NH bill takes secessionist tone over gun laws


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From RidleyReport.com

New Hampshire reps try to draw new lines in the sand against expected Obama gun laws.

Any attempt at secession will be crushed by the armed might of the U.S. Government. The issue of secession and nullification was settled definitively by the bloodiest war in U.S. history, the Civil War.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Edited by BaalChatzaf
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Any attempt at secession will be crushed by the armed might of the U.S. Government. The issue of secession and nullification was settled definitively by the bloodiest war in U.S. history, the Civil War.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Nobody thought the Soviet Union would split up but when it went broke it did. The US it getting into a precarious financial state and then the federal government begins to lose it's hold over the individual states. just an observation.

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Any attempt at secession will be crushed by the armed might of the U.S. Government. The issue of secession and nullification was settled definitively by the bloodiest war in U.S. history, the Civil War.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Nobody thought the Soviet Union would split up but when it went broke it did. The US it getting into a precarious financial state and then the federal government begins to lose it's hold over the individual states. just an observation.

There is difference between the State of New Hampshire seceding from an otherwise intact U.S. and the U.S. disintegrating. Both are possible, but they are not the same.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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There is difference between the State of New Hampshire seceding from an otherwise intact U.S. and the U.S. disintegrating. Both are possible, but they are not the same.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Of course, it is different in some respects and similar in some respects, like all comparisons one might make in life. General Semantics is founded on the idea of uniqueness of events yet in the process of abstraction we note similarities while ignoring differences. This does not invalidate the process of abstraction.

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This is off-topic, but how on earth can you have similarities without differences?

These are words of degree, not kind.


I certainly never said or implied that so I don't know why you are addressing me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
From RidleyReport.com

New Hampshire reps try to draw new lines in the sand against expected Obama gun laws.

Any attempt at secession will be crushed by the armed might of the U.S. Government. The issue of secession and nullification was settled definitively by the bloodiest war in U.S. history, the Civil War.

Ba'al Chatzaf

That's a might-makes-right argument. Which means it is not an argument but more of a threat.

Here's the latest on New Hampshire's secessionistic bill:

NH secessionists expect sizable rally

A secession-leaning bill goes before the New Hampshire House March 4. Its proponents announce a major demonstration for the same day. This last time something like this happened here it was a longshot fight to prohibit Real ID...and it succeeded.

You can digg it at


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahhh NH! That is my home state you know!

I will have to keep checking the local papers up there to see what happens from the local level.

I doubt very much NH would be able to secede. Though, the state motto is "Live Free or Die" there are way to many liberals in the southern part of NH, since it borders Mass.

But I cannot wait to see what happens.

Here is the resolution


NH is not as conservative minded - or should I say liberty minded - as it used to be, despite all the people that have gone there for the Free State Project.

In fact - I am hard pressed to find much coverage on this resolution in the press up in NH at all. Here is one column by someone at The Union Leader (who used to always pick conservative politicians by the way), and while he mentions many things - like NH once again considering a mandatory seat belt law, the only mention of this proposed resolution is in the comments from readers:


I couldn't find anything online for my home town paper, Fosters.com (they were kinda of a sucky paper anyway), nor on WMUR.com, one of the major (and few) stations in NH.

There are only 24 people in the NH senate - and it appears that currently there are more dems than republicans. And let me tell you this: A NH Dem is usually just as liberal (in my experience) as a Mass Dem.

So NH - while I admire what you are trying to do - I doubt you will go through with it.

(On a side note: you find that NH has the best ice cream.)

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If the rock-ribbed live free or die New Hampshire folk become the majority and they secede on Wednsday the state will be occupied by Federal Troops under orders from the President by Friday. That last time secession was tried 620,000 Americans died and one and a half million were maimed.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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As I understand both houses of the NH state legislature are now Dem. I'm sorry but the Free State people should think of another state. Live Free or Die is just something on a license plate.

Sherry; Your comment that NH Dems are like Mass. Dems. Didn't most NH Dems use to be Mass. Dems?

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Yes - my cousin is on the school board up there and very involved in state politics and the exodus from "taxachucetts" is one of the reasons that O'Biwan made mincemeat of the McCain in a state where he had long time loyalty and history.

Sherry: What part of NH? Yes great great ice cream!


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As I understand both houses of the NH state legislature are now Dem. I'm sorry but the Free State people should think of another state. Live Free or Die is just something on a license plate.

Sherry; Your comment that NH Dems are like Mass. Dems. Didn't most NH Dems use to be Mass. Dems?

I am not sure - but sometimes NH seemed like a suburb of Boston, since so many people worked in MA and lived in NH.

It seemed to uphold the Live Free or Die thing more when I was a kid - but again, I was a kid.

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Yes - my cousin is on the school board up there and very involved in state politics and the exodus from "taxachucetts" is one of the reasons that O'Biwan made mincemeat of the McCain in a state where he had long time loyalty and history.

Sherry: What part of NH? Yes great great ice cream!


Dover "Seacoast Area" - worked in Portsmouth.

I used to work at an home made ice cream place called Strafford Farms in Dover as a teenager - I went up there last year and had a cone -still as good as ever.

Though, I may be biased haha.

Texas definitely has better Mexican food though.

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