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I'm going out on a limb here, but if I don't do this I'll "think" about it too much and end up doing nothing. I'm still new to both the OL community and The Ludwig von Mises Institute. I've also been trying to make sense of the doings in Washington both at the end of the Bush Administration and the beginning of the Obama Administration. In reading article on either the Mises Institute or Reuters one gets the sense things may be getting dire. Some have suggested what's being done may be irreversible. I don't know -- yet. I'm more the eternal optimist: it's how I'm wired. I keep thinking somehow what's been done can yet be "undone". But where to begin? How do we (I'm being presumptuous that I'm good enough as a beginning Objectivist to be a part of this) affect real change? How do we do it at a personal level? How do it at the local, state and national level? (I suddenly hear Sting's lyric "... men go crazy in congregations, they only get better one by one....").

Hopefully that made sense... I'm fighting a cold and need take some NyQuil head off to bed, but I can't stay on the sidelines anymore. Of course I've probably stepped into the litter box nicely! I'll be back tomorrow night!

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I'm going out on a limb here, but if I don't do this I'll "think" about it too much and end up doing nothing. I'm still new to both the OL community and The Ludwig von Mises Institute. I've also been trying to make sense of the doings in Washington both at the end of the Bush Administration and the beginning of the Obama Administration. In reading article on either the Mises Institute or Reuters one gets the sense things may be getting dire. Some have suggested what's being done may be irreversible. I don't know -- yet. I'm more the eternal optimist: it's how I'm wired. I keep thinking somehow what's been done can yet be "undone". But where to begin? How do we (I'm being presumptuous that I'm good enough as a beginning Objectivist to be a part of this) affect real change? How do we do it at a personal level? How do it at the local, state and national level? (I suddenly hear Sting's lyric "... men go crazy in congregations, they only get better one by one....").

Hopefully that made sense... I'm fighting a cold and need take some NyQuil head off to bed, but I can't stay on the sidelines anymore. Of course I've probably stepped into the litter box nicely! I'll be back tomorrow night!


Welcome! The fact that it is important to you that things make sense is a good sign that you have come to the right place.


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