2008 Presidential Campaign Songs

Roger Bissell

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I got creative (?) a couple of weeks ago and answered a colleague's challenge to do a parody on the old "Maverick" tv theme song for the McCain/Palin campaign. Since I'm not a Republican partisan, I have no intention of sending the parody to them or to Rush Limbaugh, let alone to record it for them!

Here are the lyrics I came up with. (No, they don't rhyme consistently.) If you don't remember the tune, you can download it for 99 cents from itunes.

Maverick (McCain)

Who is the man who fights for you? Maverick John McCain.

With Sarah Palin by his side, he will stop corruption and promote reform.

Keepin' our taxes low, puttin' our country first.

You better look out, Washington D.C.!

Keepin' our country strong, puttin' Osama down.

Maverick of the Senate, John McCain.

Let's put him in the White House right away.


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I also came up with a parody on Lynrd Skynrd's "Sweet Home Alabama." (Spelling of his name in doubt!) Apparently he is an Obama supporter, and they were considering using this song for the Obama campaign. But I think my parody is better!

Go Home Barack Obama

Big wheels keep on turnin'

Carry me home to vote McCain

Doin' what's right for our country

Goin' to vote Republicain

Well, I heard Mister Hannity talk about you

Well, I heard ole Rush put you down

Well, I hope Mister Elder made it clear

America don't need you around anyhow

Go home, Barack Obama

Go home, Joe Biden, too

Stay home, Barack Obama

John McCain will see us through

In Alaska, they love the governor

Now, Sarah did what she could do

Her gender does not bother me

Does your pastor bother you? Tell the truth!


Now, John McCain's from Arizona

And he's a hero through and through

He's the maverick of the Senate

He will fight for me and you

Now, how about you?


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I also came up with a parody on Lynrd Skynrd's "Sweet Home Alabama." (Spelling of his name in doubt!) Apparently he is an Obama supporter...


Oh, by the way, which one's "Pink"?

Anyway, good parodies, Roger. I think I'd like them better if I liked McCain.


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