is a website which enables you to write your congressmen and senators easily.


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What follows in quotes is a letter I sent via where a number of CAMPAIGNS are available. This was the one having to do with possible impeachment of Obama. I urge all of us to go to this site and see how easy they make it to send emails to your congressmen and senators. If enough of us do it they will begin to get the message.

<<<"I'm serving notice that I'll be watching the actions of the incoming president very closely. Should he break laws, violate the Constitution, or abuse his power, I'll be urging you, early and often, to start impeachment proceedings.

I heard president Obama say that the government is not responsible for the housing crisis but is the only entity which can resolve it.

It is common knowledge that the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 virtually mandated the bankers to lower their standards to enable those who did not meet their normal criteria for mortgage loans to realize the American dream of home ownership. Bankers were told that to get a triple A rating they would have to increase their loan volume to low income people.

It is inconceivable to me that president Obama does not know about this as his organization, ACORN, was instrumental in getting that legislation passed. The govt also enabled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to bundle those loans to get them off the banks backs.

In other words the government had everything to do with causing the current crisis and it is disingenuous for president Obama to suggest otherwise. It is unbecoming to have a president who is so disrespectful to those citizens who pay his salary and who know better that he will make statements which we all know to be untrue.

As a result I suspect his motives and his credibility is undercut by his false statement on this most critical issue. I view this as a serious character flaw in one who holds a position of public trust.

In addition there is something wrong when a government does something which, if done by a citizen would be a crime. I am referring to the printing of paper currency which has no backing in gold or silver as specified in the Constitution of the United States in Article 1 Section 8 and 10, that only gold and silver coin shall be legal tender.

These difficult times do not justify violations of the Constitution rather they call for adherence to the limits enshrined in the Constitution more than ever. A case could be made that we are only in this mess because the Congress and the presidents have abandoned the principles and limits within the Constitution.

We are watching and spreading this understanding among the populace. You will be held accountable when your misguided policies make matters worse. WE are not your subjects you are the servant of the Constitution and had better start abiding by it. A good start would be to read Article 1 Section 8 and 9 and 10.

Eternal vigilance was the advice of Thomas Jefferson and there are those of us who are following that advice.">>> 12Apr 12AM 142276; 13Apr 142481


Edited by galtgulch
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