Atlas points on RoR

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Atlas points on RoR

Over on RoR, my name was brought up by Joe Rowlands:

To my knowledge, the "winner" is actually Michael Stuart Kelly (MSK). I think he's around 17,000 Atlas Points.

So no, lots of points doesn't necessarily mean anything. We have a long tradition here of people finding creative ways to increase their count, or others intentionally sanctioning everything someone else posted to push them to the top.

We used to have the "no sanction" button, which actually gave you negative points. The abuse on that one was crazy, and made enemies of everyone.

I want to state publicly that the insinuation that I might have "found creative ways to increase my count" or that I might have "sanctioned everything someone else posted to push me to the top" is wrongheaded and probably mean-spirited on purpose. Rowlands doesn't like me and never has. That's OK because I don't like him either.

I did no such thing as he insinuates. Not once did I ask for anyone to sanction me and I dare anyone to produce such a request. I even offered my points to others when some people started protesting. (I think I remember even requesting to zero them.) That's all on record and I can find the posts if ever needed.

I did get a large influx of points from a very mischievous poster (not Kat) when this person thought SoloHQ was going down the tubes forever. (And in that playful spirit, I reciprocated after I discovered who it was.) But even if those points were eliminated, from what I have seen, I would still be far, far ahead.

Not that it means anything. It never did to me, except a feel-good thing from public approval of my writing and maybe as amusement at how this grated against the vanity of the owners at the time, who fashioned themselves as Objectivist leaders saving the world from sundry orgies of evil.

Apparently it is still grating, otherwise, why the distortion of reality in a between-the-lines manner? All my creativity went into my writing at the time, not into any unnamed creative endeavor to game the system. Rowlands well knows that and that's what most likely stings. So now it is amusing again.

I consider vanity a folly. It's a shame this is often confused with egoism.


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