The Man who would be Tszar


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Tiny Tim Geithner is asking Congress to make him Tszar of All Our Risks. It will be Tiny Tim, boy Secretary of the Treasury who will decide which risks are acceptable and which are not.

Apparently he is unaware that the capitalist system (or those portions of our system which are still capitalist) run on risk. Investment is never guaranteed to flourish. It is not a crap shoot, like a poker game or the roullete wheel, but it is calculated risk based on less then complete information. If Tiny Tim manages this, it will bring the economy to stagnation and it will morph into a dreary zero sum game which will run down to zero over the course of time.

Be prepared to share your misery and your goods with everyone else.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Maybe we can bring back the office of the Roman Censor and have someone going around correcting all our excess and ostentatious spending. For some reason I don't think it would applied to White House parties and the like.


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Yes I see the mental midget tip toeing through the tarp funds with his ukulele!


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Everyone got all positive when this administration came in. I found it terrifying. Either one of them would have been.

Stimulus my ass. Yeah, tack some more on the cigarettes.


The Leader of The Free World looks like those old Black G.I. Joes they used to have.

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Tiny Tim Geithner is asking Congress to make him Tszar of All Our Risks. It will be Tiny Time, boy Secretary of the Treasury who will decide which risks are acceptable and which are not.

Apparently he is unaware that the capitalist system (or those portions of our system which are still capitalist) run on risk. Investment in never guaranteed to flourish. It is not a crap shoot, like a poker game or the ruoullete wheel, but it is calculated risk based on less then complete information. If Tiny Tim manages this, it will bring the economy to stagnation and it will morph into a dreary zero sum game which will run down to zero over the course of time.

Be prepared to share your misery and your goods with everyone else.

Ba'al Chatzaf


It is a race against time for enough of the sheeple to wake up, discover what we already know, and replace our leaders with men and women who know the importance of adhering to the principles enshrined in the Constitution. It wouldn't hurt if they have read and understood enough American history to understand what the colonists endured under the oppression of the King of England, why they did not establish a theocracy rather a republic with a bill of prohibitions limiting the power of the state, and why Ayn Rand entitled her collection of essays on the moral justification of a free market society: Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.

You urge us to be prepared above but I know you better and realize you are being facetious. In reality you would certainly take whatever steps were necessary to correct our course rather than submit any more than we already do with all the taxes, regulations, licenses, and prohibitions imposed upon us already.

I renew my plea for everyone to read the books of Rand, Rothbard, Mises, Hayek, Bastiat, Hazlitt, Epstein, Hospers, Blanshard, Darwin, Galileo, Mendel, Aristotle, Sagan, Feynman, Asimov, G.H. Smith, Harris, Szasz, S.J. Gould, W. Williams, T. Sowell, Branden, Branden, G. Reisman, and so many others. Join those within the campaign for liberty movement as well and help enlighten your neighbors.

C4L 28Mar 11PM 130742; 29Mar 5PM 131013


Edited by galtgulch
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