Something to make the heart sink

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Well, I haven't looked yet. I remember the LAPD fleeing an intersection in LA and the gangs then rioting and parts of the city burning. That was much worse. I don't think I'll weep for a nation of pussies. I still can hardly believe they let the Iranians take some of their servicemen prisoners who were then released under humiliating circumstances. It's against the law to defend yourself in GB. Screw 'em.


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We all know how bad it is getting "out there". Remember the US has a checkered history when it comes to "mobs". I was in Chicago during the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention.

We also have the Draft Riots in NY during the Civil War where I believe Sheridan opened up with cannon on the "rioters".

And let us not forget the Black Wall Street slaughter in Oklahoma in the early 20's I believe.

However, what I am most concerned with is the first large US incident, which I believe will occur before the summer of 2009, because it will trigger the peripheral attacks on random Mosques and the retaliations for those attacks and then it really escalates.

Add a healthy dose of blind fear, the right hate proselytizer and we will make 1968 and 1969 look like a marsh mellow roast at a beach party! Surfs up!


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