard about that I felt some jealousy. I also decided not to fly on any Mexican airline.


Edited by Brant Gaede
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