Campaign for Liberty growing in numbers!

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Bob "the Bore" Barr, one of the ugliest individuals to ever occupy the top of any ticket, did not even show up and canceled at the last minute because " wasn't worth it...", basically drove the final stake into a "party" that was on life support.

I've had a love-hate relationship with the LP for many years. My biggest complaint about them has been summed up by this comment: "They couldn't sell ice water in the middle of the Sahara." I predicted a couple months ago that Barr would not get more than 800,000 votes. I think it may be worse than that now.

Every four years, there is this new found optimism after the LP convention. The "leadership" gets cramps from patting themselves on the back at how great they are doing. On election day, reality hits. They are always disappointed.

It's the definition of insanity--they do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. I really don't think they are interested in doing any better than they have done. If they were, they would examine everything they do. I honestly don't think a lot of libertarians know why they do what they do.

A lot of the people who voted for Barr also voted for the exact opposite in 2004--Badnarik. Do these people know what they want?

I honestly have not been involved much since moving down here. I have better things to do. I have only attended one state convention. I have went to the county meeting twice. I regretfully have never been to national.

An old friend of mine (now deceased) believed that the LP had been infiltrated as early as the early 90's. He was not surprised at all by the Browne campaign's shenanigans. The stuff this year has been even worse.

I could tolerate a Barr candidacy if they had nominated a libertarian with him. Instead, they nominated a pure neo-con. Wayne Allyn Root is a complete embarrassment to the LP.


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