How and Why the Democrats Won


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The swing vote in this country is with the independent (no party aligned) voter. The "Shi'ite" Democrats will vote their party no matter what. The "Suni" Republicans the same. The Independent vote is the key to either party winning.

Dubya and the Republicans screwed up rather badly in the last 8 years and lost the support of independent voters. Here is why:

1. A badly conceived and badly fought war.

2. Economic scandals; the Enron scandal and the sub-prime mortgage debacle.

3. An economy gone south.

Does anyone remember anything about Herbert Hoover or Warren G. Harding?

The Republicans are a minority party. They can only win if the independents support them. The Democrats are a (barely) majority party but they cannot get the electoral vote count without the independent voters. The Republicans through stupidity or ignorance screwed the independent voters (mostly middle class people). And there you have it. The only hope for the country in the future is to win back the independent vote and put them back on the path of (semi) good sense.

In the meantime we shall endure and we shall survive the victory of the spiritual son of Saul Ailinsky, the pinko stinko commie agitator. Barak Obam has combine the worst of Ailinsky agitation with Daley type corruption. We shall live under the Chicago "mafia" for the next four years. Pray that it is not extended to eight years.

Maybe a four year object lesson in left wing redistribution will be a lesson to the American voting public. Let us hope it does not lead to another forty years of left wing liberal domination. One FDR type New Deal is quite enough.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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The swing vote in this country is with the independent (no party aligned) voter. The "Shi'ite" Democrats will vote their party no matter what. The "Suni" Republicans the same. The Independent vote is the key to either party winning.

Dubya and the Republicans screwed up rather badly in the last 8 years and lost the support of independent voters. Here is why:

1. A badly conceived and badly fought war.

2. Economic scandals; the Enron scandal and the sub-prime mortgage debacle.

3. An economy gone south.

Does anyone remember anything about Herbert Hoover or Warren G. Harding?

The Republicans are a minority party. They can only win if the independents support them. The Democrats are a (barely) majority party but they cannot get the electoral vote count without the independent voters. The Republicans through stupidity or ignorance screwed the independent voters (mostly middle class people). And there you have it. The only hope for the country in the future is to win back the independent vote and put them back on the path of (semi) good sense.

In the meantime we shall endure and we shall survive the victory of the spiritual son of Saul Ailinsky, the pinko stinko commie agitator. Barak Obam has combine the worst of Ailinsky agitation with Daley type corruption. We shall live under the Chicago "mafia" for the next four years. Pray that it is not extended to eight years.

Maybe a four year object lesson in left wing redistribution will be a lesson to the American voting public. Let us hope it does not lead to another forty years of left wing liberal domination. One FDR type New Deal is quite enough.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Interestingly enough, not one of our past 43 Presidents was an independent (though I didn't find an affiliation for George Washington). With all that's gone wrong on both sides of the isle, why not find another way?

~ Shane

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  • 1 month later...

I agree with Baal's assessment.

The Reps alienated moderates by pandering to the Jesus Fascists (i.e. with running mate Palin), as well. The death of the Fusionist coalition is another important factor. McCain tried to play towards the center during the campaign, but to no avail.

Both major parties are coalitions made of ideologically differring factions, each with their own pet constituency. Thus, both have to come to some basic consensus in order to get a majority.

When one faction is pandered to at the expense of the others, a majority cannot be won.

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